The Pack


I was in that dark forest again, running and escaping from that big wolf giant, chasing after me.

There was not a thing different about the other chases. Only this time, the wolf is so close to catching up with me and having me as it dinner.

The full moon glittered brightly unto the narrow, still forest, between the starless night. My paws padded aggressively unto the rough floor of the forest, skipping twigs and branches on my way.

My wolf strength were beginning to fail me - my legs were giving out and my spine crying out for a rest. I knew I wouldn't go any further before I got caught by this wolf giant.

It wouldn't be like other nights where I found an hiding spot and took safety there. Tonight is different, the giant wolf was close and it blared it canine teeth at me, preparing to attack the moment he captures me.

My heart hammered hard against my chest when I see the wolf catching up and no hiding spots around me, yet.

The giant wolf got closer and closer and I knew this was it. Nothing could prevent me from getting captured and killed by this giant wolf. After many years of fighting and escaping from it, it finally caught me.

My focus was lost and I found my legs crashing into a broken branch I hadn't noticed and I stumbled over it, falling on my spine, flat on the floor.

The giant wolf halts to a stop and took threatening steps towards me, teeth blaring and thunderous growls escaping it throat.

I looked up at it, preparing myself for doom and as it brought up it legs to strike me in the face, a panicked voice echoes through the forest.


My eyes flipped open and I realized I was only in a dream, in a nightmare. And it was that similar one I always had. Sweating profusely and gasping to even my breath, I stared up at Gilead who had her wide honey-browned eye on me.

I tried to recover from the nightmare I just had, racking my senses on where I was.

Gilead was in a grey sweatshirt, on a dark blue jeans and an apron with "Montana Fast Foods" bodly scribbled on it, hung low on her waist.

Then, I remembered I was at my work place - the fast food restaurant - I had a few minutes break and decided to nap in the changing room.

"Oh My God, girl! Your break ended 20 minutes ago! I lied to Mrs Dalton that your break just started or she would have lost her shit if she found out you added 20 minutes to your initial break time."

I was still trying to steady my breath as she spoke, strolling around the changing room whilst discarding the apron from her waist. I guess her shift had ended.

I rubbed my head gently but, it did nothing to calm the throbbing headache I was feeling, threatening to split my head into an half.

"Come on, Mae! Go and take orders before Mrs Dalton notices anything. Hannah is here, my shift has ended."

I stared at her changing into a clean black tshirt and I felt a pang of jealously surge through my inside.

I hated evening shifts but, unfortunately that was when I worked. My boss, Mrs Dalton, has refused to switch my shift to a morning shift despite my pleading and laying out many reasons on why she should, she was hella stubborn about it till the end.

Evening shift weren't a problem, infact, it would help me get distracted from the reality of my sad and sorry life but, the customers that troped in and out mostly during that time, were the problem.

It didn't help that most of my pack members came to this restaurant because, the restaurant was the only one closest to the pack house.

I had to endure my pack members being such a sick bully and shoving the fact that I was a damn Omega, to my face. Even the so-called adults threw glares at me and whispered among themselves that my mom was a slut and maybe I would follow in her steps. It was a never ending circle. It was like I was the only Omega. There were a lot of other Omegas but, my name was mostly on their lips and I know why, because I was the Alpha's illegimate daughter.

The gossip never stopped and I took everything in like a bullet, bruising and weakening me each passing day.

Just like now. How I'm about to take this one coming at me.

I bit my lips, nervously as I approached the familiar faces at table eight. And worst of it all, Beverly, my biggest bully, was seated at that table with her other dickhead friends.

I heard snorts and Ews from the group of friends as I approached their table, each passing them a menu booklet.

"What would you like to order?" I kept my voice steady, dropping my head low.

Beverly suddenly raised her hand to get the attention of absolutely nobody, a wicked grin on her lips.

"Can I have my waiter changed, please? I don't want a slut serving my meals. My stomach are sensitive and I might throw up with the thought that I was served by someone whose cunt had seen so much dicks more than I have seen my periods."

Her friends, as expected, laughed at the sick joke and when I didn't give her the reply she wanted, she dropped her hands.

"What would you like to order?" I repeated, politely.

"Uhm, actually, I'd love to order specials."

Trevor, the dirty blonde with crooked nose, spoke and my eyes peered at me, excited that someone on the table didn't want to waste my time being an asshole.

"Our specials today are-"

I began to speak but, I was cut short.

"Not that, dummy. A friend of mine says his Uncle suspected to be impotent and he needed to test that. Would you be a sweetheart and offer him your sluttish clit to test that?"

Laughter broke out from the table. I swallowed the bile in my throat and steadied my breathing. I rubbed my sweaty palms together and felt the streak of tears at the corner of my eyes.

Hoping to control them but, failing, the tears prickled down my cheeks, uncontrollable, unstoppable.

"Trevor, you asshole, you made the poor girl cry."

A red-haired girl called blair said, smacking Trevor's hand, playfully and the group threw in another fit of laughter and mockery.

My body trembled and I wiped the tears off my cheek but, they kept flowing like a damn waterfall. I began to walk away from the group as they continued the mockery and before I disappeared into the changing room, I heard Beverly call after me;

"You should have left this world with your mother and continued your promiscuity in hell!"

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