Chapter Four: Vampires
We finish packing and load my car. Vincent informs me that he will have people get the rest of our things and list the apartment for sale. I try arguing with him but it's no use. I used our mindlink for the conversation because I am still not sure how I will tell Katie. There's so many questions I have but it'll have to wait till Katie goes to sleep. It's still quite dark but the sun will
rise in a few hours, we pull up to Vincent's place. It is a gated sprawling mansion on several wooded acres. It's beautiful but so extravagant.
It's twilight, don't vampires turn to ash? Or does it have to be direct sunlight? I remember Eric saying something about it making them weaker, but how weak?
Vincent just looks at me and shakes his head no. Apparently, I need to learn more about vampires. I hope he plans to answer my questions.
Katie gasps, “We are living here!”
Vincent responds, “Yes, there's plenty of room.”
She asks, “Do you live alone?”
He says, “I have a small staff, they stay in the small guesthouse out back.”
I sigh because this is all way too extravagant. Then I remember how lonely he must be. It's just him in that huge house all alone.
He snaps his face to mine, “Eva, stop thinking that!”
I bite my lip, “I can’t it is just too much.”
Katie says, “He's rich so what? You've dated rich guys before.”
I say, “Dated not lived with.”
Her eyes widen, “Thought this was a vacation.”
I reply, “Umm yeah it is. I meant live with for a few days.”
She smiles, “Good because I didn't pack all of my stuff.”
I look at Vincent and he motions for me to continue as we walk inside.
I ask her, “Were you attached to the apartment?”
She says, “No, it's yours anyways. Why?”
“Just thinking it's time to move. We'll stay here until I find us a place,” I tell her.
I hear Vincent say in my mind,'smooth very smooth'.
Once inside, he shows us where the bedrooms are and lets us have our picks.
I decided that I wanted a snack and Katie did too, so I went into the kitchen. Vincent motions to the fridge and says, “The house is yours ladies.”
I can't help myself. I think 'just the house huh?'
Vincent responds in my mind, 'So what do you want Eva? You believing yet?'
I think 'crap you weren't supposed to hear that. Ugh this sucks'
He mentally responds, 'that and more could be arranged'.
I smack him on the shoulder.
He says, “What was that for?”
I glare at him, “You know damn well!”
He looks at me quizzically, “Maybe but that kinda hurt.”
I turn and pause because vampires shouldn't feel what I did as painful as it would be merely a tap to them. So he tells me that we will talk later.
I look through the kitchen and it is exactly as I would have it and it is stocked too. Odd, because he's a vampire. Some of his servants must be human. I made cheesecake bites and pepperoni pizza bites.
Katie as she takes a huge bite says, “God I love you so much.”
I say, “Just hush and eat.”
I know he knows the answers to what he asks, but I appreciate him attempting conversation.
He asks, “You always eat late?”
I say, “I do, Katie only does when she doesn't have to be up early to teach.”
Katie adds, “But I take leftovers. All the teachers love her cooking.”
I say, “It's nothing fancy.”
She says, “But it takes like it.”
Vincent asks, “Do you enjoy cooking?”
I respond, “I do when I have people to cook for.”
He says, “Ever think of making it a career?”
I say, “No, I like writing.”
He remarks, “You can do both.”
I glare at him. He raises his hands, “Fine, I will drop it!”
Katie asks, “Vincent, what do you do?”
He dismisses her, “It's boring and unimportant.”
I glare at him. I will snoop and find out unless he tells me first. I think 'we are so talking later mister'.
We go to the living room and he makes a fire. I walk over to the fire. I take in a breath, “Love is a flame that burns with a sacred fire,
And fills you up with sweet desire
Yet, once the altar feels love's fiery breath,
The heart must be a crucible till death.
What happens when the heart yearns no more?
Do you always have to settle the score?
Say love is life; and say it not amiss,
Say that love is but a synonym for eternal bliss.
Say what you will of love-in what refrain,
But the heart knows that it's another word for pain.
Yet the pain we will endure
Because love comes at a price
A price we will gladly pay time and time again
Because we all want love as our eternal friend.”
When I'm nervous or need to think, I recite poetry or quotes. Right now I'm both nervous and need to think.
Vincent asks, “Who wrote that?”
I say, “I did.”
Katie replies, “She's quite talented. She's won awards.”
He looks at me, “I bet she has.”
Katie asks, “Mind if I borrow one of your books and go to bed?”
He tells he that he doesn't mind. She wishes us goodnight as she grabs a book before whispering to me, “Please do everything I'll do and most importantly those things I don't do.”
I sigh, “Seriously!”
She says, “Girl, I'm not blind.”
I say, “Just go to bed. I'm gonna pull some pajamas out.”
I rushed to my room and put on my silky pink and black pajamas. I went back to find Vincent in the living room.
“Much better. I hung my dress up in the hall closet. I hope that's ok,” I tell him.
He says, “It’s fine.”
I'm nervous and I don't want him in my mind, “Let’s talk. I won't read your mind if you don't mine. Deal?”
He states, “Deal. Ladies first.”
I ask, “How old are you?”
He takes a sip of his drink before he speaks, “I was born in 1015 in what is now Brussels, Belgium.”
