''I beg you. Don't do this,'' pleaded the girl. Taking a step back to get away but the rebels continued to advance.
''Is that an order, princess?'' With a dismissive laugh.
If she could trade all the wishes that the skies had answered for her, Crysta would trade the hundred ponies that King Brent had given to her for her safety from the rebels.
But the skies cannot be negotiated with. Whereas humans can. That stirred Crysta's heart to bargain.
''If you let me go and make me continue my trip to Lucard safely, then the king will give you more gold than you get now,'' Crysta persuaded. But what she got was not what she expected.
One of the brands grabbed Crysta's wrist. The lustful, dirty and also disgusting face wore a sly smile. ''We are not interested in gold, princess. Because we're more interested with you.''
''It must be great to have slaves to sleep with in turns when we're tired of looting.''
A sex slave? Crysta gulped. Just imagining it gave her goosebumps. Her tears were getting harder to dry just hearing that.
''You guys are truly shameless. King Brent will cut off your heads if you dare touch the princess,'' Monic said hatefully.
Everyone turned their heads. The bald man who had the most conspicuous body because he was smaller than the others whistled. Realizing there was another prey they had forgotten about.
''Boys, if you can't wait for your turn, we should split into two groups.''
Monic's breath caught. Crysta closed her eyes. She was helpless to the situation. Because eight people immediately surrounded Monic, holding her legs, hands and also lifting the white dress typical of palace maids.
Monic's screams and rebellion were heartbreaking. Except Crysta, no one could understand that pain.
Was she supposed to accept this terrible fate? Let her and Monic be touched by immoral men?
If his father's gold and power couldn't make them back off from their imminent execution, then by what ways could she conquer these bastards?
Crysta raised her face. Her face turned serious. Tears were no longer coming out of her blue eyes.
''If you dare to do so, I will not forgive you,'' she shouted loudly.
The hands that wanted to rip off Monic's upper dress, the lowering of the pants to start the depraved act, the legs that were trying to reach Crysta, all stopped moving.
''I am the future wife of Prince Pascal. Prince Valliant. You're in big trouble if you hurt his fiancée.''
The rebels froze. Like they couldn't believe it. Crysta had heard the conversation between Zorgax and Christian. But she was also surprised because she did not expect Pascal's name had such a big impact.
"He'll be here soon. Pick me up with his army. Riding a tiger with a giant golden coat. I'm sure the Titan will be happy to eat all of you.''
In confusion and hesitation to proceed with the plan, the rebels exchanged glances. Pascal's name was nothing more than mere talk at first. About how deadly and brutal he was in killing. But after actually meeting him in person, they believed the rumors with confidence. Even the most powerful man like Zorgax was afraid to face him.
Crysta quickly ran towards Monic. Pushing away the rebel holding her maid. Then helped Monic to stand up while they were still stunned and looked around the forest warily.
''Princess, what are you doing?" Monic whispered.
''You think I should confess that I'm Lonard's fiancée, is that it?" she replied. ''Thank Pascal when you meet him later.''
Monic did not answer. Although she wondered why King Brent did not betroth Crysta to Pascal instead? Someone who had great power and also influence.
Crysta was busy sneaking around. Mentioning Pascal's name in the middle of something like this was a good diversion.
''I don't want to stir up trouble with the Valliant prince. That's a very bad idea.''
The atmosphere was getting more and more chaotic. Words of surrender and despair went back and forth.
''Maybe I can deal with Valliant's common soldiers. But Andromeda's army is a different matter.''
''We were beaten back several times by that army. Even without their prince, those armored bastards can keep us from being free to plunder the kingdom again.''
''Maybe we survived it once. But who can guarantee that we won't die this time, huh?''
''Even her people are protected, what about her fiancé?'' That complaint didn't just come from one person.
''No... no. I still want to live. Enjoying the spoils and living in a quiet village. That's why we're going to Lucard and not staying in Valliant.''
And one of the fifteen people realized something. If Crysta was Pascal's fiancée, then why did they meet on the way to the kingdom of Lucard?
''Do you think the princess is not lying? Isn't-'' he hung up. Looking for Crysta and Monic. But there were only two pairs of shoes on the ground. ''Wait! Where did those two women go?'' It dawned on them that their captives had disappeared.
''They were in he-''
''There they are!'' Found Crysta and Monic running towards the river.
"Go after them!''
Two against fifteen. As smart as humans are, there's always a stupid side too. She managed to trick the rebels who originally had the upper hand.
There was only one thing on Crysta's mind. That was the river. The rocks and fast flowing water would be a natural obstacle. Also their considerable distance had given Crysta pause to calm down a bit. No matter which direction she took, what was clear was that, she needed to avoid the rebels.
''What if we get lost, Princess?''
