Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 1

Ariana Lynch was rushed to the hospital with her big pregnancy bump, and when the car that brought her parked his car Infront of the hospital, her brother named Lucas Lynch came out of the car with the maternity home registration card, and he rushed Into the hospital reception and he gave the registration card to the receptionist,

Meanwhile, the receptionist stared at Lucas Lynch, he was sweating and looking stressed, and the receptionist gave him access, and he pointed to a nurse that was coming,

Lucas didn't bother to listen to the receptionist again, he went to meet the nurse, and he gave the card, and when the nurse saw the card and the letter attached to the card from a maternity home where she supposed to have the babies,

The nurse rushed Into the gynaecologist office, and he gave him the registration card and the letter, and when the doctor read the content of the letter, he stood up Immediately, and he asked, “where Is she?“

“I think she Is still Inside the car parked outside” the nurse retorted,

“Get the stretcher and wheel her In” the doctor said, and he Immediately contacted other doctors on phone,

When the nurses saw her Inside the car that brought her, she was week, and she couldn't talk, she was mouth breathing,

Ariana Lynch was brought out of the car, and she was arranged on the wheel, and she was wheeled Into the surgical room,

Her water has broke hours ago, and her blood pressure was too high, and the medical team stared at each other, and the ultra sound results proved that Ariana Lynch was carrying four babies In her womb,

Ariana Lynch went under the knife to have her babies, and when she heard the crying of her babies, little strength came Into her, and when the doctor placed her babies on her body, her strength fully came,

She stared at her babies, she smiles, and a while later, she flashes back to how she met the man that Impregnated her,

Ariana Lynch works as a tourist guild In one of the reputable airlines agency and tourism company, she was a beautiful, Intelligent and smart but fell a victim of cercumstances,

Ariana met with Racer Brett, a billionaire heir, but still single when they met,

Ariana and her colleague was assigned to guild Racer Brett, a young man from one of the Arabian peninsula,

Racer picked Interest In Ariana because of her Intelligences, and he likes her, and he couldn't takes off his eyes on her,

The following day when Ariana and her colleague came to their clients which was Racer, he was trying to familiar with Ariana, and at the end of the day, two of them gets familiar to each other,

The fifth day, he approached Ariana for just a night stand with a reasonable payment, but Ariana declined and she made It clear to him that she was not a prostitute, that she should approach a prostitute around, or If he likes she can help him get one,

Racer declined her offer of getting him a prostitute, and he Insisted that he want Ariana,

A day to his departure, he Invited Ariana for a date, and she agreed but she refused to enter Into his hotel room, but they exchanged telephone numbers, and Ariana left for her house,

The following day, Racer returned to his country, and since then they have been contacting each other on phone, and they fell In love,

A few months later, Racer Invited Ariana to his country, and sent some money, and he bought a return first class ticket for her, and he booked a five star hotel where she will be lodged,

Ariana was happy to come across a billionaire that wanted to spoil her with oil well money,

Ariana bought expensive wears, necklace, earrings , and she prepared her luggage, she picked her ticket, and she boarded a flight to Arabian peninsula,

Racer came In Lincoln limousine car, one of the most expensive car, and he came with his guys and his bodyguards, and he welcomed Ariana nice, and she was led to the one of the five star hotel where she was lodged,

Ariana supposed to spend two to one month, but she spent just five days because Racer's fiancee traces him to the hotel, and she made Ariana known that their wedding was on the way, and she threatened Ariana, and Racer couldn't do anything because they were engaged, and at the same time, they were family friends cum business partner,

Ariana was disappointed, and felt betrayed and deceived, and she was scared, and the following day, she returned to America,

When Ariana returned to America with the hope of returning to her job, she got sacked from the job for negligence of duty, she was begging her boss while tears was dripping down from her eyes, but her boss said that another person has taken up her position, and he can't reverse, and they're no other positions for her In the company,

Ariana couldn't go home on time, she went to seaside and sat there sobbing, and since she has returned to America, she has been trying to reach out to Racer but his line was switch off,

A few minutes later, she got a call from her twin brother that her mom has been rushed to the hospital,

Ariana left the seaside, and she Immediately boarded a but to the hospital, but before she got to the hospital, her mom has died, and she and her twin brother was In the hospital sobbing, and they were thinking of what to do,

Ariana's twin brother doesn't have a job, he has just finished his high school education, he doesn't have any money on him, but he rely on his twin sister,

Their mom was buried with the little money that remains In Ariana's bank account, and they returned home,

“Two weeks later, they were still mourning their mom when the mortgage bank that borrowed their mom money to buy their house came with report that their mom has failed to made repayments for five months, and the mortgage bank seized their house, and they were given a period of one month to pay the mortgage bank debts or they should vacate the house before one month,

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