4. Car Ride To Hell
"Good." Chairman Roger Brice added some milk to his coffee. "Keep a close eye on them after you let her off on their territory. I think it goes without saying that no one should know you haven't left."
"Can do, Sir."
Roger Brice smiled. He took a sip from his drink. "Very well."
After hanging up the phone, the Chairman got up from his seat with his coffee in hand and walked until he stood in front of a large glass wall. Below, tiny cars sped up and down the city streets. Roger Brice liked having his office being so high up. It made him feel powerful. And soon, he wouldn't need this office to accomplish that feeling.
For too long, werewolves have lived like man. Forming laws, working for someone to get paid, shopping in supermarkets. But the more they conform the less wolf-like they become.
They were free once, but now they're limited by their own Alphas and members of the council, like himself.
He drank more of his coffee. Under his rule, there would be no sentences for acting in a way that was only natural. So what if some humans got hurt? Werewolves get hurt every day so why should humans get special treatment aa if they're above the laws of nature?
Things will return to the way they should be once he gained control of the two most influential packs in the region. And thanks to that sweet human girl, that time might come
than he thought.
How did I end up in this situation?
We were on our way to the Highland Pack at a moderate speed. It was the middle of the afternoon. The open windows of the SUV I sat in allowed cool wind to the two braids in front of my face to fly around like whips while the rest of my hair was in a ponytail.
But being hit on the nose with my own hair was the least of my problems. I clenched the bag in the lap. Before me, in the driver and passenger seats, were members of the Highland Pack.
The driver seemed familiar to the guy I saw last night. However, he wasn't with the same girl as before.
This one had flaming red hair and tanned skin. When she appeared in front of my house, I noticed the difference in our height. She most likely had a height of 5'2" or less.
Her finger swiped the screen on the dashboard until she found a song that she wanted then tapped on it.
"Ah yes~" A song by Mitski played on the speakers. "This is it!" She turned around, her brown eyes taking me in with a smile. "Do you listen to things like this back in Maple?"
I raised one eyebrow. When I didn't answer her smile seemed to brighten and she held out her hand for me to shake. "I'm Emery, it's a pleasure. When we heard you were coming, we were pretty surprised. We didn't know that humans can hold high positions in your pack."
That's because we can't. I returned her smile and slowly shook her hand. "It's ok. Nice to meet you, Emery. If I'm allowed to call you that."
Emery shrugged. "I can't see why not?"
The boy switched his attention to us, then returned to the road. Emery, still wearing her smile, released my hand and sank into her seat.
I glanced behind me. Benjamin was there, steadily tailing behind us. If these two hadn't come to escort me, I would have been in his car with him right now.
They came to my street led by the Alpha, I could only imagine that something back had happened. Who would have thought that they would have volunteered to do this?
"I never thought that you would pick me up," I said.
I heard a huff from the driver's seat. "We have enough manners to escort a guest. We're not savages."
"We are pretty nice." I met Emery's eyes through the rearview mirror. There was something in them that was soft, yet very cold. "As long as you're not a sorry ass, self-righteous, cocky, rude and untrustworthy person who sticks their nose where it doesn't belong, we will be nice."
She finished talking with a giggle and changed the music to a Bruno Mars song. The boy snickered as well.
Seeing their reactions, I decided to refrain from saying anything more for the rest of the ride.
It took two hours to get from my pack to theirs. The SUV climbed up a hill with more rocks than bushes. The further up we went the more vegetation I saw. There were houses scattered around the mountain range. Soon, we arrived at level ground. And three minutes later, stopped in front of a house large enough to block out the sun.
The driver was the first one to leave the vehicle. Before Emery could leave, I had a question for her. "Uh, is there anything I need to know before going in?"
Emery looked up as if trying to find an answer in the air. "The less you say, the better it will be. Just be polite. I don't know what they tell you in that happy-go-lucky pack of yours, but we're not monsters."
I would believe that if your pack members hadn't harmed my friend.
Benjamin parked behind the SUV and got to retrieving my luggage right away.
"Come on," Emery said, nodding her head toward a set of stairs. We strode side by side until we reached the top, where two men stood outside the front door.
The first man I noticed dressed up in a blue polo shirt with khaki shorts, dark brown hair gelled back.
"Alpha!" Emery grinned and lowered her head slightly. I did the same. The man she was referring to nodded, but his eyes didn't leave my face. I gazed up at him through my eyelashes.
Dear goddess, this guy could crush me under his feet and karate chop my Alpha in two.
Silver eyes as sharp as a blade. His white dress shirt strained to stay intact despite his muscular build. His coffee brown hair was trimmed at the sides, exposing small black hoop earrings.
Dark green slacks were paired with black dress shoes. His pale pink lips seperated and closed as he gazed at me.
"Beautiful," he muttered.
I froze in shock.
Emery frowned.
Their Alpha glanced sideways to the man in khaki shorts then continued. "For a human."
I frowned.
Emery smiled.
As the men laughed, I stood up straight and relaxed my hold on the bag. My shoulders were rolled back, chest out.
I made sure that my voice was firm and clear. "Human Cindy here at your service, Alpha Reiss."
They stopped laughing and stared instead, expressions unreadable.
I would not let them intimidate me.