We're really bad together

My eyes were watering, I felt like I might cry at any moment. But I wouldn't do that, I wouldn't give anyone that taste, and I also recognize that I've gone too far.

I touched his open wound, an action generates a reaction and that's what we both did, to each other. From the first moment I saw him, I knew that Zac would be a problem and that we wouldn't get along. Even if we tried because of our friends, we wouldn't succeed. I don't know how to fake sympathy and I'm sure he doesn't either.

"I can't believe it..." I whispered, looking at him in shock.

"I'm sorry, I..." Zac didn't even finish speaking, Austin pushed him away from me.

"Are you crazy, Zac? You can argue, but hitting a woman? Especially my cousin!" Austin laughed and went at him again.

"Calm down Austin, calm down," said Liam as he held my cousin. "Zac, you've got it bad, man," said Liam.

"Come on Eleanor, I want to get out of here! "I said to my friend. I felt like I was going to collapse at any moment. My gaze was on Zac, and he couldn't look away from mine either.

"Sure, let's go," she said, with a disappointed look at Zac.

We walked in silence for a while. I couldn't talk about it. I felt sad, embarrassed, and ashamed about the whole thing, I needed to get away from Zac, we were toxic and bad around each other. I took a deep breath and that was the cue for Eleanor to bring up the subject.

"Cassy," she called to me.

"Hm," I replied.

"Zac's not like that, he's..." I interrupted her quickly.

"No, it's okay! I know, because I'm the one who provoked him," I said to her as we made our way to the bathroom again. I needed to see the state of my face.

"Deep down I knew that if I talked about something intimate with him, it would have broken him, so I deserved it," I said to my friend.

"No, not really, Cassy. Even if it was intentional, Zac didn't have to do it," she says and stops me in the corridor. "I'm sure he must be very sorry now," she says.

"He might be, but at the time he was hot-headed, I was hot-headed, so the right thing to do was to avoid him and not be around him. The two of us don't get on very well, we're like fire and water, two elements that don't mix at all." I say to my friend and she smiles sideways.

"I guess that's true, you need to stay away from each other for a while. But I think that as soon as he stops to think about it, he'll want to apologize to you," says Eleanor.

"I don't think it's that easy, and I was to blame, so I should apologize, but not now, for a long time," I said and laughed, we went into the bathroom and I walked to the mirror. Eleanor lent me her foundation and I applied it to my face. It was very red, and you could see Zac's fingerprints, so using it would help at least for now.

For the next few hours, I avoided Zac and so it went for the next few days, for the next few weeks. Zac and I barely looked at each other, we avoided being in the same environment and that made me feel bad, because I was the intruder there and not him. I made my cousin stop talking to him for days. Harry wouldn't even look at him and always sat with me. He was a sweetheart and a great friend.

He made me laugh and brought calm and lightness to my soul and I liked that feeling he gave me. I've been getting used to English culture, I'm trying my best to adapt here, and that's why I was going to take part in the tests that Eleanor asked for. The tests had been canceled due to a setback with one of the teachers, but they had been rescheduled for this week, I was preparing with the help of my friend, Eleanor, and I was looking forward to it.

It would be the first time in three years that I would be presenting myself and showing my talents. I had come to England for a purpose, and I was going to fulfill it as best I could.

"Do you think I'm ready?" I asked Eleanor and she smiled.

"For me, not because I'm your friend, but I think you'll be the best," she says and touches my hand.

"I feel nervous Eleanor, it's been so long since I've done this. I've never introduced myself again, even less to English people, it's so crazy." I laughed nervously.

"Relax, it'll be fine!" she says and I shake my head.

We walked to the kitchen in the small lounge and prepared something to eat. We sat in silence for a few minutes, then she picked up her cell phone when it buzzed.

"Your cousin texted me, he's on his way here with Louis, he should be here soon," says my friend.

"I've just had a message from him too, he gave me half an hour to get here," I said to her, as I felt mine vibrate too and looked at the screen, a message from him.

Austin would be arriving in half an hour to train with me, he would be my dance partner and our rhythm would be the English waltz, which made me even more nervous. But I knew I had to calm down and trust my friend, myself, and my dance partner.

In the end, everything just had to work out and everything would be fine. Aunt Alicia would be there on the day of the performance if I passed, so she would film everything and send it to my parents, and just thinking about how proud they would be of me, seeing me turn things around, makes me so happy.

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