Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 6

Ariana arrived at the police headquarters, and she met with security at the entrance, “good afternoon sir” Arian greeted,

“Welcome, and how may I help you?“ the security asked,

“Please, where can I seek permission to see a detainee,” Ariana asked,

“you will have to fill out a form, then I will later direct you,” the security said,

“Alright sir,” Ariana said,

All the necessary documents were signed and she followed the normal. procedure before Ariana was allowed to visit her twin brother, and she waited patiently In the hall until she was called,

Ariana arranged her kids on the baby pusher, and she pushed them to where she will be able to see and speak with her brother,

The kids were given her problems, they were running up and down In the hall, so she has to arrange them on the pusher before she walked Into the stall where she sitted,

“How are you, Lucas?“ Ariana asked, “How did It happen?“ she asked,

”you are my twin sister, I can't hide anything from you, right from our youth, we don't use to hide anything from each other, I will tell you how It happened, It's about surrogate stuff, and after the job was done, she framed me up with a bracelet she gifted me the day she was confirmed three weeks pregnant, and she Invited me for celebration, and she told me to put on the bracelet, and the next thing she did, she raised alarm, and I was arrested” Lucas explained,

“you didn't tell me that you are In a surrogate business” Ariana said,

“I'm doing all these things for our survival, we are orphan, and we need to help each other, please get me out of this place, I don't need to waste my time here, I have so many things to catch up with on the streets” Lucas explained,

“I will tried my best, I will get a lawyer” Ariana said while tears dripping down from her eyes,

“please, get me out of here, I'm bored” Lucas said,

Lucas gave all his bank debit cards and some other relevant things to Ariana, and he gave her the pin to his debit cards, and his social media accounts, “you are free to withdraw from my bank account, pay lawyer so that the case can be charge to court of law on time” Lucas said,

“relax your mind, I will try my best” Ariana said,

Let me give you some people's phone numbers, they could be of help” Lucas said, and he gave Julian's and his two managers's phone numbers to Ariana, “Please, call this woman and my managers, they will be of help, try and see them, discuss with her, they may help us get a good lawyer” he said,

A few minutes later, a warden came, and he said, “the time Is up” Lucas stood up and he left Ariana and her babies, and he said, “take care of yourself and the kids, and he was led Into the detention while Ariana returned home,

When Ariana arrived home, she called Julian, “hello, and who Is on the line with me?“ Julian asked,

“Ariana Lynch, the twin sister of Lucas Lynch” Ariana explained,

“yeah, “how may I help you?“ Julian asked,

“Lucas In the police custody, he was arrested two days ago, and he gave me your phone numbers” Ariana explained, “how do we see for more discussions?“ she asked,

“can we see today?“ Julian asked,

“yeah, can you text the description of your house to Lucas phone numbers?“ Ariana asked,

“are you with the phone?“ Julian asked,

“yeah” Ariana retorted,

“I will send It In five minutes” Julian said,

A few minutes later, Julian sent the description, and she packed her babies things, and she arranged her kids on the stroller, and headed to the the description that Julian sent her,

It took her almost two hours before she arrived at Julian's house,

Julian was surprised to see Ariana with quadroplets, and she quickly opened the door and welcomed her Into her house,

“Lucas never told me that you have a set of quadroplet” Julian said, and she smiled, “how have you been coping with them?“ she asked,

“with the help of my brother (Lucas) I was able to made It, but to face the reality, It wasn't easy” Ariana explained,

“sorry about that” Julian said,

“do you know any lawyer that can be of help?“ Ariana asked,

“to be real, that girl In question Is a stupid bitch” how can you put someone that help you Into serious problems?“

“that Is human being for you, she thought, Lucas might come back for the child” Ariana said,

“she knows that Lucas can never come back for the child, at least, there are legal backing, both party signed an agreement, and there Is no reverse, she Is just a wicked bitch” Julian explained, Lucas has another waiting job, we just srike the deal, and we have signed legal agreement, see what that bitch does to destroy or slow down my business” Julian explained furiously,

“anyway, the deed has been done, how do we find solution to get him out on time” Ariana said,

“I will have to get him a competent lawyer because this Is a criminal case, baby lawyer can not handle the case” Julian explained,

“do you know his managers?“ Ariana asked,

“yeah, I will call them so that all us will join our forces to get him bailed” Julian said,

Julian called Roland and she explained to him, and she called the second manager, and she explained to him also, and two of promised to come to Julian's house the same day,

Ariana was waiting, and her kids was playing around In Julian's living room,

A few minutes later, Roland and Richard came for further discussions on Lucas Issues,

The administrators agreed with Julian to Involve a senior criminal layer, and they contributed some money, and they transferred the money to Julian's bank account

Julian Introduced Ariana to Roland and Richard, “We discussed on phone today” Richard said,

“I don't know that Lucas has a beautiful sister like her” Roland said,

“I'm just seeing her for the first time,

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