walking hurricane

“There is no meaning to all this now, Dev,” Aleyna said as she turned herself away from his lips. Dev had never felt this disheartened ever before in his life.

“Why Ali? Why? Why are you leaving me like this?” He said as he pulled her by her wrist closer to his body. They were alone in the area.

His eyes dared her to say the words again to him with a thousand questions of his own, he never wished to let her go, but the denial in her eyes spoke another story to him.

“I am leaving you,” She said after a moment of silence; his eyes full of pain could make her want to draw herself into the sea and never return, but she saw it. She saw him cheating on her.

The man she gave her heart to broke it into a thousand pieces and now expects her to behave normally.

“Ali…” He breathed near her lips, taking his hands to her face.

She looked at him as her eyes teared up a little.

“Leave me, Dev,” She tried to move away from him, but he did not let her.

“NO,” He said stubbornly. He almost looked like a kid who was about to cry for his favorite toy; well, maybe that is what she was to him. A toy; otherwise, he would not have cheated on her.

“Dev,” She almost pleaded; she needed him to leave her before she fell into his trap again.

“No, Ali, You are mine,” Dev was determined to get his love back; he was not letting her go, he wanted to marry her and have a family with her, and no one could stop that. Not even her. Never her.

“I was yours,” Aleyna clarified herself; she had to, her eyes closed at the mention of those words.

“Was?” Dev questioned; he could not believe it; even the mention of the word, let alone, was… painful.

“was,” Aleyna confirmed; her eyes never left his even though they were filled with pain.

“NO,” Dev announced; he was not letting her go anywhere, not anyway from him, never away from him.

“Dev,” that was not a request but the command that left Aleyna’s lips. Dev pleaded to her with his eyes, but she shook her head. It was a clear no from her. She was demanding him to let her go, making him remember the promise he made to her.

“What the fuck is going on here?” they both were so caught up in the moment that they did not realize when Nayera came and stood right in front of them.

Aleyna was quick to pull her wrist back from Dev’s grip. He greeted his teeth at the gesture; she was not telling him what suddenly went wrong between them, and Neither was she letting him understand her. You can’t understand a person till he or she wants you to understand them.

And at this moment, she was not letting him understand her at all. It felt like he did not know who the girl standing in front of him was.

“Nayera,” Aleyna said as she looked at both of them, totally confused.

“She is Nayera?” Dev asked; he remembered seeing her in the club that night, sitting on his friend’s lap.

“Hmm,” Nayera just hummed, she always spoke about Nayera, but Dev had never seen her, not even in photos.

“What the fuck is going on here?” Nayera asked impatiently.

“Era, he—“Aleyna tried to explain what was going on, but Nayera cut her off in between.

“And aren’t you supposed to be heartbroken?” She couldn’t understand why Ali was standing next to a dark aura handsome man with cute little stubble on his face while she had just pushed her boyfriend in there at the party.

“I am!” Aleyna exclaimed; she was heartbroken like anything.

“Fuck wait? What is going on?” Dev asked, clearly not understanding the outburst of two girl friends.

“Kissing a random guy, really? I influence you real well, I see,” Nayera smiled as she looked at both of them then her eyes rested back on Aleyna.

“Era, Dev… he is Dev; I pointed at him at the club? Remember?” Aleyna said as she looked at Dev, he was looking at her with that look in his eyes, one that made her want to jump on his bones.

“Wait, he is dev?” Nayera finally asked; this whole thing has been so damn confusing for her.

“Yes, I am Dev,” Dev introduced himself like a gentleman as Nayera looked at him from head to toe. Nihalika came and stood beside Nayera with a glass of wine in her hands.

“what is happening, guys?” she asked. Nayera smiled at her before taking the glass of red wine from her hands.

“Well, I made a living hell for someone else mistakenly, but you deserve it,” She said to him with a cute smile adorning her face.


“ERA!” Nihalika and Aleyna yelled as Nayera ran back inside with the empty glass still in her hand.

“Handle his sorry ass, or better yet, kick him in the balls and leave; I’ll be back,” She said as Dev and Aleyna looked at each other in shock. That girl is nothing but a walking hurricane.


“Where is he? Where is he?” Nayera murmured to herself as she started looking at the people present at the party. She knew most of them, but she could not find the person she had punished anywhere.

“excuse me?” She tapped on the shoulder of a well-built guy who seemed like one of the security members.

“Yes, miss?” The guy turned around and asked with a polite smile.

“A guy slipped here a few minutes ago. Could you please tell me where he is?” Nayera said; now she can’t just admit in front of anyone that she is the one who caused the fall, right?

“I need to know who you are to him,” the well-built guy said, making Nayera frown a little, was this a new security policy?

“Umm? No one?” Nayera said confusingly.

“I can’t let you enter, miss,” The guy said as Nayera looked at her bag; she could easily take down the guy alone, but it was a party where she needed to maintain a reputation. She can’t act all impulsive with anyone. Even have to sneeze politely, like, WTF?

rich people and their so-called parties

“He asked me to get painkillers and bandages for him. Now, will you please excuse me? I am trying to show humanity here!” Nayera made an excuse and showed him the medicine strip she always keeps in her purse because of her frequent headaches.

