Dinner on Saturday
When I got home I just changed clothes and fell into bed very sleepy,I was tired,by the time I got home the clock read 23:48.
The next day I wake up a little late,but everything was fine,I didn't work today. I wanted to get a coffee at my favorite coffee shop,but I didn't want to see Hugo before dinner,so I make my own coffee,which didn't cheer me up,I didn't like the home made coffee,but I was going to be forced to drink it.
After breakfast I tidy up the house,make lunch and go over my work,on Sunday I planned to stay on the couch or even on the fresh floor,sleeping or watching some romantic movie that would make me cry and dream about something typical.
At night I take a fresh shower,do what a woman needs to feel good when going out and wearing a bikini at night,put on a sexy,but at the same time simple dress,put on a cute slipper,pack a bag,with bathing suits inside,money,body moisturizer,brush,hair cream and a few other things.
I wait a while,until Hugo sends me a message telling me that he arrived,I leave the house locking everything,as soon as I finish locking the house I see him in a beautiful car,he was leaning on it,looked at me with a smile too beautiful,his teeth were white as snow,were well aligned and without a single defect.
-Good evening Miss Helena "he kisses my face and I kiss his.
-Good evening Mr. Hugo, how are you?
-Better now, and you?
-Great," I smile.
He opens the car door, I get in and he closes it, then he gets in through the driver's door, we talked all the way and after a few minutes we arrived in an area I had never seen before, they were big natural pools and in the middle of them, there was a medium island, which we could see from the edge of the pools, a very simple restaurant, with small tents, or tables without tents.
-Did you like it?
-It's incredible, I've never come here and I've never seen beauty like this.
-And I've never had the opportunity to see beauty like yours," he says, holding my hand and making me shy.
-Oh sure, I did.
-Good, there's a bathroom next door, you can change in there, I'll wait for you here," he says calmly, looking around.
I go to the recommended place, change clothes slowly, but put the dress back on, when I appear he smiles.
-Dear Helena, you need to take off your dress, you can't go in the water with your clothes on.
-Take it easy, I'm not going to wear a suit either, I'm going to change and when I get back you can take it off.
He leaves and minutes later comes back, he was wearing a navy blue bathing suit, he was stunningly beautiful, I take off the dress with his help, as I put it in my purse. There was a couple on a boat, he asks them to put our stuff in there and leave it on the island, they put it in and go slowly by boat.
-You know how to swim, right?
-More or less.
-I'll help you if you need it, modesty apart I can swim very well," he smiles.
We got into the water slowly,when it started to hit our waists we jumped into the water and started swimming,every once in a while we raised our eyes a little to breathe,I opened my eyes very little,even though it was fresh water,water in my eyes for a long time bothered me,on the rocks on the island they had reflectors that illuminated the water when the tourists came to visit,so we could see. Every time I opened my eyes I saw small fish swimming away from us, or even closer, they were black, with blue and yellow, they were beautiful.
When we arrived at the island our things were in a corner, he goes up first and then helps me, we dry off and get dressed, he holds my hand and walks with me like this, showing the whole place and telling the stories of how everything was formed there.
-It's too incredible.
My eyes were running through the natural wonders, from the island it was even more beautiful to see the pools.
-I thought I wouldn't like it," he looked at me attentively.
-I loved "I stared at him for seconds."
-I know it's wrong, but I have to do it.
I don't understand and soon he kisses me, it was a good and calm kiss, I held his face without force and he held my neck with little force, we only broke apart when we ran out of air.
-Pardon me "he says with a discreet smile."
-No problem "I smile normal."
He kisses me more and then we went to dinner,ate and talked a lot.
-Did you ever get married Helena?"-she asks sipping some of the wine.
-No, I am also very young.
-Have you loved a lot then?
-No, I had a boyfriend all my life, but I left everything to work, I left my house, my parents, my sister, and he also stayed behind.
-He didn't want to come?
-He had other plans, he wanted to live forever in the Flower Garden, he worked with his father as a carpenter, in fact he was one of the best, but I didn't want to work there, to live there forever, so we went our separate ways.
-I see...
-And you, have you dated a lot?
-A little bit, not as much as men my age used to date.
-"How old are you?
-36. And you?
-So young...
-Is that a problem? -No.
-It depends for what.
-For you.
-No, for me nothing is a problem. - "he smiles gently."
We drank and ate, then left the island by boat, we were a little upset, but nothing that would embarrass us the next day.
He drove to my house,for a person with alcohol in his body,he drove calm and well,when we arrived we kissed more and said goodbye,he went home and when he arrived he texted saying he arrived well and that next week we were going out again.
I read,smiled,dreaming still of my future romance,everything would be perfect,more perfect than all romances. And thinking about such things, I fall asleep.