Chapter 4 _ Sexy Padre Jericho
Chapter Four
Libraries were all the same no matter where you were. Human or supernatural, they smelled of dust and paper, leather and ink. It was one thing I could always count on. The Nirvana library here at Beastville was no different. I tossed the heavy tome I'd been studying onto the table in front of me, a loud thud calling attention my way from the scattering of students up and down the rows of workspaces. I’d been spending more and more time here during the evenings because any time I was alone on the grounds, I could swear I felt someone watching me. I wasn’t ready to get caught alone in a dark corner with yet another person who despised me.
"Careful, treat the books badly, and the banshee will wake up." Maeve pulled out the chair next to me and flopped onto the seat, somehow still seeming as graceful as a prima ballerina.
Today her hair was fire and spice, with dark cherry red roots gradually lightening to flame yellow at the tips. What had been a sleek blonde and blunt cut at her shoulders only yesterday now fell to the small of her back.
"Nice wig," I said, not paying her warning any heed.
"It's not a wig. This is all me, babycakes."
She tugged on the end of her hair.
"How? I thought magic wasn't allowed here."
Rolling her eyes, she muttered, "Newbies," before leaning in close. "In class, maybe. But they have no say in what I do when class is over. Besides, when I’m not on school grounds, I want to look good."
My eyes must've widened because she laughed loud enough to earn a stern glare from the librarian sitting at the desk.
"They just let you leave?"
Another laugh escaped her, this one quieter. "They don't let me do anything. But what they don't know won't hurt them. If I couldn't escape this place, I would go full cuckoo's nest within a week."
"Don't they notice you're gone?"
Shrugging, she toyed with the flaming end of her hair. "As long as the tuition is paid and I come back with all my appendages, they don't care."
"I'm coming with you next time."
She flashed me a brilliant smile. "Of course you are. You're my main bitch now."
Nodding, I reached for another book, this one about the history of the war between angels and demons. As thick as it was, it must've weighed fifteen pounds. At least.
"So, I know he hates you and all, but do you want to explain to me what the hell is between you and Devon Bassett now?"
Alarm ricocheted through me, starting in my chest and ending as a cold pit in my belly. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, that man is looking at you like he wants to kill you . . . right after he fucks you to within an inch of your life."
I followed her gaze up to the balcony that spanned the second floor. Sure enough, Devon leaned against the polished wood railing, eyes blazing with heat and menace as he pinned me with his stare.
"It's nothing. I told you, just a stupid grudge."
"Nope. You don't get to brush this off. You have tea, and I'm ready for you to spill it all over."
I flicked my gaze back to where he'd been standing, but he was gone. The energy he’d radiated stayed behind, though, humming through my veins.
"Our Families have been at odds since before I was born."
"Of course they have. Every person here is the designated tribute of one of the Families. I don't think any of them really get along."
"Yes, well, Devon and I were supposed to . . . bring the Callaway and Bassett packs together."
"Wait. That was the rejection you were talking about? You're his mate? No fucking way."
I winced. "Could you keep your voice down? I'm sure neither of us wants the whole world knowing what happened."
"Sorry. Go on."
"When I was presented to him on my sixteenth birthday, I . . . rejected him. He's hated me ever since."
She let out a low whistle. "Ouch. No wonder. Think he still has a thing for you?"
"No. He’s probably searching for a dark corner he can pull me into so he can get rid of me."
"Sure, we'll pretend that's why." Standing, she stretched and rolled her shoulders. "I sure wish someone hated me enough to look at me like that. I'd let her hate me right out of my clothes and into bed."
"Oh, I'm sure there's someone out there for you to have hot hate sex with."
"From your lips to the goddess’s ears." She blew me a kiss before strolling away with her fiery hair swaying.
Picking up the three books I'd pulled from the reference section, I returned them to the librarian's cart and headed for the mythology shelves, which were tucked deep in the back of the library. The eyes of the stained glass sphinx that made up the entirety of the west wall seemed to follow me with every step I took. The remaining glow of the last rays of the setting sun made the art appear alive.
An uneasy tremor built in my center as I scanned the books, searching for anything that stuck out as important for the class I was already behind in. The hair on the back of my neck rose, and I whirled around just in time for a large hand to grip me by the throat as I was pushed hard against the shelf.
Devon's stare burned straight through me, settling deep in my core. "What the fuck are you doing here, Asher? Are you stalking me?"
A warning growl built in my chest, the only response my wolf ever gave me. "Believe me, if I knew you would be here, I would've run away."
"Doesn't smell that way to me." He leaned in and dragged his nose across my collar and up my neck. Right to the spot where he would've marked me as his if I hadn't rejected him. "It smells like you still want me even though you threw away your chance."
"In your dreams."
"It was. Every fucking night, in fact. Until I realized how defective you were. I should thank you, you know? You saved me the embarrassment of being mated to a weak excuse of a wolf."
My chest fluttered, the anger boiling inside ready to escape. The urge to let my wolf out had my skin itching, too tight, desperate for the change.
"Look at you, so needy," he whispered. "I bet if I touched your little cunt right now, you'd be slick and hot for me."
"Fuck you," I spat.
One brow cocked. "That's the idea, Ash. You know, we may not be mates, but you’d still be good for a hard and fast fuck. What do you think?" His palm left my throat and slid down between my breasts before traveling farther, settling just over the top of my pussy. "Would you say no this time?"
Before I could answer and fight him off, Devon was gone, flung across the aisle and into the wall, knocking books off the shelves.
"That's quite enough from you, wolf." The tall, broad man's voice boomed through the space, his Irish accent almost lyrical. "Need I remind you of our earlier lesson in restraint?"
"Not all of us are as controlled as you, Priest," Devon bit out. "And we don't want to be either."
This guy was a priest? He was hot as fuck. Dark, wavy hair, cropped close at the sides but long enough to run your fingers through. The harsh slashes of his defined brows spoke of someone used to commanding respect. And then there was the jawline. Sharp, strong, sexy. What a waste. Curiously, even though Devon called the Irishman a priest, his complexion bore the trademark pallor of a vampire.
"Miss Callaway," the priest said, "Come with me. You're late for our first session."
"Yes. I am sure if you look at your schedule for the week, you'll find my name there every evening."
"Aye. My name is Father Jericho Sylvester, and I am going to help you find your wolf."