“I will walk with you and confirm if you are lying,” The guy looked at her for a second before he said that.

“Go ahead, uncle,” Nayera said; she needed to just be in the same room as him to clear the goddamn confusion and apologize.

Knock! Knock!

“Sir, this girl confronted to say you asked her to get medicines,” The guy said as Nayera sneaked a glance at the guy they punished; the poor man had an injury on his head and looked like his shoulder was injured too.

“Hey, man, I got your medicines and bandage; want me to help you—why are you still standing here? He is a shy one, don’t you see?” Nayera was quick to start her act as she got inside the room and looked at him, he glared at her, but she made a puppy face. He sighed and looked at the guard.

“You can go, Vinod,” kush said.

“yes, sir,” Vinod nodded and closed the door behind him before walking away.

“what do you need now?” Kush asked once he confirmed Vinod had left.

“Firstly, your bandage, and second, apologizing? “ Nayera said as she quickly picked up the first aid box and looked for some ice in the mini-fridge of the room.

“You confuse me,” Kush said as he looked at the lady from head to toe; she was beautiful but dangerous; how could he forget she was the one because of whom he lost another deal to save his company?

“Heard that a lot. Now sit,” Nayera said as she held him by his bicep and made him sit on the bed.

“Why the heck are you here?” Kush was confused as well as frustrated.

“I’ll need to punch your face to keep you still,” Now that shut Kush up because he was alone with her, and she had managed to hurt his 6’4 figure with her tiny 5’3.

“Alright, where’s Sizer?” She asked as He passed her the sizer; she did his bandage carefully.

“Okay… there, done,” Nayera said as she stood a little far to admire her work.

“seems like a new way to enter people’s lives,” Kush said as she touched the side of his head that was bleeding a few moments ago.

“My entry was more of a mistake in your life,” Neyera confessed; she was here just to apologize to him.

“I don’t understand you,” Kush said as he stood up; if she did not have any motive, then why she had to mess up everything in his life?

“No one does, but that’s a different thing, “ Nayera said as she looked around, she was never good with expressing her emotions, but here she had to do it.

“I am here to apologize for making you spend your entire night in the bathroom of a club, ruining your car, and pushing you on marbles,” Nayera said as she met his brown eyes.

“You did all that?” Kush was in shock; she was the reason why everything had been going wrong in his life for the last week. She is the reason he could not crack even a single deal to save his company from going bankrupt.

“I could throw you in jail for that,” Kush was enraged, till the time he did not know it was fine; he was kind of accepting all of that, but now, when he knows someone deliberately failed all his attempts, he ruined his company reputation, how is he supposed to not kill her for that?

“Oh my highness, it was never intentional,” she said dramatically as she bowed in front of him.

“Wait, how do you know I am the prince?” Kush was shocked to know someone knew who he was even after keeping it a top secret.

“you’re the prince?” She asked; she hit the bird at night.

“I am the prince,” Kush affirmed; he couldn’t deny it now; he kind of already accepted that in front of him.

“Kabir Sabharwal,” he introduced himself like he was thought to with a handshake.

“Exactly,” Nayera said as she shook hands with him.

“Makes it easier; I am sorry; now I am done apologizing,” She said with a smile, but it made Kush remember what was happening and why it was happening.

“This does not end here, and it Is all because of you I lost all three investors; it is all because of you my family thinks I am nothing but a spoils brat; you are the reason my company is about to go bank corrupt, you are the reason to all my miseries!” Kush yelled at her as Nauera closed her eyes; she never liked when someone yelled at her; a part of her always felt like the scared little girl she was when yelled at.

She made a fist of her fingers and looked at Kabir.

“Hukum? Do I need to call the police?” Vinod’s voice was tough enough on the other end of the door.

“Police? Wait, no,” Nayera said; including police will result in public attention, and that is the last thing she needs when she is a garg. Garg family will never let her live in peace.

“No, Vinod, you can go,” Kush did not miss how she dug her nails into her hand. He did not want to hurt her.

“Thanks there,” Nayera said as she looked at him.

“You should be,” Kush said with attitude.

“ I am, duh,” Nayera said in an irritated tone; yeah, she made a mistake, but he can be a little bit polite to her, right?

“How dare you take all this so lightly? My life is about to be finished, then I will be nothing more than a normal prince,” Kabir said as he sat on the bed, taking his head in his hands, he was about to be finished.

“Your company needs help?” Nayera asked as she looked at him.

“Yes,” his voice was not even above a whisper.

“I will do it,” Nayera announced; she broke things for him now she should be the one who mends them right.

“What are you? An investor?” Kush asked as he looked at her.

“No,” She said, shaking her head.

“Then leave me the fuck alone; you have done enough damage,” Kush said as Nayera flinched.

“My card,” she said as she kept the card in his hands.

“Nayera,” it read.

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