
During the past month-

Alarm kept on snoozing on incessantly. Sophia growled loudly before turning it off and again shut her eyes close. She got out of bed and still in somnolence went straight under the cold shower. Even in the month of mid October she favored cold bath to get her cracking up.

After freshening herself, she came out of the washroom in lower-teas and a towel wrapping her soaking hairs. She went on kitchen-diner in hasten pace to make early meal. Toasting bread and frying eggs she sat on stool near kitchen counter to have her not so lavish breakfast. After finishing it, she did the dishes and cleaned the counter.

Back in the room she took out cerulean pullover and a pair of jeans to be clothed in. Untangling her hairs and drying them up, she made a messy bun. Applying emollient on her rosy lips she took a last look of herself on the mirror and left the apartment after locking it.

Standing at the bus stand waiting, her line of thoughts started to run how her life changed in just span of two years and how her life could have been different only if her parents would have been alive. Train of her thoughts halted, by the screeching sound of the bus. Getting on it, scanning her pass, she stood clutching the hand railing. As it was the peak hour of the forenoon she didn't get any seat. It was fifteen minutes way to her Gallery from her apartment. After making it to her destination she walked to the building where she worked.

Well everyone's morning is not same. On the flip side Noah arises even before earth surface is bashed with the sun gleam. After waking up and doing morning duties he went to the gym vary present in his stately mansion and worked out for an hour or so with loud music playing in his ear buds. Straight away after sweating himself up he went to take a dip in the pool at the backyard of the mansion.

After gymming and swimming, he got ready in Giorgio Armani peacock blue tuxedo and coat; he descended to dining area to have his breakfast. He's a man who wants his everything to be aligned and orderly, felt need for control over his environment; one may say he has OCPD. It's like his custom to have breakfast by sharp 7:30 A.M. and then off to work by 8:00 A.M. He finished French toast bites and fried green tomatoes with black coffee and went off to the office.

Sophia on reaching went straight to her superior, Charlotte's accommodation and gets started with her carving where she left the other evening. After sometime, Charlotte entered the block and saw Sophia indulged in work without even noticing her presence. She checked the time; it was 8 in the morning, still early. Charlotte sighed thinking how good deal of things she had learnt in just span of two years of working and how Charlotte herself made request to director to increase Sophia's pay considering her talent. As a result he scolded Charlotte that she doesn't have appropriate gradation.

"Good morrow Sophia, as usual today also you came quite early."

Sophia turned her head and saw Charlotte standing by the locker and keeping her belongings.

Sophia beamed and replied "Greetings Charlotte, yeah actually I want to complete this sculpture at earliest convenience."

Charlotte smiled back and they both got focused with their respective works.

Entering his cabin Noah called his secretary, Stefan in. As soon as Stefan entered, Noah at once probed, still his eyes glued to the laptop.

"How's the advancement?"

Stefan gulping replied "We are working on it."

Noah lazily shifted his eyes from laptop and smirked "Stefan, do you remember what you said past week regarding this project? Mmm?"

Stefan remained soundless when Noah again growled.

"We are working. This is what you said. Just because you are holding down a job under me for a long period of time, don't you dare to take things for granted. I won't think twice before firing you. Arrange tomorrow's breakfast with Mr. James. Let’s hear what nonsense he got to say."

Nodding his head Stefan came out of his cabin, releasing a puff of air which he was holding for a long time.

After working for a long time where Sophia took a small break to have lunch, at evening she made a small run to bus stand. Taking bus ride back to lane near her apartment she went to the café where she works as florist. Wearing black apron she started floristry of regular bouquets. Suddenly bell hanging on the door chimed, getting up with her usual smile she saw her friend Lisa entering.

"Hey Sophie sweetheart, Surprised?"

"I really wish so, but no." Sophia replied mischievously showing her slight dimples.

Lisa scoffed taking chair when Sophia asked her "So regular one?"

"Yeah, I don’t understand what he likes so much about flowers?"

"Well they are refreshing and if you feel so annoyed stop bringing them to him every other day. I'll inform Samuel of you being bored of this cycle." Sophia teased her.

"Stop it! You tell me, you gave it a thought?"

"Regarding what, Lizzy?" Sophia asked without thinking much still busy in arranging flowers.

"I give you money - pay loans - get further studies - pay me back - this - and that and all?"

Sophia raised her beautiful hazel eyes towards her and smiled half heartedly saying "Your bouquet is done."

And saying so, she started to make a new one. Lisa gave her a hard glare and left the shop with stomping her legs after slamming money on the counter for the bouquet.

Rest of the evening went in a snap and Sophia got off the work by 9 at night. While walking back home Sophia's mind was preoccupied with Lisa's offer. Shall she really take this proposal into consideration? No, she thought shaking her head, once she take money from her, Lisa won't take it back. And not just her but also Lisa's father who was also close friend of her deceased father. Also she doesn’t even know whether she herself wants to continue with sculpting.

Entering her apartment Sophia kept a bowl of noodles to boil and went to take shower. She fell asleep as soon as her back hit the bed because of all day long rush, after having dinner.

Noah was still working like machine in his laptop when suddenly his cabin's door shot open and his friends Dexter and Leo bragged in. Noah lifted his grey eyes from laptop to them and said in chilled tone "That made me think who can be this unmannered to brag into my office without bothering to ask for my permission."

Dexter threw glares at his direction and opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Leo.

"We came here to take you to the club."

"Hmm" Noah hummed in response.

They left for the club after ten minutes owned by Noah. There they got tanked up off limit. Where Leo called his chauffeur and went back to home, Noah and Dexter got themselves respective rooms to spend night with whom even they didn't knew.

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