Ten Years Later
After Kinder had broken up with Daniel Brancöft, the only man she had loved, she spent years with a broken heart, waiting for his coming back.
She kept in one side of her heart, the hope, the desire, and the faith that she would wake up on a day and hear a knock on a door and discover these beautiful, these emerald eyes which always sent a shiver through her entire body burdened her.
Though It didn't happen, she realized after five years, of spending to wait for him that he wouldn't come back, she understood there was no coming back, and this harsh truth was as painful as the first day he had left.
To never feel it again, to not remain the weak and the silly girl everyone could hurt.
She then decided to enter the police of New York to build a rock character, which would help her to palliate all these weaknesses of her heart.
Was it the right choice?
After five more years working as a detective for the police, she had to inquire now after the man whose name thundered everyone's heart in the town, the Mafia Boss.
Known for his harshness and intrepidity, she had to be careful and very shrewd to have access to his privacy.
"You will infiltrate the Mafia Boss's environment" Mr. Malcom uttered.
Mr. Malcom is the chef of the police center in New York, he is on a scoop and aimed to arrest the most feared man in the whole town, the mafia Boss.
"Alright sir," Kinder responded gulping, this kind of news was never easy to handle though she tried to act the most steady possible.
"But How would I proceed, this man is unknown to anyone, even the police don't know who he is" she added, wiggling her brows to tell him the percentage to be so close to him was tiny.
"Yeah, we don't have any personal information about him, we don't even know about his name, his face, completely nothing. This man operates like a ghost"
"However, with the influence I have..." Mr. Malcom stopped proudly to praise himself with a smirk on his lips.
Kinder smiled too, shaking her head in a way to tell she already knew it would be like that, she was already used to this braggart's personality of his own.
"Continue please sir, we will make all this praise later" she pleaded, chuckling.
"Okay okay" He cleared his throat and was ready to continue his explanations.
"I succeeded to dig out this highest corporation base on the fabrication of agricultural products belonged to him" He explained.
"THEN?" Kinder questioned
"You will work in this company" He blurted.
"You will enter the company as a secretary and once you will be there, you will find a way to be as close as possible to him"
"We don't know who he is, then it will be your job to discover amongst everyone you will meet there who fits the role of the Mafia Boss" He explained taking his time to make his words sank after every statement.
Kinder didn't reply, she didn't let any words escape her lips. She was scared yet she didn't let it be read to her mug.
She risked her life in inquiry about such a dangerous man.
What the hell was the situation, even if it was her job, it was never easy to handle such information.
Sometimes, you went on a mission with the fear it could be the last one, however, it was the way she had chosen to not remain the same vulnerable, shaky girl.
"How have you succeeded to accomplish such prowess?" Kinder questioned to piss off this anxiety she was struggling with.
"A good magician should never reveal his maneuvers" Always responding with a proud tone.
"Alright, Wizard King" Kinder pronounced, and they both started laughing.
"Do you feel able to fulfill this mission?" He demanded, throwing a serious glimpse at her.
"Of course sir, It would be as always" she agreed with a pretty smile.
"Though, what should I inquire about him?" At this question, Mr. Malcom stood and looked from his wallet on the desk.
He showed a document, which he gave to Kinder, and took his seat again.
Without giving her the time to read, he briefly summarized what it contained.
"We have heard rumors that incriminate him into the traffic of dope"
"You are expected to find proof that will justify his implications or not"
"As I said, it was just rumors"
"Okay," she said closing the manuscript.
"When am I supposed to start?"
"You should be in the office of his company tomorrow morning" Mr.Malcom defined.
"We know nothing about him, even what he looks like, thus, be leery, you can face him at the moment you won't expect"
"Be wise and discern who is the one, everyone there is a potential target"
"Though I believe in your competence" he spoke, standing from his chair and heading to the door.
Before opening the door, he stopped and turned to face her.
"You will find inside this file, your ID card and everything you have to know about your new personality"
"Take your time to read about it, and try to master it tonight" he added before crossing the space separating the office and the hallway, and he closed the door behind him with a murmur "Good Luck"
'He has already taken me as Sam in the series TOTALLY SPIES.' She sighed and chuckled.
She was upset, the only thing she desired right now, was to take a bath and lay on a mattress.
She was going on another special adventure.
Now she had to deal with the mafia boss, she was playing with Blaze, hoping she wouldn't be burned.
She took her stuff and came out of the building. She needed rest, the days coming would not be merciful.
She had to study and master this affair before the next day.
Entered the police corps wasn't a wrong decision, she was a new version of the Kinder she was ten years ago, a new version, rude and empty of resentment.