It was already Monday,I wake up well rested,as I wanted to spend Sunday resting and getting in touch with everyone that Mr. Matew wanted to talk. I talk to everyone and go straight to the room where it was temporarily my coffee was already on the table and then drink it to not cool.
-Good morning boss! "says Olivia.
-Good morning dear Olivia, how are you?
-Everything is fine, but I want to know about you.
-It was amazing, he's a sweetheart, he looks like a prince, a real prince, super gentleman and charming in every way.
-Where did you dine?
-On an island, which was full of natural pools.
-I've heard, the food there is very expensive.
-Really?! - "I'm scared."
-If I knew, I'd help him pay.
-Stop it Boss, if he paid, he has money.
-And then?
-He dropped me off at home.
-And he went home.
-Yes, I laugh at her disappointed face.
-Don't do this anymore, boss, call him to your house, grab this prince, don't let him run away.
-That's okay, Olivia, he'll think I'm desperate.
-And I think you're too slow, if you let this prince loose, there will be more women in his net, you need to arrest him soon.
-Calm down Olivia, calm down.
-Okay, it's up to you.
-What do I have today? -Okay.
-Larissa allowed you into the hospital, they called me a little while ago.
-So at lunchtime we'll go there, you and me.
-Me? -Yes.
-Yes, you're my secretary, you have to go with me.
-But anything? -Yes.
-The papers you asked me to sign, Mr. and Mrs. Valentain want our best photographers to record every moment of their new collection of designer clothes and jewelry, they also want a rehearsal for their 15-year-old daughter Louise, and lastly, Mr. Matew keeps texting to have lunch or dinner with you.
-That's fine, thank you Olivia, and to Mr. Matew, tell him I've been very busy, but I'll be in touch soon.
-Ok, excuse me boss.
She leaves,I sign the papers,then make a list of who should attend the event of the new Valentain collection. The day was busy,I communicate to the photographers and send all the important information in writing.At lunch time we ordered our lunch,ordered flowers and went to the hospital.I also took Larissa's favorite coffee,she was very authoritarian and among other things,but I missed her.
We put the food in our bag,they wouldn't let food in the room,so we had to hide it. We got into the elevator and got out on the floor of her room.
I knock twice and we soon enter,as soon as we close the door we scan the place quickly and also the woman lying on the expensive bed of her luxury hospital,she smiles mildly and soon turns serious again,we smile naturally.
-Good afternoon madam, how are you?
-Bored, angry and dying to get out of here. -And you, Helena?
-Happy to see you are doing well, we brought coffee, do you want some? "I smile.
-My favorite?
-Yes, I ordered a double layer of cream.
-You're an angel," she says happily for the first time.
-Of course. -I take the coffee from the thermos and put it in her hands.
-It's perfect and just the way I like it," she says seriously, staring at me. And how are you at work, are you adapting to Algusto's function?
-Yes, well, actually it's still a little complicated or rushed, but we're managing.
-We are?
-Oh yes, I forgot to introduce you, this is Olivia, my secretary, she is very efficient, she has helped me in everything, since she knows Algusto's routine better than anyone.
-I've heard him talking about her, how are you, Olivia?
-All right, ma'am, just for the record, you are a landmark and a good example to me, with your young age and your great talent and your studios, you are almost incomparable, pure talent I must reaffirm--says it like it always was.
-Thank you, people like you stimulate me every day more, but even with all my talent it wasn't so difficult to create my studios, because my father had many companies, then they were divided between me and my sister, we didn't want to work in his business, so I decided to sell mine and keep only one to make my studio, I invested in people, in myself and then bought all the part of my sister, because she is not good at entrepreneurship and was also crazy to sell the company for money and profit.
-I didn't know you had a sister," I said thoughtfully.
-Course not dear,even though she is the secretary who has stayed by my side the longest,she still doesn't know half of me.
-Really... when will you be discharged?
-I hope so soon, I'm tired of being stuck here.
After that we had lunch there and when our working hours were over,we went back to the studio.
-Hey Olivia?
-You don't believe what got here?
-Flowers, Helena, several bouquets of flowers! "She speaks out of breath."
-What? What do you mean? Where?
-Out here! Come here, there are cards!
I leave the room with my heart in my hand,as soon as I get near her desk I see 10 bouquets of flowers,I was left open-mouthed,who would be the person who would send flowers to a photo studio and designer?
-What did the delivery say? "I ask looking at the beauty of the bouquets.
-Nothing, they just asked someone to sign for the delivery. There are cards.
-Should we open them? "I say anxiously, but also with trepidation.
-Of course, if you don't open it, I will," she smiles wryly.
-So let's open it, start with the back and I'll open the front, we'll each open five.
-Yes ma'am! "she says excitedly, already taking her place.
I sit down on the floor and start to open the cards, the first one was nonsense.
-What does your boss say?
"You deserve more than roses" and yours?
"I miss you".
-Continue opening and talking, I'll do the same.
- "One more date, but not one that ends up at your front door.
I sigh, they were random phrases, but you could feel the romanticism in them.
-You deserve not only the world, but my heart and me completely," he was more specific with this one, I think he should have sent it in order. "she laughs and I smile.
- "I think I like you," what do you mean you think you like me?
-It must be those indecisive people. Listen to this one: "Emeralds don't even come close to the brilliance and beauty of your beautiful green eyes," deserves a round of applause.
-Praise for the poet, then "I smile and we clap. The other: "I feel like I've known you for years.
"The most beautiful of all that I have ever seen.
"Like an angel and I need a chance.
"Give me a chance?", there's no name.
-There's something behind Olivia. - "She turns the paper over, reads it and hands it to me.
- "One chance Helena". From: Hugo.