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“You haven’t introduced yourselves, yet.” Sternly, he replied, looking at the older woman intently.

“Oh, forgive us, Mr. Gomez. I am Theresa Daine Dixon, the wife of the owner of Dixon Company. This gorgeous lady beside me is my daughter, Hailey Daine. We’re pleased to make your acquaintance throughout your journey.” Troye shot a glance at the woman beside her.

She’s sitting on her seat with her face screamed with boredom. She had her legs and arms crossed together. Her sleepy eyes wandered around the surroundings, uninterested in what ‘business’ her mom was talking about.

“Cut to the chase already. I’m getting bored here.” Hailey muttered as she observed her red long nails.

Troye narrowed his eyes into slits when something struck him. The surname sounded familiar, especially the daughter’s name. It felt like he had already read it somewhere.

“As you can see this lady beside me—” Theresa spoke further, but Troye’s attention was somewhere else. He’s trying to remember where he had read that surname! “Are you with us, mister?” Troye flinched when he heard a snap of fingers. His expression went back to normal and looked at the women in front of him.

As the other looked at him with annoyance, the mother looked at him with confusion.

“I told you, mom. No one’s going to accept that job with that cheap price, which is way better by the way.” Hailey said, furrowing his brows with puzzlement. “I don’t need a bodyguard. They might only take advantage of our wealth. You know how desperate underprivileged people are.”

“Excuse me?” Troye muttered, disagreeing with her insights. He wanted to say more about her remarks, but he restrained himself. Instead, he passed his attention to the mother.

“Then, why did you come along? If it’s way better for you to not have a bodyguard.” the mother said to the daughter.

“Well… I just wanted to see you struggling to find one.” Hailey smirked as she casted a sideward glance at her mom.

Troye’s brows sank deeper as he seemed to be left out by the conversation that the two had. What do they mean by cheap price? Underprivileged? And a bodyguard? Where did those come from?

Theresa only sighed and turned her head to him.

“I want you to be the bodyguard of this lady beside me. Your monthly would be worth five million and five hundred thousand dollars, and the yearly pay would be seventy million dollars worth. Still a cheap price for you? I would be willing to raise it thrice.” The mother stated without hesitation, leaving Troye somehow in shock.

W-What did she say? S-Seventy million?! And she’s even willing to thrice the amount? Dang! How rich are these people?!

“Your eyes are sparkling, guess it wasn’t cheap at all.” Hailey teased.

“You only have to do the following…” Theresa continued, ignoring her daughter’s comment. She slid a folder toward his direction, prompting him to get it with hesitation though.

“Fuck, you have that?!” Hailey cussed at her mother, surprised at the sight of the folder which she presumed as a contract.

Troye opened the folder, revealing a contract for the said job.

Must: You shall be with Hailey wherever she goes; Do whatever she wants unless it’s against humanity and your sanity; Come after the people who wrongs her even the slightest ones; Protect her at all cost; Devote your life to her; And might as well tame her.

Must not: You shall not disobey her order, otherwise you’ll be punished by her; Take advantage of her; Go somewhere without her permission; Betray her; Invade her personal time; And fall in love with her, otherwise your job is over.

Those are the remarkable clauses and the rest that remains on the paper were all the descriptions.

Troye smirked after reading the terms and conditions in the contract. Reading them just made him form into a possible conclusion.

“Is she your only child?” he asked, confusing both of them. “No doubt. You’re simply trying to secure the successor of the company, aren’t you?” he continued. Theresa flinched, which somehow confirmed his conclusion.

The mother sighed instead of answering him. “Are we clear?” Theresa muttered, ignoring his questions.

“I didn’t say I’ll accept this job. For your information, I am a policeman.” He replied.

“’Was’ fits best with the tense used.” Theresa smiled at him which halted him for a moment. He’s somehow curious about what she meant. Did she know about his current situation?

Troye reclined on his seat. “What made you get me as her bodyguard? You didn’t know a thing about me after all. Don’t you think it’s quite dangerous to entrust your daughter to some guy like me? Considering that your daughter is receiving tons of death threats every day?”

He remembered it now. He had read that surname on the headline of a news article. In addition to that, he had also heard several rumors about that woman named Hailey. She’s notorious for being an evil CEO of the Dixon Company.

“I’m complacent because you once came from the police force. I’m confident that you knew about the laws very well, as how I am certain that you won’t lay a hand on her too.”

This woman seemed to know a lot about me.

