An evening with Austin and your friends part two

I saw Austin with his full-sized ass facing the door, and what's worse was that he was bent over, wearing his boxer briefs.

"How disgusting! There's no bathroom!" I said loudly, which made him startle and put his underwear on in a hurry.

"Are you crazy, Cassie? I'm getting dressed, don't you know how to knock? I knocked in your room." he said as he put on his black pants, and of course I did. I was laughing at his manner.

"Come on, Austin. I've always seen you in your underwear. What's the problem?" I laughed.

"That was when we were little, and you didn't see me in my underwear, you saw my sexy ass!" he said, and I laughed out loud.

"Only in your wildest dreams. Shall we go?" I said.

"I'm still wearing my blouse, that's it. Now my van..." he said, crouching down and whistling as he put on his red van, and I fiddled with my cell phone waiting for him.

"Ready, young lady?" I asked.

"No, no. Let me get my jacket." he went into the closet and took out a black leather jacket and a red cap, the kind with Justin's crown on it.

"Wow, you look like you're getting married!" I said as we left the room.

"Who's talking? Cassie, you look so beautiful! Oh..." he put his hand to his head after I slapped him.

"Come on, you freak!" I said as I went downstairs.

"I have to talk to the beast!" he stopped walking.

"Forget it, I've already spoken to Alicia. Now let's go, before I change my mind, you Austin," I said on the last step." Hurry up, you!" he said beside me.

"Austin, should I really go? What if your friends don't like me? What if I make a mess like that? What if..." he interrupted me.

"No more what ifs! They'll love you, they'll think you're cute. They're nice, it's just that there's a cute guy there who's a chicken, and I don't want to have to fight with him." He said as he started the car.

"I'm scared... But I'll trust you, and please don't leave me!" I begged.

"Go ahead, crybaby," he said, making me laugh.

It took us a few minutes to get to that Starbucks, while Austin was listening to Jet Lag on the car stereo. I was messaging my boyfriend, because I've been dating Lucas since I was 12 and a half. He's the one who gave me the strength to endure what happened to me. He's the only one who knows. I never had the courage to tell Austin. I was ashamed.

Lucas has been my friend since fifth grade, when I was eleven. He always helped me, every time Ester humiliated me, beat me up, he was there for me. When I couldn't stand it any longer and told him everything, it was shameful. I thought he would go away, but no, he stayed there, close to me. When he was thirteen, and I was twelve, we started dating. I know it could have been out of pity. But he was the only one who made me feel safe.

After it was all over, a few years later, when I was already fourteen, I decided to have my "first time". I would also be his first. It was a bit different, it was good, he drove me crazy, let's just say he's well-endowed. When we had sex, I felt strange, as if something was missing, as if my pleasure wasn't complete. Even so, Lucas was perfect for me.

"What are you doing on your cell phone?" Austin asked.

"Talking to Luc!" I said without looking.

"You don't learn, do you?" he said loudly.

"Learn what? Are you crazy?" I said, turning to him.

"The guy cheated on you, pay attention! He cheated on you more than twice, and you're still with him? I thought you'd used your head, and when you came here, you'd kicked his ass," he said angrily.

"Look, I know what I'm doing! If I'm with him, that's my problem. If I'm... excuse me, that's my problem Austin, screw you!" I said, already upset.

"Idiot!" was the only thing he said, and we remained silent.

Lucas did cheat on me, a few times. It hurts, but I know that being with a problematic girl for so long is exhausting. I took a break, but we soon got back together. And once again he cheated on me. I pretended I didn't care, I wanted to forget everything, he was the only one who was there for me, so how could I not forgive him?

I know Austin loves me, but sometimes he's too bossy, like my father. I think I was too hard on him, but who started it? Him, so let him apologize!

"We're here!" he said. When I went to open the car door, he pulled me by the arm.

"What's wrong?" I said, looking bored.

"Cassie, don't make that face. I'm sorry! I was fucking pissed off, I just want to see you well, and very happy." I couldn't help but smile.

"So what's all this fuss about Lucas? Ever since you went to Brazil, when you were 14, you started getting into trouble with him," I said.

"He thought he was too much, just because he was with the most beautiful girl!" I turned to him.

"Lucas always told me that you were picking on him because you had a crush on me!" I said and he was startled.

"He was crazy!" he said, taking off his seatbelt.

"Why are you stuttering?" I asked, confused.

"I'm not stuttering!" he looked straight ahead.

"So it was true? You were into me?" I laughed.

"For God's sake, you're my cousin," he said, looking at me.

"Can I tell you a secret?" I whispered close to his ear.

"I think we'd better go downstairs," he said.

"I've always wanted to know what your kiss was like!" he looked at me startled, then got out of the car, and I laughed.

"You've got to be possessed!" He turned on the alarm when he saw me get out of the car.

"You fool, I'm joking! Look, I'm sorry for yelling at you! I love you, Austin," I said, and he laughed and hugged me.

"I love you too. Shall we go in?" he said, opening the door to the diner.

"I'm just going to call my mom in a bit. I forgot, it's her birthday today," I said, picking up my cell phone.

"Fine, make it quick!" He kissed my forehead, I smiled, and he went inside, while I typed in Mom's number.

I needed to talk to her for a while and tell her how much I missed her, not that we were best friends, but she meant everything to me.

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