Seeing Him
I head to the elevator and look down at the paper for the button number; he is on the 22nd floor; the building looks more prominent from the outside purely for appearances. The moment I pressed the button for twenty-two, the doors opened again, and I recognized those steely gray eyes. I immediately dropped my head because I didn't want him to see me or at least look into my eye.
I tilted my head up a bit to get a peek at him. He was wearing an Armani suit that looked tailored to fit him like he was sculpted to be a greek god, and being in his presence was a gift and one that nobody truly deserved in his eyes. I heard a ding and looked up at the elevator panel to see that we had stopped at floor number ten.
I felt someone brush my arm; I turned my head to see the same Armani suit I was just staring at moments ago. I tilted my head slightly to see Mr.Zuk right beside me. He was smiling, but I don't think it was at me. Then something unexpected happened simultaneously; the elevator cleared out, and we were the only ones there. I stepped to the other side of the elevator, but the moment I took a step, I tripped on my feet, and he caught me; I looked up at him and instantly blushed. No man has ever been this close to me willingly. I stood up straight and fixed my skirt. The elevator dinged at the twenty-second floor, and he let me step off first.
"Miss.Jaxson, you are here for the interview." I nod and head to the receptionist. " I am here for the interview with Mr.Zuk," I said; she nodded and pointed at a long line of women that I assumed were all the applicants. I found a seat in the back of the line; I waited until my name was called, and then I saw each woman one by one go into the office and leave angrier than the last. What do I have to make sure I get this job?
I sat there and thought to myself. But then, I was scared out of my thoughts by a woman screaming at the top of her lungs that Mr.Zuk is a perfectionist and doesn't know what he wants for an assistant. The next name to be called was mine; I walked in and sat in front of a desk that I assume belongs to Mr.Zuk, and I looked at my hands. I heard the door open, and someone sat in the chair before me, but I listened to some heels following behind the person. Finally, I look up and see the lady from the reception desk, and I see her following Mr.Zuk.
Now that I have a close look at the girl, she seems to be about twenty, and she has long blonde hair in a bun, and you can see her cochlear implants, which I don't think was in when I first saw her. I also took that time to look around the office. I noticed that the walls are painted dark gray, and he has paintings of castles and lakes around the office. The illustrations are beautiful. I turned to the woman, and she sat beside me and started using ASL to talk to Mr.Zuk.
I understood ASL, and she told him how kind I was to her and how I understood her sign language very well. He seemed very surprised and looked at me with a small smile.
" My receptionist tells me you are very good at ASL and were the only kind person today." I nodded at what he was saying; I looked at Mr.Zuk and then at the girl. I realized they could've been related, and knowing ASL could do her job and mine much more manageable with communication, at least. " Miss. Jaxson, are you listening?"
I nodded and held my head up " I just wanted to know where did you learn ASL?" he asked, almost like he was surprised to learn that someone else knew it. " I learned it in high school because a kid in my foster home was hard of hearing, and that was the only way for him to communicate."
The rest of the interview went by with me primarily using ASL to communicate with the receptionist and Mr.Zuk nodding.
I might have gotten the job for a second, but then there was a knock on his door, and his face dropped, and the receptionist dropped her head as soon as the person walked in. The man that walked in just looked at Mr.Zuk ( maybe they are related?)
I dropped my head as soon as I looked at the man; I tilted my head a bit to see who it was; he looked about the same age and build as the man sitting in front of me, and the man standing beside him looked just like him. The man beside him is his twin, whom I've only read about.
His name is Alexander Zuk, and he is the most feared man in Arizona. He also knows my real name. He looked at me and smiled. " Brother, I hope you hire this one; she is fiery. I should know."
Alexander looked at my hopeful boss with a mischievous smirk and nodded at me. He knows my real name, which is the most terrifying thing in the world. " May I excuse myself to the restroom?"
Nikolas nodded, and I walked as fast as I could to the bathroom; I heard footsteps behind me. I finally got to the bathroom, and then I looked behind me, and I swear the look on Alexander's face could kill, especially with his smile. " Funny seeing you again, Luna, my sweet flower."
I looked at him in shock, " I have no idea what you are talking about, sir."
" Now, Luna, remember who I am and what I know about you." His look almost made me feel dirty because he knew who I was running from.
I nodded at his words and started to head back to the office room and sat back in front of Mr.Zuk. He looked me up and down in a way that I assumed was to see if his brother touched me, but he didn't seem concerned after seeing him walk into the office again.
" I expect to see you on Monday at 8 am sharp, " Mr.Zuk said. I nodded at his words making a mental note to wake up at around five that morning to be ready for work before seven and arrive early. " Thank you for your time, sir." The look in his eyes as I walked away, I knew I would never be the same to him again.