The girls and I are waiting to get inside the frat house. It's a grand, luxurious building. White pillars support the roof of the entrance, and the garden is filled with dancing people. There is even a pool where some girls are floating around on a pink unicorn.
Bianca turns to me, sizing me up for the billionth time. "You don't look like yourself wearing that. False eyelashes definitely aren't your thing—it looks super fake and not natural."
My heart gets punctured by her words. I rarely wear fancy clothes, but I expected Bianca to support me, not keep telling me this look isn't for me. I already feel ridiculous—I don't need her to remind me.
"Calm down, will you?" Linnea frowns at Bianca. She is taller and wears her usual gothic clothes: everything is black except the Harley Quinn-inspired hair. There is also a piercing in her nose.
"I'm just stating the truth." Bianca crosses her arms. She is a gorgeous brunette. She always looks stunning, especially tonight, with her red velvet dress, heels, and big pouty lips.
"No. You're being rude. Natalie looks stunning, and you know it. So shut your jealous trap and enjoy the rest of the evening, okay?"
Bianca gapes at Linnea like a stunned goldfish, and then she storms past us to skip the line. Luna follows her like a shadow, leaving me alone with a beyond annoyed Linnea.
"I can't believe she was so mean to you," Linnea peers down at me. She is wearing killer platform shoes. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine," I dismiss her worry with my hand. "I just want to skip this line. People are looking at me funny."
"Because you're beautiful," Linnea says determinedly and leans down to whisper into my ear. "That guy over there hasn't taken his eyes off you. I'm pretty sure he is a quarterback."
I curiously follow Linnea's gaze to the grill in the garden. I'm happy and excited but frown upon meeting Noah's eyes. He is surrounded by girls who talk animatedly, but he discreetly smiles at me.
"And he is super gorgeous," Linnea says in a dreamy tone. "He must be well over six feet tall—he makes me appear tiny."
"He is not my type."
"Girl, are you blind?" Linnea snorts. "He is everyone's type."
"Not mine."
"Whatever—you only got eyes for your mystery guy."
If Linnea knew the mystery guy was Noah, she would flip out. There is no telling what she would do. Scream? Try to make me take a picture of his package so she could sell it on campus? The possibilities are endless.
Linnea moves on from the subject. She talks about hair colors, but I'm not listening.
Noah keeps tormenting my mind and memories until it's our turn to step inside the frat house.
The guy by the door looks us up and down, frowning. "Are you sure you're at the right house? We don't like goths and dwarfs."
I open my mouth, but the air is blown out of my lungs when Linnea steps forward to challenge the guy. He is taller than her, but she doesn't seem to mind. She pushes her finger between his ribs, digging it into his white t-shirt like she means business.
"You will let us pass, Johan, or I will tell everyone that you slept with your enemy—me."
My eyes widen, and Johan's face pales. He immediately steps aside, seeming to sweat in his clothes.
"Enjoy your evening, ladies."
Linnea hisses at him, but I grab her arm, pulling her inside the house while laughing.
"Is he your ex-boyfriend or something?" I ask.
"No, we are old childhood friends who thought it would be fun to try sleeping with each other."
"I take it he wasn't great in bed?"
"Oh, Johan is great, but he lost his soul once he became the team captain of the rugby team. He only dates bimbos now."
I grimace. "I'm so sorry to hear that."
Linnea shrugs. "It's whatever, but enough about my ancient history—I want to get drunk! Let's find the free booze!"
Laughter sips out through my lips. "I think I saw a few girls come out of the kitchen with red plastic cups."
We swim through a herd of drunk people. I have to press my way through a clan of blondes who glare at me. I'm the lonely brunette without a pack of my own, and the blondes can smell fear—they know they are making me anxious, so they keep staring.
I swallow and try to ignore them. I'm a top-notch student, and usually, I hate parties like these. The reason I came is that... Maybe I wanted to see Noah?
I would never say it out loud, but damn, he looked good standing outside in only a pair of shorts.
"This is great," Linnea says once she has filled our cups with whatever the thing in the bowl was. "Alcohol tastes better when it's free!"
She hands me a cup, and we cheer. A smile spreads over my lips, but I freeze once I notice Noah. He is studying me from the hallway, casually leaning against the wall.
Linne leans in closer. "Do you think this is destiny? This might all be a sign that I'm meant to ask out that quarterback for a date. He is definitely staring at me."
Somehow I get the feeling it's me Noah is staring at. There is a slight evil tilt to his sinful lips, and before he leaves to follow some friend pulling his arm, he winks at me.
"Did he just wink at you?" Linnea gasps. "No way—is that the mystery guy from your phone?!"
"No!" I panic and quickly create a story in my head. "I know him, alright? His name is Noah, but he isn't the mystery guy. Noah is the son of the woman my dad is getting married to."
"Oh..." Linnea chugs down her drink. "That still doesn't rule him out from being a love interest? I mean, come on—he is a fine specimen! You could serve a family dinner on that ass."
I spit out my drink into my red plastic cup. "Noah is my stepbrother! Please refrain from talking about his ass. Thank you very much."
Linnea's lips are quivering. "But he is so hot!"
I roll my eyes and sigh heavily. "Noah is the devil incarnate. Trust me, your innocent heart deserves someone better than him."
Suddenly people are moving past us, seeming to head for the pool. Linnea forgets about our conversations and smiles.
"Looks like there is going to be pool wrestling. Alright—I totally want to watch this!"
Linnea leaves my side, but someone grabs my sleeve right when I'm about to follow her. I turn around and catch Noah's eyes. He is wearing a mischievous expression.
He sizes me up with admiration written over his features. "You're beautiful tonight. More than usual."
I blush. "Thanks..."
He keeps taking me in but lets his eyes briefly travel to the pool area. Two guys are down in the water, picking a girl to carry on their broad shoulders—Linnea is one of them.
Noah leans closer, his breath hot on my ear. "Do you want to follow me upstairs?"
My skin burns at the suggestive tone in his voice. "And miss the biggest wrestling game of all time?"
Noah's fingers are playing with the strap of my bra. I shudder when he whispers. "I promise I will make you feel good. You know I will. Do you remember last time?"
I swallow thickly and turn around, peering up at Noah in the darkly lit room. Disco lights move over his chiseled face, casting his brown hair in purple and red. His irises are enormous, lips curving slightly.
Why does Noah have to be so attractive?
Life isn't fair...
I give up. "You better make this quick!"
He grins. "You're the one who will beg me for more."