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Chapter 3

“Well, you can see your sister, she had quadruplets, all boys but one of them Is under critical condition” the doctor said,

“Critical condition, okay, let me see my sister” Lucas said nervously,

“Come with me” the doctor said,

The doctor led Lucas to the maternity ward, where Ariana are being laid on the bed,

Lucas was happy to see Ariana, but at the same time, he was thinking about the hospital bills and the buying of medicines for the babies, he was unable to concentrate,

“Ariana, congratulations” Lucas said,

“Thank you Lucas” Ariana said, “have you seen my babies?“ she asked,

“No but the doctor says three of them are perfectly okay, but one Is still under treatment” Lucas said,

“Which problems Is this, I'm thinking of how to settle the bills, now, one Is under treatment, oh, my babies, be healed without spending much, mom doesn't have money” Ariana said while tears dripping down from her eyes,

“Ariana stop this, you know If you fall sick, that will be another problem, please, hold yourself, let's find solutions” Lucas said, “I'm coming, let me check on the babies” he said,

Lucas went to meet the doctor and he asked, “can I see my sister's babies?“

“Sure the doctor retorted,

The doctor led him to the babies's ward where he saw three babies hail and healthy, and was led to the Intensive unit where he saw the baby that was In critical condition, he was too tiny, he was underweight, and his skin was becoming green, but the doctor assured him that he will be fine,

Five days later, Ariana stood up on her feet, and she was led to the Intensive care where she saw her sick baby, and the baby was getting better,

Fifteen days later, Ariana was discharged from from the hospital, and the hospital bills was six thousand dollars, and the bills was given to Lucas, and he asked, “where are we going to get this amount of money?“ 'this Is too much for my financial strength” he said,

Lucas walked Into the senior doctor's office, and he pleaded for linient, mercy and reduction of the hospital bills, and the doctor listen to his pleading, and he reduced the hospital bills to four thousand dollars,

Lucas went to the maternity ward where he met Ariana, and he explained, and he showed Ariana the hospital bills,

Ariana went through the hospital bills, and tears was dripping out of her eyes, “where are we going to see this kind of money, six thousand dollars, and It was reduced to four thousand dollars, even four thousand dollars Is not In anywhere around us both home and bank”, she lamented,

Lucas left for work, and he approached his boss and he explained and request for three months salary advance, but he was given just two months salary advance which Is one thousand five hundred dollars, and he left and he went to meet one of colleagues, and he explained his problems, and his colleagues Introduced him to a microfinance where he got loan of three thousand dollars with the conditions of four hundred dollars monthly In nine months, and he agreed and signed the agreement documents, and he rapidly headed to the hospital, and he paid four thousand dollars, and Ariana was discharged and he returned to the hostel with her four babies,

In the night when the babies are crying, other tenants were complaining,

Four days later, the co-tenant reported Ariana and Lucas to the hostel owner, and the hostel owner came, and when he saw the babies, he couldn't chase them out of the hostel Immediately because of the strong breeze outside, but he gave them fifteen days to vacate the hostel, but Ariana begged for one month, that after one month, she and her brother will vacate the hostel,

Ariana bursted Into tears while tears was dripping out from his eyes,

When month end, Lucas came home with just fifty dollars only, she explained how his salary was deducted by his boss and the microfinance, and the fifty dollars he brought home Is not enough to do anything, and he asked, “what are we going to do?“ fifty dollars Is not enough to do anything” he said,

Ariana brought out her box, and she brought out a box of juwelries, and she gave It to Lucas, and she said, “take this, please sell all so that we can regulates our problems”

“We don't need to do this, let me find another way to solve this problems” Lucas said,

“Where do you want to scout for money?“ Ariana asked,

“Don't worry, I will sort out things, I'm a man, I need to be strong to rescue my twin sister, I need to hustle, I need to get another job” Lucas explained,

“I understand, but my babies diaper has finished, no groceries at home” Ariana explained,

“Lucas moves closer to Ariana, and he held her hands, and he said, “Ariana, I made a promise to you the day I discovered that you are pregnant, and I still maintained my words, I will stand by you till you will be fine”

“Thanks, you are my blood, I strongly believe In you, but be careful” Ariana said,

Lucas called his school mate, and he explained his problems and he wanted to borrow money from him, and his friend named Dan retort, “come, I have a job for you”

“But I have a job already” Lucas said,

“This Is a part time job” Dan said,

“Okay, I will meet you at home” Lucas said,

Lucas went to the nearby store and he got little things he could gets and he brought the shopping bags for Ariana, and he rapidly went to meet his friend at home, and Dan Introduce him to a website owner where he registered as a part time porn star, and Dan took him to a night club where he registered as a male stripper,

Lucas called his boss, and he took three days off, though Dan advised him to sign off his job, but he explained that he couldn't sign off because he was owning four months debts In his office, but he took three days off from his job, and he went for strength test, and the test results came out positive, he was able to manhandle four ladies at a time,

He returned to the manager, and a five hundred dollars deal was signed and sealed for masked porn amateur,

Lucas was given one girl for the first time, and It was life show on the television channels and on social media,

