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Chapter 2

Two weeks later, Ariana was having pregnancy symptoms, but she thought It was a result of what she was passing through, she was holding herself, she doesn't want her twin brother to know that she was heartbroken,

fives weeks later she missed her menstrual circle, and she waited for five days before she went to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test kid,

Early In the morning she woke up, and she rushed to the washroom where she carries out the pregnancy test and It was positive, she broke down In tears,

A few minutes later, Lucas woke up and he checked Ariana Inside her bedroom as usual, but she was not found on the bed, and he walked to washroom's doorstep, and she knocked on the door,

Ariana came out of the washroom with her eye balls swelled and rosy, and when she was trying to hide the pregnancy test, the kit fell from her, and Lucas picked up the kit, and he saw that It was pregnancy test with positive lines,

Lucas asked, “Ariana, what's this, Is this what you are trying to hide away from me?“ we just lost our mom, and we are losing this house, and you lost your job, and now pregnancy” he explained,

Ariana sat on the floor sobbing bitterly, and she took her cellphone, and she tried to call Racer Brett, the line was not In use again,

“Who's responsible for the pregnancy?“ Lucas asked,

“Racer deceived me, he betrayed me, and he put me Into shame and problems” Ariana said while tears was dripping down from her eyes,

“Do you have his phone number?“ Lucas asked,

“His phone number was not In use anymore according to the network customer care” Ariana explained,

“Alright, don't worry, we are twins, I promised that I will never leave you, and he lift her up, and he led her to the bedroom,

The same day, Lucas went out on a job hunting, but he doesn't have luck to get a good job with good salary, but he got a job as a shop attendant with lower salary,

Lucas doesn't have a choice, he took up the appointment, and he started the job immediately, and he call Ariana, “hello Lucas” Ariana responded, “where are you?“ she asked,

“I've gotten a job with lower salary” Lucas said,

“You can manage that for a while, you can still be lucky to get a good job with fantastic salary” Ariana said,

“I hope so” Lucas said, “how are you now?“ he asked,

“I'm good but depressed” Ariana said,

“Don't worry, you will be fine” Lucas said, and he ended up with the phone conversations, and he went to take up his duty, and other relevant things,

Two weeks later, the mortgage bank came, and Ariana and Lucas was ejected from their mom's house because of the debts,

Lucas went to work and he explained his problems to his boss, and he requested for salary advance,

His boss has pity on him, and he was given half of his salary, and he returned to meet Ariana,

The money was not enough to pay for one room apartment, but Instead of bothering themselves, they went to the hostel where they could afford a room with just little furniture, and Lucas paid, and they moved Into the room In the hostel, and Lucas returned to his duty and he left Ariana In the hostel,

Meanwhile, Racer got married to his fiancee named Manissa Holmez, but he was not happy because he was forced to leave Ariana heartbroken, and he couldn't stopped thinking about her,

Six months after Racer's wedding, he was Involved In ghastly car accident, and he was rushed to the hospital where he was treated, but the doctor had a close door meeting with Racer and his parents, and Racer and his parents burst Into tears,

His parents was heartbroken, and they felt like someone that lost a child, and they saw Racer like they've lose him already, and his father said, “I worked for nothing sake, no heir to leave behind, there's no heir that will keep my name going, I'm dead already” while tears dripping down from his eyes, and he walked Into his bedroom,

When Racer was discharged from the hospital, he couldn't stop sobbing, and the secrets was kept away from his wife Sunita,

Ariana didn't know what Racer was passing through, he didn't know that he was passing through hell,

Ariana was trying to get a job, but she was not lucky to get any job, but she later approached the owner of the hostel for cleaning job, she was giving the job, but the salary was poor, and other girls used to bully her, and they used to Insult and Intimidating her because she refused to join them In prostitution,

when her tummy started bulging out, the rumors was spread all over the hostel that Ariana's twin brother Impregnated her because they were sleeping In the same room, and that was what they could afford,

Ariana saved some money that she used to buy few baby things,

When baby bump was becoming big, she couldn't do the cleaning job any longer, the house owner stopped her, and he employed another cleaner In her replacement, and that was the month Ariana fell Into labour,

Ariana opened her eyes while tears was dripping down from her eyes uncontroliablely,

All the medical team that has been coming to check on her thought she was sleeping,

A few minutes later, she turned her head, and the nurse that was with her said, “doctor doctor, she's awake” and two doctors came to check on her, and they asked, “are you okay?“

“Yeah” Ariana said, and she nodded her head, and they said, congratulations, you have four boys”

“Four boys” Ariana repeated, and tears began to drips out of her eyes, ,

The doctor thought It was tears of joy, and they left him, and the doctor went to meet Lucas In the reception, and they called him and the doctor asked, “are you Mr Lynch?“

“Yeah, how Is she?“ Lucas asked nervously,

“Relax, your wife Is perfectly okay” the doctor said,

“She's my twin sister” Lucas said, “please, can I see he” he asked,

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