Chapter two: Partying

Chapter two: Partying


"So, you are coming with us right?" Olivia said as she stood in front of her small closet. Her hands on her hips and only wearing a towel, her hair wet and sticking to her shoulder.

I gave her a look and shook my head before turning to my laptop.

"You should already know the answer to that."

"Come on, Jessica." She groaned.

"You have never gone out with us and it is almost coming to the end of the semester. Can you at least go out this once?"

"I would rather not." I replied, clicking next on the movie I was watching.

"You can't sit here and watch movies all night. What did you do last weekend?"

"Studied." I shrugged.

Last weekend was when I met Jeffrey and I haven't talked to him or seen him since then. It is not like I was upset or anything but I was a little bummed, I guess.

She rolled her eyes, walking over to my bed and shutting my laptop close.

"Come out with us."

"Olivia…..!" I warned but she cut me off.

"Let us make a deal, you go out with us tonight and if you don't like it. I will personally bring you back home, no arguing or anything." I rolled my lips between my teeth, that sounded better.

"But I don't have anything to wear."

"Oh goodness."

She walked back to her closet, pulling out a burgundy long sleeved crop top and blue leather shorts.

"Oh no, I am definitely not wearing that." I stood up from my bed, shaking my head.

"Have you seen your ass? It is banging and you need to show it off tonight."

I pouted, somehow agreeing. I had a shower before her so my hair was fairly dry as she started straightening it. My hair was naturally very curly so trying to straighten it perfectly is a real pain but it can be done. We both put on our outfit after she was done with my hair. She was wearing a black high waisted skirt and a red halter crop top. Why did she have so many crop tops?

She then went on to do my makeup which I found rather relaxing and almost fell asleep at one point. By the time she was done, I didn't even look like myself again. My lips were pink , my eyes smoldering with dark colors, making my hazel irises pop and my cheeks perfectly contoured and highlighted.

She packed her own hair into a tight ponytail, putting on makeup as well. She looked pretty good, I must say. I had never seen her makeup right after she applied it, I usually only catch a glimpse of it when she comes back from partying and it is smudged all over her cheeks.

"Ready?" She asked, slipping into some red sneakers and she tossed me some blue bootie wedges.

I shrugged, slipping them on and following her out of our room.

Her friends, Harry and Steven joined us when we walked outside. There were two fraternity boys in the campus and they apparently knew the best places to party.

"So you are twenty, right?" Harry asked and I nodded sheepishly.

"Alex is having a killer party tonight." Steven said as we began the journey down the street away from the hostel.

"I thought we were going to the lounge?" Harry asked and I pretended to know these places when I had never even heard of them.

"No, Alex got the dance floor finally opened." Steven replied.

I simply crossed my arms and remained quiet on our journey to Alex or whatever. As we got to the place, I found out that it was actually a club. I followed them inside, shamefully letting the bouncer see my ID and letting me in with a wristband that indicated I was able to drink.

Olivia pulled me along, making sure I stayed with them at all times. I noticed that the dance floor was pretty filled with other college students, a lot of them freshman and sophomore who had somehow managed to get drinks themselves.

"Want a drink, Jess?" Steven shouted to me over the blaring music.

I opened my mouth but I didn't know what to say. I never had a drink at the club before, let alone mixed drinks in general.

"Surprise me." I replied as confident as I could even though I didn't know the names of any drinks.

He nodded and left for the bar counter, leaving me with Olivia and Harry but they already started kissing in front of me. I looked away awkwardly, I didn't even know that she had a thing with him since we have only been here for a little over a month.

I looked around the room seeing no one that looked familiar on campus. I almost wanted to tell Olivia that I needed to head back to the hostel but we just got here and I didn't want to ruin it for her.

I suddenly glanced up towards the second level balcony of the bar where there was another counter and a few more tables for people. It wasn't until I made eye contact with the man sitting at the table next to the railing that my stomach completely dropped. Jeffrey and he was here with that brunette.

I wanted to run but I couldn't tear my gaze away from him and he looked equally shocked to see me here as well. I quickly looked away as his date began to follow his eyes towards me. Steven walked over to me at that moment with my drink.

I took a sip after thanking him and I could taste pineapple juice. The drink was some sort of fruit concoction and lots of coconut rum. It was pretty good but it definitely burned my throat slightly on the way down. I avoided looking back up at Jeffrey even though I wanted nothing more than to lock my eyes with him.

Harry and Olivia tore their lips away from each other long enough to get drinks, leaving me with Jeffrey's burning stares at the back of my head.

"Want to dance?" He asked.

"Hmmm, sure."

I finished off the rest of my drink, hoping not to lose a little more as he took my hand and led me down to the already sticky dance floor. I glanced up at Jeffrey one last time, seeing his eyes still on me and turned back to Steven, letting him rest his hand on my hips as we danced along to the music.

I took three more drinks and I was already buzzing. I was pretty sure that if I had another cup, I wouldn't be able to walk properly. Harry and Olivia had joined us on the dance floor, grinding against each other and their lips meeting every couple minutes.

In that heat of the moment, I kind of wanted to kiss Steven but I would probably regret it in the morning since I don't even know his last name. I leaned over to Olivia and excused myself to use the restroom, telling her I would return right away and she should wait for me.

I left the dance floor, looking up momentarily to see that Jeffrey had left as well as his date. I shrugged it off and entered the restroom, quickly relieving myself so I could get back with the group.

As I made my way out of the restroom, I instantly bumped into a hard body. Quickly apologizing as I looked up at his face.

"H….hi, Jeff." I shuttered.

"Hello, Jessica." He smiled, he was carrying a large glass of a red drink, one of which was had earlier.

"I thought you weren't the party type?" He raised an eyebrow with a slight smirk.

"My roommate dragged me here with her male friends." Blinking a few times so my vision would go back to normal and I pointed to his glass.

"Can I have a sip?"

I took the straw between my fingers and took a big gulp of his drink, the liquor burning all the way down my throat.

"Are you drunk?" He frowned and I shrugged.

"I don't know, I have had like three or four glasses and then yours."

He pressed his lips and looked over to the dance floor before returning back to me. I noticed that the shirt he was wearing was unbuttoned, revealing the tattoo ink on his collarbone, causing my curiosity to take over me. I reached forward, my fingers pushing the fabric of his shirt aside and seeing the two eagles resting on his skin. For some reason, I found it incredibly sexy knowing he had a tattoo. When my fingers came in contact with his skin, I could see him almost suck in a breath as he watched intently.

"Two resting eagles." I muttered.

"Two resting eagles." He repeated, a low tone in his voice and his jade eyes staring intently at me.

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