Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3

Present day

Days later.

I entered a coffee shop not far from work, just ten minute's walk.

Been working so hard for the past few days and I take coffee to stay awake. I know too much caffeine isn't good, I need it.

I took a gulp out of my coffee and walked to work when suddenly someone bumped into me and my coffee spilled on my white shirt and on the scarf I cherished for years, he left without apologizing.

What do I do? My place is far from here, I rushed into the office and saw my colleague, Mitchelle.

What happened?"

Michelle asked.

"I was just enjoying my coffee with the weather when suddenly a guy bumped into me and spilled the coffee on my shirt and scarf, nothing is on my pants. He ran away without apologizing"

I said trying to use a tissue to wipe it off which isn't working.

"What will you do? You are covered in coffee"

I'm frustrated.

"Oh, I think I have a blue top here, it should be your size, I've been sleeping here for the last three days cause I have things to do"

"Please, I need it, I don't think this will leave with just using tissue"

She went to her desk and brought out the top.

"Thank you so much"

I appreciated.

"You better hurry, You don't want someone to see you like this"

I rushed into the restroom and changed.

I came out.

"You look better"

Michelle said.

"Thanks, I will return it tomorrow"

" You are welcome"

"Miss Drea, you have a delivery outside and it's a must you collect yourself"

One of the security came in.

Delivery? I don't know anyone here, delivery, I think it's a mistake.

I went outside to check.

"Good Morning, Someone told me you have a package for me"

"Yes, Drea Campbell right?"


"Someone ordered these flowers for you"

He said handing the bouquet of rose flowers to me.

I took it and saw a card on it.

The delivery guy left.

I opened the card.

"Hey beautiful, Your red shoes look good on you, you look more beautiful today


I have red shoes on, Is someone stalking me? But who? I looked around to see if anyone is staring at me, but I didn't see anyone.

It's Sunday, my day off, I'm hoping they don't call me from work to cover any news.

I need some time today.

I've gotten my house and moved in too.

I heard a knock on my door, I think the food I ordered is there.

I opened the door, no one was there, that's weird. I looked around and I saw a bouquet of rose flowers. I have been receiving this for a week now, who is stalking me? I took it in and opened the card on the flowers.

"You look good with makeup on and without makeup on


I need to do something about this, who is this and why is this person sending me the same flowers?

I sat down on the couch trying to find answers to my question when my phone rang.

It's from Mitchelle.


"Hey Mitchelle"

"Hi Drea, how is your day going?"

"It's going fine"

"Did you check my message?"


"I sent you a text message that Nicki Miraj is on her sick bed and about to die, I want you to cover the news, I would have but my dog is sick"

For real? I need a full day to myself, ever since I moved, I haven't had a full day to myself and her dog is sick. Oh boy.

"Ok, I will be on my way, send me the hospital address she is"

"Ok, Thanks"

I hung up. I hope I don't end up on my sick bed.

I texted My cameraman(Steve) and sound technician(John) to meet me at the address Mitchelle sent to me.

I took my car keys and left for the hospital.

Minutes later.

I got to the VIP ward where she is staying.

To my surprise, She looks healthy and was watching a movie of herself.

Steve caught her with his camera.

"Nicki Miraj, I thought you were on your sick bed and that you have cancer"

I asked.

"Wha. What? Who let you in?"

She yelled.

"Answer my question"

"Daniel... Daniel... Who let the reporters in?"

She yelled again.

"Are you doing this because of your ex-boyfriend?"

I tried to force her to speak, this is an exclusive, I need to get something from her before the other reporters arrive.

"No, I AM sick"

"You don't look sick to me, are you trying to let your ex-boyfriend feel pity for you?"

"Pity? No, I am not trying to get his sympathy, I'm healthy and nothing is wrong with me"

"So why are you in the hospital?"

"I just needed some vitamins"

"Why did you lie that you have cancer?"

She looked at me speechless.

"You know what?"

She looked at the camera.

"I'm not in the hospital because of you Martin so I don't need your sympathy, Get output"

She let out and pushed us out of her ward.

"Did you get everything?"

I turned to Steve.

"I got everything"

He replied.

"Good job guys"

Nicki Minaj is a brat, I'm pretty sure she is in the hospital because of her ex-boyfriend, maybe she still has feelings for him.

