-So Helena, tell me more about your family?
-Like what?
-I don't know, if you miss them, how is your relationship, things like "he would drink his espresso and smile at me, or look at you attentively".
-I miss them all a lot, everyone, Saul (my older brother) I miss them the most, he was the first one to leave home, he used to visit us very little, after I decided to leave the flower garden, I started to miss my brother the most, but it couldn't compare to the homesickness I felt for my parents, I had never been away from them for so long.
-So you get along well?
-A lot, fights in every family, arguments and so on, but they are perfect, all of them, we never stayed without talking for a long time and we always understood that the correction was because they loved us.
-Do you always visit them?
-Unfortunately not, after I moved I was very busy, but in my vacations I use the time to take courses and improve myself at work, I visit them only on commemorative dates such as wedding anniversary, their birthdays and end of year parties.
-How is your father?
-My mother says that he has many dreams like me, he is also the most romantic and dedicated to everything he does.
-And your mother?
-She takes care of everyone, helps everyone, tries to bring peace to our midst when we have fights, is also the most demanding and spurns us, but is still the best mother in the Garden of Flowers for me.
-You seem so passionate about your family," he says smiling.
-And I am, they are without equal. But tell me about your complicated relationship with your father.
-My father was good when I was born,he was a strong,brave and faithful man until I was seven,after that my mother found out that he had another family,he had another wife and a son,who was two years younger than me. My parents fought a lot because of this,but my mother didn't want to separate,she really loved him,there were always stories that she told about them. When I went to college everything seemed fine,he was always at the family lunch on Sundays,smiling and treating everyone well,I had decided to do cooking in Singapore,they supported me and paid the necessary,when I came back graduated and with infinite plans,I see my mother being sheltered to live in the same roof as the mistress and the bastard son, the other slept in the room that belonged to my mother with my father and my mother slept alone in the guest room,apart from the work she had to do,like cooking and taking care of the other's things,he made sure to fire the maids so that she would be subjected to such things.
-How awful," I said, "how could there be such a terrible person.
-Very. So I decided to take my mother out of the house and work in something normal, that would take care of her and of me, she was suffering a lot with everything that had happened and even more for living without him, before and after she was alone with me. She filed for divorce and got half of everything,paid the best lawyer and got one of my father's biggest store franchises,then sold them at a bargain price to his rival,just to destroy him with rage. One of the stores she kept for me,she said it was for me to invest in my dream,she supported me in everything,I created my first restaurant which is right in the center of town,she got to meet him,a year later she passed away,she was happy for me,but still sad for everything that happened to her,after I left home I didn't speak to my father anymore and at my mother's funeral we had a nasty fight and we don't speak to this day.
-How sad...are you better about her leaving?
-I am these days, but nothing will take away the feeling of missing her.
-If you don't want to talk anymore, we won't talk.
-It's okay, honey, "he talks nice and I melt" you probably want to know how she was, and I'll tell you firsthand that she was someone sweet, kind, she liked to make donations to the poor and to street animals, she helped as much as she could, when everything bad happened she lost the pleasure of doing what she did, She didn't dress up as much anymore, sold or gave away all her expensive jewelry, I should have known she was giving up on life, she was a very vain woman, she liked to wear expensive clothes, from other countries and continents, the most expensive and beautiful jewelry, with expensive makeup and full of life, in months nothing else I saw her wearing.
-I would love to meet her "smile and him too."
-Well,it's great our subject,but it's on your schedule.
-I wish you'd stay longer, or we could do something else, but I don't want to get in your way.
-I wouldn't, but I really need to work, they really need someone to manage them.
-I understand. So come on, I'll drop you off at the studio.
-Thank you.
I smile, he pays the bill like a fine gentleman, I insisted on paying, but he said he would, and even if I did, he wouldn't accept. We left the venue and got into the car, he drove to the studio and in minutes we arrived.
-We'll see you Friday, right? "Question.
- "See you Friday.
-See you Friday.
We kiss for long minutes and then I get out of the car smiling, go into my room and come back to reality, I had many things to do and one of them was several calls from Mr. Matthew.
-Chef, Mr. Mathew is here at the reception desk.
-He came here?!
I was surprised.
-Yes, he wishes to speak to you. -Yes.
-Please bring him to the room. -Olivia.
-Yes ma'am.
Yes, ma'am. Telephone:
I take a deep breath, seconds later I hear knocking at the door, I tell him to come in, and when I look it was the rich man calling almost every minute.
-Olivia, bring two coffees please?
-Yes ma'am.
She leaves.
-Good morning Mr. Matew, how are you?
I stand up and squeeze his hand, but he pulls me back a little harder and kisses my cheek.
-Better in the presence of a beautiful woman like you.
-You can sit down.
I sit in the chair at the table and he sits down opposite me.
-"Thank you.
-To what do I owe this honor?
-An invitation, the same one I always make to your secretary's line, (who is also very pretty, by the way), but she always says you're busy.
-I've been a little busy this week, you know, I'm still getting used to this job.
-I guess. But now there's no running away, I want to go out with you this week, just like that.
-Mister, I've been too busy.
-Thursday is a holiday, they always combine Thursday and Friday, you can choose one of those two days.
-Where would we go?
-Do you like fishing, Helena? -No.
-I've never had the pleasure.
-We're going to a big pond to fish.
-Do I need to wear work clothes? -No.
-No, a pair of shorts with a blouse, or even a mini skirt with those little blouses that women wear nowadays, would be much nicer to fish in.
-I hope that you are not confusing things, I am the boss in this environment for the time being, but I am not a worthless woman, a golddigger or even a mercenary, and I can tell you that I will only go if it is to take care of business matters.
-Calm down, honey, I didn't mean anything by it, but a cooler outfit than the flannel pants you're wearing and the hot blouse with the sleeves, would be a thousand times better, I'm thinking of your well being.
-I'll think about it Mr. Matew, now excuse me, I have a lot of work to do.
-As you wish, my pretty one.
He leaves with a smile on his face and I continue my work, just because I was well and happy. Now this one more, a rich guy, much older than me, constantly chasing me after a simple business dinner.