''I don't care, Monic. Getting lost is better than being raped by them.''
Crysta nimbly crossed the river. She didn't care about her wet dress or her bare feet stepping on the pebbles. She had one thing on her mind, and that was to be free from being chased.
The overcast sky above answered Crysta's wish. Raindrops accompanied their escape.
Behind, the rebels seemed hesitant to catch up. But that only lasted a few minutes. Seeing the two weak women who now managed to ford the river and enter the forest from a distance, ignited their emotions. There was a feeling of resentment at being defeated and fooled by Crysta and Monic.
Sharp weeds, dried up tree branches, rocks, all were passed by the two. Although they occasionally groaned or winced because they were stepped on or cut by something, this did not discourage the two of them from continuing to run through the forest.
''Hurry up, Monic!'' As she turned around, she saw a glimpse of what she thought was a rebel.
''We're already halfway there. We should at least find a path to get to Lucard.''
Crysta took the right path, Monic followed. The sound of the approaching rebels spurred the adrenaline of both of them to keep their feet moving faster. That's not good.
Ten minutes later.
''Princess!'' Monic stopped. Her breath caught.
''What's wrong?'' Lowering the speed while turning around. A moment later, it stopped because she saw Monic who seemed unable to run.
''Rest. I want to rest.''
Crysta took a deep breath. She was tired too, actually. So she looked around, reading the situation before agreeing to Monic's request.
Tall trees with small trunks could not be used as hiding places. And again, the shouting back there could still be heard by both of them. They were not safe yet.
She approached Monic who was still catching her breath. She gently rubbed the woman's back. Crysta had always been like that. She was a kind and delicate princess. Full of love. At Monic's age, she understood that running was not easy for her caretaker.
''I know you can't afford to continue running like this. But we can't stop anyway, Monic.''
''Princess, I'm really not strong.''
Concern was printed on Crysta's face. ''Alright. If you're unable to run, can you still walk?''
''Come out Princess. Just give up. Don't make us angry.''
Monic shuddered in horror. Her goosebumps stood up. She looked behind her. What Crysta had said was true. They couldn't stop.
''Come on. Why are you staying there?''
Crysta groaned angrily. How could that woman leave her behind while she was already running back first. Fucking Monic.
"Monic!" she screeched in annoyance.
Actually, the rebels could have just not chased Crysta together. But the gold they left behind was not worth their lives. Worried about Crysta telling Pascal about this attack.
''Hurry up, asshole.
''We'll lose them if we don't find them by sunset.''
''It's a big woods. There's no trail. What can we do except hope they turn themselves to us?''
Not only Crysta and Monic were desperate, but the rebels were too. In that desperation, Crysta's torn dress was found hanging from a branch.
Also fresh blood that had not yet dried.
''Expect them to turn themselves in?" said one of them while checking the texture of the blood. ''They're too honorable to do that.''
''Keep looking. They're very close.''
Meanwhile, Crysta and Monic were walking leisurely. Tiredness, hunger and the wounds they had received made the escape even harder. Crysta looked up, only to find the scorching sun that never dimmed its rays.
''We can rest at that tree.''
''Alright, Princess.''
Having a fairly large trunk, the tree could cover the two women's thin bodies. Crysta let Monic lean on her shoulder. Resting. The breeze made the tired eyes sleepy. Without realizing it, both of them fell asleep.
And woke up to the rebels who had caught up with them.
''Hurry up and find them!''
Crysta placed a forefinger on her lips. A moment after she woke up and was followed by Monic. Peeking out from between the weeds.
''Be quiet, Monic.'' The enterprising rebels checked every tall weed. Including behind the trees. Thrilling Crysta's once calm heart.
''Princess...'' Monic's voice changed tone. Increasingly soft and also scared. But Crysta remained focused on her enemies.
Until Monic's next call ignited Crysta's emotions.
''What!'' Turn around. Crysta not only found Monic behind her. But also, someone with a black robe and a face covered by a mask.
Crysta froze. For a moment. But she suddenly lost control of her silence when the tall figure tried to touch her neck. Suddenly she screamed.
Her whereabouts were known. The rebels then approached Crysta and Monic who were now more afraid of the mysterious figure in front of them.
''Leave them to us!''
''Or you will suffer the consequences.''
Not a word of agreement came out of the robed man's mouth. Instead, a sword was drawn. Passing through Crysta to now face the fifteen people without fear.
A fight inevitably ensued. Crysta didn't know who that man was. But clearly, the figure was not on her side or even on the rebel side. She thought that she had met another bad guy. In the wilderness, no one could be trusted except her maid.
Just as a hand flew up and fell beneath her feet, Crysta was reminded of Logan's hand that she saw a few days ago, making her legs weak and then falling unconscious a few seconds later.