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Chapter 7

A few hours later, Roland and Richard left for their houses while Julian and Arian were preparing to go to the lawyer's office,

A few minutes later, Julian and Ariana walked to the parking lot where Julian parked her car, and the babies were arranged Inside the car while Ariana sits beside the kids,

Julian drives out of the parking lot and headed to the criminal lawyer's office, and a few minutes later, they arrived at the lawyer's office, and Julian parked her car in Infront of the lawyer's office, and they came out of the car, and Ariana arranged her kids on the stroller, and they pushed the babies Into the lawyer's office,

Julian explained what happened, and how It happened, and he negotiated with the criminal lawyer, and the criminal lawyer promised to try his best to get him bailed or get him out of the police detention,

Julian transferred the demanded amount of money to the lawyer's bank account, and the lawyer gave them a two days appointment, “I will need to visit Lucas In detention, I need to know things about Lucas, and I need to see the defendant” the lawyer explained,

“Is It possible to stop the case from going to the court of law?“ Julian asked,

“all depends on Manessa, I can dialogue with her to withdraw the case, but she might be giving some unnecessary conditions” the lawyer explained, “did the lady lives In the United state of America?“ he asked,

“she lives In Arabian Peninsula” Julian retorted,

“Can you Invite her over?“ the lawyer asked,

“I will try my best” Julian retorted,

“without her around, nothing can be done on time, the judge will continue to adjourn the case until the woman In question is present In the court of law” the lawyer explained,

“I will call her today, I will appeal to her, maybe she will come to withdraw the case out of the court of law” Julian explained,

“perfect your homework on your side, I will try on my side, we need to work together so that we can get better results, and our mission will be accomplished on time” the lawyer explained,

“Sir, please, help us, Lucas Is the only person that I have, we are orphans, and we didn't know any of our parent's relatives, we are alone In this world” Ariana explained while tears dripping down from her eyes,

“how are you to him?“ the lawyer asked,

“he's my twin brother” Ariana retorted,

“Don't worry, I will try my best to get him bailed” the lawyer explained,

“thank you, sir,” Ariana said,

“you are welcome,” the lawyer said, “let's meet In the police headquarters In two days, and I will make sure I try my best to get him out the detention,” he said,

The discussions ended and closed, and Julian and Ariana stood up and headed to the roadside where Julian's car was parked, and they arranged the kids Inside the car, and Julian entered Into the car while Ariana sits in the back seat beside her kids,

Julian offered to drop off Ariana at home because of the kids,

Ariana was very appreciative because It was getting dark, and coping with kids In the public transport wouldn't be easy for Ariana,

“Can you trust me?“ Julian asked,

“yeah, I can trust you” Ariana retorted, “but on what ground?“ she asked,

“stay at home, take care of your kids, I can see that it's not easy to be going with four babies without a car, please, stay at home, I will handle the case, I will come to your house to give you feedback” Julian explained,

“staying at home won't give me peace of mind, Lucas needs to see me, and I need to see him, I will manage, and I will bear the pains” Ariana explained,

“Alright, take care of yourself, I will pick you up In two days,” Julian said,

“I will expect you,” Ariana said, “thank you, ma'am,” he said,

“you are welcome,” Julian said, and she entered into the car, and she drives home,

Ariana opened the house door and entered Into the house, meanwhile, the kids are tired and weak, and they were about to sleep In the stroller, she strolled the stroller Into the bedroom, and she laid them on the bed, and she walked Into the kitchen, and she prepared dinner for herself and the kids, she spoon fed the kids, and she took her dinner,

Ariana was tired, but she managed to clean up her kitchen, and she arranged some children's dirty clothes Inside the washing machine, and she walked Into the bedroom, she laid beside her kids on the bed, and slept off,

“The following day, she woke up early, carried out her normal house chore, and she went to the supermarket where she shops for the essentials for the house, and she returned home,

Meanwhile, Julian called Manessa, “hello” Manessa responded, “how are you?“ she asked,

“Why did you frame him up?“ Julian asked,

“leave him there,” Manessa said,

“Why are you so vicious, cruel and nasty, why did you choose to pull my business down?“ Julian asked,

“Why are you so furious at me because of this guy?“ Manessa asked,

“That Is the hottest guy I have now, and many clients preferred him to other guys, he knows how to handle women softly” Julian explained, and some people choose him because they wanted to have handsome kids, and beautiful children” Julian explained,

“Sorry about the condition I put him in,” Manessa said,

“tell me the truth, did Lucas steal your bracelet?“ Julian asked,

“He didn't steal from me, but I just want to put him In jail so that he will not come back for the child” Manessa explained,

“you are wrong In your thought, Lucas Is just a sperm donor, he can't come back for the child,” Julian said, “there is legal backing, and both parties signed a legal document that you can tender at the court of law In case of problems” Julian explained,

“I understand, but there Is still fear In me because I don't want anything that will destroy my home, I love my husband, and I don't want to lose him because of this Issue of pregnancy” Manessa explained,

“Relax your mind, my guys can never betray or go against the legal documents they signed” Julian explained,

“I believe you,” Manessa said,

“When are you coming to the United States of America?“ Julian asked,

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