“So you're older than Prince Eric?” I ask.
I cock my head, “Why aren't you Prince then?”
He says, “No desire for power. I don't like the limelight. My turn, so you know anything about your parents?”
I bite my lip, “No just that all of my family are dead.”
He asks, “Have you encountered immortals before?”
I say, “Yes, just felt they were different. Although I didn't peg them as such at the time. I now know they were vampires and a few wolves. I don't think met any witches or other beings.”
I wish for a pen and a paper and they appear.
He jumps, “What the f*ck!”
I giggle, “Um, I needed them. I'm gonna ask you questions and write the answer and then destroy the paper. It's how I commit things to memory.”
He looks confused, “You just wished for the pen and paper?”
I nod.
“That's not a vampire thing. We don't have telekinesis outside of being able to compel. We can't control inanimate objects,”as his gaze roams over me,“That's a witch's ability through a spell or a higher being like an angel or demon.”
I look at him, “But I'm not a witch as I didn't say a spell. I'm not evil and I'm far from angelic.”
He says, “No, you're not a witch as the wolf would've sensed you. They are excellent at detecting magic users.”
I respond, “Then what am I?”
He says, “We will find out, but knowing you have magical ability is astounding.”
I say, “So I've learned what kills a vampire and that the sun just weakens you. It doesn't affect me. I wonder if I have any other vampiric traits?”
He asks, “Vampires have excellent regeneration, do you?”
I shake my head because I am not sure. I am rarely sick and since my 25th birthday I have not been injured.
That birthday changed so much, but why? I go to the sink and cut my hand. It heals fast like in the movies.
I exclaim, “Wow!”
I go to wash the blood off of my hand, but he stops me, “Wait! Let me.”
I notice him looking hard at my blood. I don't think he will harm me. He's just curious to see how I taste. Maybe that can reveal what I am?
I ask, “You're curious aren't you?”
He nods. We get my hand cleaned. I poke my finger and place it in his mouth. He moans. I pull my finger away and it's healed.
Vincent exclaims, “You're like nothing I've ever tasted!”
I sigh, “That can't be good.”
He's concerned, “Why?”
“Means I'm rare. I don't like that,” I am getting more and more scared of this world.
He tries to reassure me, “Well it's also rare that you might be that wolf's mate too.”
I admit defeat, “Ugh this is crazy.”
He says, “Yes,” as a smile lines his lips.
I state, “Sol have ESP like a vampire and regeneration and telekinesis.”
He says, “Yes. But you said you see our sins and sense things.”
I respond, “Yeah I see visions, memories basically. I feel your emotions too.”
Vincent says, “I saw you touch your cheek before you had the wolf call, why?”
I say, “To link to him, I felt it. He left a trace of him behind so I used it to find him and get into his head.”
He hums as he nods, “But you're just in mine, no contact needed.”
Where is he going with this? “Maybe it's because of proximity,” it can be just that, right?
He says, “When you hit me earlier it was fairly strong. It could be a vampiric or wolf thing.”
I ask, “So we need to test it and me to see what we can learn?”
He nods, “Yes, vampires are strong as are wolves. So the more we can learn the better.”
“Ok. I don't crave blood so that's good. Why do you eat food?” I ask.
He answers, “To appear normal. Most food has no taste to us.”
“You said most, what do you taste?”
He smiles, “Usually just wine and some rare meats. But I could taste what you made tonight.”
I ask, “Why?”
He shrugs, “I have no idea.”
I decide to ask, “Why do vampires hate wolves?”
He sighs, “We don't hate them nor witches, most of us just choose to not be around them.”
“Has there been wars?”
He nods, “Very bloody ones, why we have the neutrality treaty.”
I sigh, “Based on what the Prince said, that would make me the neutrality treaty.” He nodded so I continued, “Ok back to my questions, do vampires fly and turn into bats?”
He chuckles, “No bats but the very powerful ones do fly.”
I grin, “Like you.”
He nods. “But you don't. Why?”
He says, “You are very persistent.”
I smirk, “l am, get used to it!”
He glares at me, “Very bossy too.”
I raise my eyebrow, “I prefer the term spirited.”
He huffs, “You're so not my type.”
I brat back, “What intellectual and authoritative?”
He rolls his eyes, “I've lived a long time. I know what I like.”
I say, “Apparently Fate thinks you're an idiot!”
He glares, “There's no filter with you is there?”
I reply, “Only if there has to be. If we are mates like you think, then I shouldn't have to be fake around you.”
He says, “You're right but you're also infuriating.”
I snip at him, “Feeling is mutual. Are all vampires rich, arrogant assholes?”
He retorts, “Yeah. Are all journalists annoying, controlling b*tches?”
I laugh, “Why yes, yes we are!”
The next thing I know, he's kissing me. It's one of those kisses you don't want to end. It's electric and so sensual. Our
hands lightly roam each other's bodies. He tastes like dark chocolate mixed with a salty spice. I moan and he does too. I have never felt passion like this. It's an all-consuming fire. God he tastes so good. He smells like just the hint of ocean and musk. It's intoxicating. My legs instinctively wrap around his hips. We continue to allow our tongues to mingle in my mouth. Damn, he's a good kisser. I am so in trouble!