Chapter Five: The Walk
He takes my hand and leads me outside. Under the moonlight, we walk into the woods. It should be near morning but yet the moon still lingers. We come to the bank of a secluded lake. The moon reflects on the water lighting up the lily pads and their flowers. On the fragrant flowers are butterflies. It is extremely beautiful. It reminds me of the night I was sitting on a dock dangling my feet in the water. This poem just infiltrated my mind. So I decide to share it with Vincent, “I go into the night,
Seeking someone to hear my plight
I feel the world around me.
I leave behind the rest of humanity.
I walk further into the night,
Leaving everything behind to feel right
I find myself heading out to the place where no one speaks.
As I halt within the night, I scan the trees around me.
I crouch down to the earth
And feel it pulsing under my hand
There is a power here that I wish to understand
As I wait within the night,
I send my senses outward.
I feel the life around me, I'm overcome with a sense of knowing
The trees, the grass, the water they all give me peace
As I listen in the night, I gaze up to the stars.
May the powers hear my troubles out, give me answers
to my queries.
My life has made me become weary
I embrace the calm that settles over me.
I thank the powers for their aid, and for the wisdom I have gained.
Each time I go into the night,
I enjoy nature's delights.
The air, the soil, the water, the foliage, and the life that
dwells here all bring me strength and rid the darkness by the grace of their light
Even in the darkest of night, one can embrace delight.
There is much beauty in each and every night.”
He asks, “Was that one of yours?”
I nod. He thinks for a moment, “It's a very pagan concept. You're likely part witch or your soul just identifies with it.”
I have to ask, “Would that complicate things with us?”
He tries to reassure me, “What you are won't change whatever made the connection between us. It just makes you dangerous and a target once you learn to control your powers.”
I say, “We don't even know what I can do.”
He squeezes my hand, “Well, I can test your vampiric abilities and I bet the wolf can see what if any shifter ones you have.”
“As for witch do I just find spell books and give it a whirl like in Harry Potter?” I ask.
He chuckles, “F*ck if I know.”
I laugh, “Awe where did Mr Prim and Proper go?”
He looks at the lake and then says, “Let’s test your speed.”
He runs across the water and picks a flower from a lily pad and returns twirling it between his fingers as he smirks.
I sigh, “Um I doubt I can walk on water.”
He smirks as he puts the flower behind my ear, “Try it.”
I look at him skeptically, “How do I know you just don't want to get me all wet?”
He chuckles, “You don't.”
I reply, “If I get wet, I will find a way to get back at you.”
He winks, “I don't doubt it. Perhaps that's what I want.”
I select the closest one to try for. I think to myself be fast and walk on water. I give it a go. I manage to get to the flower and back with only getting wet just over my ankles.
He kisses my cheek, “Not bad. Maybe with the years or if you could turn you'll be able to avoid getting wet.”
“Well this proves that I have some speed at least.”
He nods, “Yes and that's good.
Stay here. I'll be right back.”
He sprints to the house and puts a record on and returns.
He instructs me, “Now concentrate on your hearing and tell me what you hear playing back at the house.”
I close my eyes and try to blockouteverything. I hear the blood flowing in my veins and his heartbeat, I try to stifle that noise. Then I hear the music.
“I hear music,” I state.
“Good, describe it,” he says.
I think for a second, “Opera I think. William Tell overture or are least sounds similar.”
He smiles, “Very good. You are right the opera was a comedy composed by a famous Belgium André Grétry. So you have our keen hearing.”
I rub my head, “It makes my head hurt a bit like a mild headache.”
He asks, “Do you trust me?”
I laugh, “Do you realize how silly that sounds? I'm in the woods, at night, in the company of a powerful vampire and you'reasking me if I trust you.”
He raises his eyebrow, “Well I was going to give you a massage but now I'm rethinking it.”
I giggle, “Well don't trouble yourself too much.”
He scoffs, “I swear I think the world hates me.”
I grin as I laugh, “Or loves you, I'm pretty special.”
I catch his thought without meaning to. He said to himself, 'maybe you are more than you know.’ Our eyes lock. The space between
us lessons, like there is an invisible cord tethering us together both pulling us and binding us as one. I see the look of amazement in his eyes and I know mine reflects the same. I can see myself in his eyes. His beautiful blue orbs seem to glow and sparkle. It's like nothing I have ever seen.
He touches my face, “Your eyes glow like peridot.”
I smile, “Yours glow like someone put a lightbulb in the depths of the ocean.”
We gaze at one another. He touches my cheek and I touch his. It feels like warm silk, so soft and smooth. Then we kiss, wind swirls around us picking up bits of water from the lake. It's like we are in the center of a tornado. We pull away and touch our foreheads together.
I say, “Are you doing this?”
“No this has to be you.”
“Um, how?” I'm so confused.
He says, “I have no idea. Try to imagine it back calm like it was.”
I do and everything returns to normal. This is so wild and it has one hell of a learning curve.
“Nothing like this happened with Kevin?” he asks.
“No. I had a strong connection with Kevin but the most that ever happened was that candles flickered or lights dimmed,” I say.
He cocks his head, “And you didn't find that odd?”
Bluntly I reply, “No just coincidence because it didn't happen all the time.”
Now part of me feels silly for not figuring out just how different I was before now. It would have been nice growing up if I had known why I was a freak. I bet other kids could have sensed that I wasn't human.
I start to make a comment about how anytime he and I are close that something happens, but his laughter interrupts me.
“What?” I ask.
“Eva, you're finishing my thoughts before I can speak them. I think I'm getting used to you.”
I laugh, “Next you'll say how I'm like a worn in pair of sneakers.”
He looks confused, “What? Why would you want to be old shoes?”
I roll my eyes, “It’s an expression. Ugh just forget it. It's hard to explain.”
We talk as we walk back to the house. He thought I might get cold so I told him that I'm rarely sick. He thinks that could be either a wolf or vampiric trait. But what if I'm not part vampire or wolf? I know we assume what I could be a mix of based on what my mates are, but what if we are wrong?
We sprint the rest of the back while holding hands. I think I'm growing on him. He's still quite odd to me, but there is a charm to it. I do feel comfortable around him and safe. I can be myself. I haven't been able to be myself since Kevin. Vincent gives me a glimpse of what my life could've been like. He is also what my future holds. After tonight, I want to see what having a mate is like.