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CHAPTER 3 - Moon Goddess Aria (Part 3)

Daniel’s lifeless face haunted my every waking moment and sleep. Alicia, my predecessor, tried to draw my attention to my additional duties and gave me intensive training, keeping me busy twenty-four-seven.

When I was alone in my room with my door closed, all the emotions I had kept hidden during the day surfaced and I let the sadness and despair wash over me. I was a wreck emotionally. How could I move on living my life without Daniel and my baby girl? How could I mend broken bonds and make other people’s dreams come true when fate had so unfairly struck me? I couldn’t handle the pain.

My only solace was observing my little Alison grow up in Evelyn’s arms, feeling proud of the little angel she had become, and being grateful to her adoptive parents for how they raised my only child and the endless love they gave her.

As happy as I was that my daughter was safe and growing up like a princess, the pain I felt as a mother deprived of her child was indescribable.

Every time Evelyn bathed little Alison, I reached out attempting to feel her skin under my fingers. When Alison fell and was injured, she would cry out for Evelyn, who would run and take my little daughter in her arms, kissing the injury and cooing at my little one.

How jealous I was in those moments. I wished I could be Evelyn and have Alison call me mom. I wished I could take her in my arms and kiss her tears away.

But that was impossible. I had become the Moon Goddess, the mother of all. My duty was to look after and protect everyone. Alicia had returned to earth, started a new life with her mate, and left me to handle everything and everyone.

“Aria? Are you listening to me?” Tessa’s voice brought me back to reality.

I smiled.

“Sorry, Tessa. You were saying?” I left my bed and stood by the window, looking out.

“You seem lost, Aria. Are you feeling okay?” Tessa asked. She was worried about me. Every time a young wolf died in a battle leaving a pregnant mate behind, I had the same nightmares and Tessa knew that. She had witnessed my mental breakdowns initially and tried her best to help me through the emotional ordeal which kept me captive, making me unable to cope and perform my duties.

“Don’t worry, dear. I am okay,” I replied, not looking at her. I was lying and Tessa knew it.

“Aria, you should leave the past behind you, sweetheart. You have been the Moon Goddess for centuries, and there is no turning back,” my friend tried to ease my thoughts.

“I know, Tessa. It’s not that easy, though,” I replied.

“Do you need me for something?” I asked, changing the subject. Our conversation wasn’t going anywhere and both Tessa and I knew it.

“We have a special visitor; I came to take you to her,” Tessa informed me and I followed her out, curious to see who the visitor was.

I never expected it to be Alicia, my predecessor.

“Alicia? What brings you here?” I didn’t hide my surprise and Alicia gave me a sad smile.

“What can I say? After my mate died everything was so boring down on earth. I couldn’t live there any longer. I thought I should stop by and see how you are doing. And maybe stay here for a while, if that’s okay with you,” Alicia said in a small voice. She seemed depressed. Alicia was immortal like me. No matter how many years, decades, or centuries passed, we were blessed or cursed to live eternally.

I looked at my predecessor, dumbfounded. Did she mean what she said? Was she actually serious about staying with Tessa and me?

“Alicia, are you sure? You can have anyone you want down on earth and you know it. Don’t you want to try again? Maybe your new mate will be more interesting than the previous one,” I suggested but she cut me off immediately.

“No, Aria. I’ve had enough. I grew very close to Asher and it’s hard for me to live with anyone else. I will rather stay with you if you don’t mind.”

I scrutinised her expression. She was depressed and I understood how she felt. I could never get over Daniel’s loss. Alicia needed time to heal from the pain of her mate’s loss.

“Sure, Alicia. You can stay as long as you wish,” I comforted her and led her inside. She needed to rest. Teleporting through the channels was exhausting, even for immortals.

I led her to one of the house’s bedrooms and left her to rest.

The sun was shining and the view was beautiful. A cloudless sky and a field of flowers outside my window urged me to take my rocking chair out on the porch and enjoy the sight.

I closed my eyes, enjoying the sun rays caressing my face.

Alicia’s depressed face came to mind and I thought of Tessa’s words.

“Aria, you must leave the past behind you, sweetheart. You have been the Moon Goddess for centuries, and there is no turning back.”

I sat up in my chair abruptly. What if there was a way to turn back?

A crazy idea started forming in my mind. And the more I thought about it, the more I thought it was the right time to put it into action.

I had been longing for Daniel. We were forced to separate in such a brutal way. I never got the chance to tell him I was pregnant. He found out from Ella and he died a few hours later.

What if I could go back to earth? What if I followed Alicia’s example and left my position for some time? Yes, but who would replace me?

Alicia, of course! I would ask my predecessor a favour. She was going to stay with me, anyway. Why not take over my position temporarily?

Yes! That would be ideal. I would go back. I would mate with Daniel and stop Erick from killing us. And I would raise our baby with Daniel’s help.

Everything would be perfect. I only had to convince Alicia to replace me.

I left my seat and started dancing on the porch. My body whirled to the sound of the absent music, which was a minor detail. In my imagination, the song accompanying my dance had the most melodic sound.

In the following days, I tried to make Alicia feel better. She needed to be in a good mood when I explained my plan and asked her to help me.

I grabbed the opportunity when we were at the river bank a few days later. I had just performed a ritual at a mating ceremony and Alicia had been watching from above.

After I returned, I found her soaking her feet in the crystal water.

She smiled at me and continued playing with the water.

“Alicia, I need to talk to you,” I stated firmly and she looked at me curiously.

“Is something wrong?” Her voice was calm and melodic, like mine.

“I need you to replace me for some time. I want to go back and mate with Daniel again. You deprived me of my life back then and I want to live it now,” I cut to the chase.

“What?” Alicia left the water and stood up, her eyes wide open.

“You heard me. I want to go back, as you did. I deserve a second chance,” I said stubbornly.

“Aria, even if you go back, you know what the result would be,” Alicia tried to reason with me.

“Not if I can prevent it, Alicia. I will stop Erick Williams this time,” I declared, keeping my stance.

“Aria, going back means you will be reborn. And for that, you must pay the price, as I did. I knew my mate would die leaving me alone, but I took my chances and lived happily with him for as long as possible. And now look where that got me. Back to heaven, alone and depressed.” Alicia tried to change my mind.

“Whatever the price, I will pay it,” I replied and Alicia huffed, irritated.

“Fine. I will cast a spell on you and Daniel and he won’t recognise the bond between you. You must not reveal your identity to him. You must try to capture his heart in ways other than the mating bond. If you succeed in becoming Daniel’s Luna, you must think of a way to take down the evil Alpha Erick destroying his plans and involve your child’s foster parents in your lives. Oh! And you will go back as an Omega with no special powers.” Alicia announced with a smug smile and l looked at her, stunned by her last words.


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