- One date?.
A week of hard work in the photography studio, I came early and slept late, I learned how to shoot and edit, the first few times I did everything sucked and as I tried, I got better.
-That's right Helena, capture the model's face, the light, and the model's own brilliance.
-That's it? - "I'll say it when I focus on her face.
-That's it. You have to try every way and every side, from various angles and poses, at least two of each, to see what looks best.
After we chose the best, he told me to edit and present tomorrow at the meeting, said Larissa was expecting a good performance from me and all the magazines that have partnership with us would be there, could use our photos. At the end of the job, we put our things away and chatted like we do every day.
-Well, we could go out, couldn't we?
-Of course, why not?
-I don't know, you're my boss, I'm the employee, people comment.
-Not about me. -What do you mean?
-What do you mean? - "I frown on it."
-I like boys,silly girl,I want to hang out with you as a friend,I need to have some fun time.
-Of course. "I say smiling embarrassed,I really didn't get it."
We left,went to my house,I took a shower and got ready,then he got ready(he was already prepared with the clothes in his bag),and then we left my house together,we went to a Rave party and it was very cool,the lights,the cars,the huge wall of sound and that very loud electronic music.
-Let's drink girl. "he says pulling me in.
We drank and danced a lot,it was a very good night and at the end of it,me and two more boys had to carry Augusto to my house,we blacked out with tiredness after saying goodbye to the boys who helped us.
-Good morning Augusto. "I smile."
-Morning. "Turn over on your stomach and put the pillow on the back of your head.
-"Well, I'm going to the cafeteria near the studio, why don't you come with me?
-Why go so far away? There's one just around the corner.
-I like it there.
-Okay then, go ahead and get my macchiato.
-Yes, bossy sir.
I leave the house and just lean against the door, walk to the bus stop and call a cab, buses take too long on weekends. When I arrive at my destination, I pay the fare.
I enter the beautiful rustic place,because of the cold autumn weather,there was a beautiful fireplace burning,I really loved this place,I felt good,happy and at home.
As I had time, I sat down at a table with two chairs by the window, I liked to see people hurrying around (even on a weekend). I nod and the waiter comes up to me.
-Good morning.
-Good morning, what can I get you, ma'am? "I smile even though I'm still not a lady.
-I'll have an espresso.
-"Anything else you'd like to add?
-No, just the usual.
-Ok, is that all?
-No," says the same man sitting at the table, "I'll have the same as you.
-Yes, sir. That's it?
-Honey buns too, get a dozen, that's all.
-Ok, the boy leaves and silence reigns.
-Good morning Miss Helena.
Her smile was beautiful.
-Good morning Mr. Hugo.
-Do you even come here on weekends?
-Yes, when I can, and you?
-As I said, I'm a friend of the owner, so I come often.
-How come I've never seen you around here before?
-You must have seen me before, you just don't remember, or you didn't notice me.
-True, that could be.
-What do you do for a living? -A studio.
-In a studio, I'm an interior graphic designer (among other things) and now I'm learning how to shoot and edit photos, and you?
-I just work in the food business," he says lowering himself.
-More or less- "our coffee has arrived"-, can I consider this as a date? Thank you - "tell the waiter you're leaving."
-I like invitations, I like to get ready, etc.
I smile looking at him, he was extremely charming.
-So, would you like to go out with me sometime?
-Yes. Just make an appointment.
-Give me your number.
I pass him the number and he saves it, immediately sending me a "Hi", I reply and save his number too.
-But then, are you really from here?
"I ask sipping my espresso and he takes a long sip of his drink.
-Yes, I was born here.
-You have relatives?
-No more, my mother died and my father doesn't speak to me anymore, it's a long story... And yours?
-My parents and my younger sister live in another state, my older brother in another country.
-So you're the middle child?
-Yes, and you seem to be the only child, right?
-No, I'm my mother's only child, my father has another son, about my age.
-Ata. Dating?
-Not yet.
I stopped in time to see her stunning smile, her eyes were also the most beautiful.
We had coffee and the best conversation of all, we said goodbye and I returned home, Algusto has gone and left a note, said that Larissa suffered an accident, set the meeting for the other week, he would help her in whatever she needed, told me to call and that I do later.
After calling him,I decided to call my parents.
-Hey mom! - "I say happily as soon as she answers."
-Hi my love, I miss you, how's work?, are you eating right?, are you drinking enough water?
-I miss you too, mom. Yes, I eat very well (only in fast food), I drink a lot of water (except now because it is very cold this time of the year here).
-Helena, Helena, stop thinking you are a child, eat healthy food and drink lots of water.
-Yes, mom, I will. How are you?
-We're fine, but your sister Laura has been difficult, I told her to stop it, and your father is losing his patience, which he could never lose with you and Saul.
-It's a phase, Mom, when I come I'll talk to her, how is Dad?
-He's fine, sometimes irritated with Laura, but fine, his health is much better now, we are regulating everything, food, seasoning.
-I'm glad he's better.
-When are you coming to see us? -It's been a year.
-I'm going on vacation soon, then I'll come over.
-It's good - "I hear screams" -,can you hear me?
-More problems, my love, I have to go, don't forget to call me, please, I miss you.
-Yes ma'am.
-I love you Helen.
-I love you too, Mom.
We hung up and I went to sleep, I was really tired.