“I’m sorry to say this but I refuse. The offer was good and the job wasn't bad, either. However, it does seem like accepting this job is synonymous with having my freedom taken away.” He answered bluntly. As he had read the contract, he came to such a conclusion.

There’s no way he could let that happen.

“Of course, you will accept this. Your career is over, so where will you get your money to sustain your daily living with your father? I don’t think you can also return to being a cop, now that the higher ups have retrieved your license already. Your father had retired from his job as well. You think that you can find a different job? Don’t expect it, dear. Luck isn’t as kind as we are to you. So, just sign the contract and your problems will be solved.”

“Where… did you know all of that?” he asked sternly.

“Well… connections?” Theresa smiled at him.

A moment of silence filled the surrounding as what Theresa just said played in his mind. She’s right. Where will he get the money to continue living? Though, he’s willing to sell whatever he has to live, but those aren’t permanent. It may only take months for them to live comfortably. And accepting this job is probably worth years or even decades for his family to live. He could build an asset such as a business to support them financially!

Troye gulped at the thought. “You will let me sleep on it to decide, right?” he asked, making Theresa smile widely but made Hailey to scoff out of disappointment.

“Of course, dear.”

“Meet me in our company tomorrow, if you have already made up your mind.”

And the conversation ended. He followed his eyes to the women walking away from him until they got into a limousine. He lowered his head and sighed.

He was in the same position for a second until he remembered something. He got to his feet and dialed the number of the inspector.

“Troye!” the other line greeted him after dialing once.

“Inspector, can we meet now?” he asked. He has something to ask from the inspector.


“Meet me in the Stairway café.”

Troye immediately left the place and went to the café where he will meet the inspector. As soon as he got there, Inspector Ryan then followed.

“I’m so sorry, Troye. I couldn’t do anything to lift up their decision…” he said.

“It’s not your responsibility, inspector.” He simply answered.

A waiter went toward them to get their order, cutting their conversation short.

“Still… I could have done something at least. Why are they doing this? How in the world could they do that to the ace of this city? It’s their loss, isn’t it?” the inspector went on, expressing his annoyance toward that matter.

Troye just chuckled and didn’t say a thing about it. A few moments after, he halted and looked at the inspector seriously.

“Inspector… can you do me a favor?” he asked, changing the subject abruptly. Inspector Ryan was bewildered for a second as he thought that Troye invited him here to talk about his resignation. But eventually, he asked further about what the favor may be.

“What favor?”

Troye started to tell him the background of his favor to convince the inspector more to do it for him.

“Hmm… that’s quite a difficult one to make.” The inspector commented after he knew what he needed to know.

“It’s alright if you won’t do it, inspector, I’m not going to force you. After all, this might affect your job, too.” Troye smiled at him.

“I didn’t say that I won’t do it. Besides, I trust you with whatever you do.” Inspector Ryan returned the smile.

Their conversation didn’t take that long, since Inspector Ryan still had something to do related to his job. So, he bid his farewell to him first and went off.

Meanwhile, Troye cannot go back to home yet because surely his father would ask a lot of questions regarding his early time out. He usually goes home by 6pm, so he had to follow that pattern to avoid unwanted circumstances. Troye just didn’t want to lie to his father. His father has been in a delighted mood lately and he didn’t want to ruin it. So, in the meantime, it’s better if he hides the truth until the chance to tell him everything kicks in.

He still had a few hours to go home, so he decided to go to the Orland Seaside to pass the time. He usually goes here whenever his mind is a mess. The sound of the waves crashing and the sea breeze colliding his skin are just too calming that gives him a peace of mind.

It takes him hours to stay in that place, because he doesn't mind the time that passes whenever he’s there. Just like today, the original plan was to go home by 6pm, but he didn’t notice the time and made it home at 7:30.

He was then greeted with the usual smile of his father. He reciprocated the smile as his mind was wandering somewhere.

He had already made up his mind regarding the job offered by the Dixons.

Another day comes, and Troye is preparing himself to go to the Dixon Company.

“I thought, it’s your rest day today.” His father asked.

“I have somewhere to go, dad. See you later!” he replied and bade his farewell to him.

He’s pretty in a hurry.

He’s now in front of the Dixon Company. And for some reason, he felt nervous even though he kept on doing the deep breath technique. He gathered his courage later on and went out of his car.

From afar, he could see a familiar woman standing at the entrance. It’s as if she's expecting his presence.

“You made it here.” Theresa greeted him.

Troye looked at her in the eyes and gave her his response to her offer yesterday.

“I accept the job, ma’am.”

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