When Lucas was done, he was paid five hundred dollars cash as a beginner, he was so delighted and he was so happy, just an hour job, five hundred dollars,

In the night he went to the club where be became a stripper, and a woman spotted him, and she gave Lucas her contact address and phone numbers, and the woman waited for him until he was done with his stripping job, and he made seven hundred dollars In the club,

A few hours later, the woman went to meet the manager and she asked, “where Is the young man that stripes In the night?“

“Do you have any complain about him?“ the manager asked,

“Not at all, I just want to see him” the woman said, and she smiles,

“okay, wait a moment” the manager said, and he walked Into the Inner room, and he called Lucas, and the woman went home with Lucas, and the woman explained to him that he has a friend that need a young man for a surrogate father, and she's ready to pay” the woman named Julian,

“Is the woman around?“ Lucas explained,

“Not at all, she's not from this country, and she want everything to be secretive” Julian explained,

“No problems” Lucas said, “how much are you paying me for my job” he asked,

“The total package of the deal Is seven million dollars, but you are getting two million dollars for your job” Julian retorted,

“How can you pay me two million dollars out of seven million dollars, no I can't take that amount” Lucas said,

“Anyway, I can't pay you more than that, because I have other expenses to pay out, I will pay for the hotel, feeding, and some other things, and If you reject the offer, I will get other young guy, there are many young guys out there looking for this opportunity” Julian explained,

“Anyway, add more money” Lucas said,

“Two million dollars Is your share nothing more” Julian said,

“Okay, no problems, when Is she coming?“ Lucas asked,

“Soon” Julian retorted,

“Any latest on the job, keep me updated” Lucas said, and he returned to the hostel with lots of shopping bags, and he met his twin sister battling with her four babies,

“Why didn't you come back yesterday, I was worried about you” Ariana said,

“I told you I'm a man, I need to hustle, If I stay at home, I won't get all this money” Lucas said, and he brought out the remaining money eight hundred dollars, and he gave It to Ariana, and he said, “please, keep this money, I want to relax a while” he said,

“Where did you get all this money” Ariana asked,

“Don't worry about that” Lucas said, and he laid on the couch and he slept off while Ariana went to the kitchen, and he prepared lunch, and she was waiting for Lucas to wake up,

A few hours later Lucas woke up, and two of them had their lunch, Ariana asked, “did you know that we have only five days to leave this hostel, the hostel owner came to remind me yesterday” she explained,

“I know, we will leave before the time” Lucas said,

“How are we going to get money?“ Ariana asked,

“Leave that area for me, I will sort things out” Lucas said,

A few minutes later, he got a call from his manager that he should be coming that he has a job, and he left the hostel, and he went to meet his manager,

Lucas asked, If he can do two sessions of life show, he was lucky to have his request granted, and he was given two girls, and he did very well and he Impressed the director,

he was given the second session a few hours later, he was given another three girls for the second session, and he perform nice,

Lucas was Initiated after the second session, and he was welcome to the world of pornstars, and he was allowed to mingle with other renowned pornstars In the clubhouse, and his payment was Increased,

A few hours later, he dressed up and he went to the night club and he was Initiated and also welcome Into the world of strippers,

Lucas made five thousand dollars In just two day he started the job,

Instead of going home, he went on house hunting, and he was lucky to get a house, and he paid, he bought fairly used furnitures and kitchen equipment, and the house was well arranged with faily used furniture and kitchen equipment, and he bought a baby pusher of four babies, and he hired a vehicle, and he headed to the hostel, and he explained, “Ariana, you will need to come with me, I want to take you out for the first time after the birth of you babies,

Ariana was happy to go out with her twin brother,

Meanwhile, Lucas wanted to surprise Ariana with the two bedroom apartment he newly rented for two of them, and he said, “wait a moment, I will be back shortly” Lucas came out of the house, and walked down to where he parked the hired vehicle, and he opened the vehicle and he brought out the baby Pusher, and pushed it Into their room In the hostel, and when Ariana saw the baby pusher, she jumped up, and he was excited and happy to see that Lucas got her a baby pusher she has been longing to have,

Lucas arranged the babies Inside the baby pusher, while Ariana was arranging diapers and some other Important things that the babies will need and she carries the baby bag while Lucas pushed the baby pusher, and when they were going, other girls that have underrated them, especially the two ladies that was given Ariana and Lucas problem rushed out from their room, and he saw that Lucas brought a vehicle, and they were watching them going towards the parking lot where Lucas parked the car,

Ariana asked, “where did you see this vehicle?“

“I hired It, but I will soon get mine, possibly I can get you one” Lucas said,

“Are you for real?“ Ariana asked,

“Yeah, we are stepping up soon” Lucas retorted, and he smiles,

Lucas arranged the babies In the car, while Ariana sat beside her babies at the back seat Inside the car, and Lucas drives on to the newly rented apartment, and when Lucas parked Infront of the house, he brought out the house keys, and he brought out the baby pusher, and the babies was arranged on the baby pusher, while Ariana carried the baby baby bag, Lucas pushed the babies down to the doorstep, and he opened the door, and Lucas said, “welcome to Lucas and Ariana's new apartment”

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