"I'm sorry to call you guys on your day off"

They might be doing something important so I have to apologize.

"You don't need to apologize, we know what we signed up for"

John said and smiled.

I smiled.

"Ok then, see you tomorrow"

We went our separate ways.

I got home.

Steve sent me the videos, I did some edits, and typed an article that says "Nicki Miraj faked her sickness just to get her ex-boyfriend's sympathy"

She ruined my day, she has to pay the price.

I uploaded it.

I checked the time, 9 pm, it's late already.

I took a shower and went to bed.

Before getting to work, I went to the coffee shop not far from work and drank the usual, and left for work.

"Thank God you are here, I was about to call you"

Mrs. Denver said and approached me.

Good morning to you too, I said in my mind.

"Jason Beckham wants to share an exclusive with us, he wants you in particular, I don't know why but he will be here in a few minutes so get ready"

Why does he want me? Oh yeah, he gave me a dollar with his phone number on it, What is he trying to do?

I sat down in the studio, waiting for him, it's been 10 minutes, and he said he will be here any minute.

"Jason wants the interview to be at his place, he has a fever"

Mrs. Denver came in.

"Can't we do it tomorrow?"

I asked.

"It's an exclusive, no, we can't, be on your way now"

Oh God, I'm going to end up on my sick bed soon.

Just because you are rich and a celebrity doesn't mean you can do what you want.

I sighed.

We packed a few pieces of equipment and left.


A few minutes later, we got to the address given, I have to say, the mansion is beautiful and big.

We rang the bell, and a lady in formal clothes came out and let us in.

"Welcome, Follow me"

She said.

We followed her.

Mr. Beckham was sleeping when we got in, like seriously?

Oh boy.

"They are here"

The lady said.

He stood up.

"Hi, Welcome"

He said and yawns loudly.

"Good morning, I don't think you are in any position to be interviewed, you seem tired"

I suggested.

"Says who? Just do your job"

He stood up and went inside.

"You can set up your cameras, He will get ready"

The lady said.

I sighed.

It's going to be a long day.

We set up the cameras and lights, The makeup artist fixed my makeup and we were patiently waiting for Jason to be ready.

Suddenly, I was thirsty and needed water.

"Where can I get a cup of water?"

I asked the lady.

"Walk down then turn left, you will see the kitchen, help yourself"

She said.

"Ok, thanks"

I left.

I got to the kitchen, took a bottle of water from the fridge, pour it into a cup, and drank it.

I turned around and found Jason standing for Lord knows how long with a towel wrapped around him exposing his chest and water dripping down from his hair, It took me five seconds.

"I came to get water"

I blurted out.

He came closer.

"I remember giving you my phone number to call me"

He came closer again only leaving two feet between us.

"I don't recall that, do you mind putting some clothes on, and let's start what I came here for?"

I know what he is doing.

He brought his face towards me.

"Let's talk in my room when we are done"

He tucked in a loose strand of my hair behind my ear and he brought his lips closer.

I slapped and pushed him away. I left the kitchen.

He was trying to kiss me, unbelievably, of course, a playboy.

10 minutes later

"Let's start"

He came out dressed in casual clothes.

"Please take a seat here"

I said pointing to the chair next to me.

"It's my house, I sit wherever I want, don't tell me what to do"

He said and sat down. Oh no, I'm angry, he is rude cause I didn't give him a chance to kiss me and touch me.

I looked at him in disgust.

"Camera rolling and we are living"

The guy behind the camera said.

"Good morning, My Name is Drea Campbell and I'm here with Jason Beckham, How are you doing today?"

"Go straight to the point please"

"Um... Ok, about your Movie, you wanted to share something with us?"

"Yeah, My movie Fifty Shades of Grey doesn't have a date before, but now, it does, It will be out in a month so look forward to it and I hope you enjoy it"

"Okay, You've heard it right from the main lead that the movie will be out in a month so look forward to it, My name is Drea Campbell"

"and cut"

Steve said.

I didn't even want to waste a second in his place anymore, we packed the equipment we brought and left.


I slammed my room door behind me and stood in front of my mirror.

I clenched my teeth.

My face hurts, she hit me so hard. No girl has ever said no to me after Kehlani. I like this girl and I must have her.

I took my phone and placed an order at her workplace and told the flower shop to send the usual to her, I told them what to write on the card too.

You have to be mine!!!

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