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In the end, Hailey called one of the maids of her mother and ordered her to bring her amount of money.

“They’re so freaking annoying!” she exclaimed as she paced outside of the store. She walked continuously without minding anyone—even a person that she may bump into—until she got out of the building with Troye following her from behind who’s carrying all the stuffs she bought. There were eighteen package bags, by the way.

“God,” Hailey whispered with restraining madness when she saw Troye still meters away from her. “DAMN IT! MAKE IT FAST!” she shouted at him from the top of her lungs before getting inside the car.

Troye stopped for a moment to catch his breath. “This is crazy. Really crazy.” Hailey is really not going to take him easy. She’s basically desperate to kick him out, and to do that, she have to make him suffer.

Troye then quickly paced his way toward the car where his fuming boss is at.

“You know how to drive, right?!” with anger still vivid in her voice, she asked him. Well, Hailey didn’t have to ask him that as he is already inclined to drive the car by himself.

“This day is just so unlucky.” She remarked and casted a glance at the driver with furrowed brows. “See how even the situation didn’t want your presence as well?” She’s basically saying that it was him who brought that unfortune to her.

“As if this is the first time that such happened.” Troye whispered. But due to the silence inside, it’s clearly heard by his boss.

Hailey let out a fake laugh as she blew air. “Then, we’ll see how long you’ll last.” She replied, which Troye just chuckled at. Hailey gave him a glare but he didn’t bother to notice them.

Silence once again took over the ambiance as the heavy breaths from Hailey can only be heard. She’s still trying to catch up her breaths from getting angry. She leaned her elbow on the window and rested her head on her hand.

But she eventually withdrew her position upon noticing the direction of the car.

“Hey, where are you bringing me?” Hailey asked on her authoritative voice. But Troye just kept on driving without even glancing at her.

“I’m asking you, bastard.” She muttered again, but with accompany of kicking the driver’s seat. But she only heard a subtle chuckle from the man. At that moment, her heart began to race, and the threats she got on the previous days rushed back inside her head.


“I’m going to call the police.” She uttered once again which meant to threat him. “Mr. Gomez, where are we heading?” she remained her pose still.

“Bastard, are you deaf?!”

And the car suddenly stopped. She almost had herself getting hit. Hailey looked outside in hopes to recognize the place, only to know that they are now in front of the famous fast food Jillobee.

“I know you didn’t eat your lunch yet, ma’am.” He has been beside her after all. Troye casted a glance at Hailey through the rearview mirror and immediately got out from the car, leaving Hailey inside.

“Seriously?!” Hailey hissed at the disbelief she had for her bodyguard. “You’re really bringing me to this place? And let me eat their greasy foods?” Hailey followed Troye with disbelief still carved on her face.

If Troye has been following Hailey around earlier, now, the situation has turned.

“You’re not fucking serious, Mr. Gomez, are you?”

Troye turned his head to her, “This is what I can afford, ma’am, so bear with me for the meantime.” And proceeded to the queue.

“Gosh, this is crazy! Really crazy!” Troye chuckled in the back of his mind as he heard those words from her boss which he also said earlier.

After the orientation inside the elevator, the matriarch asked for a report from him about the whereabouts of her daughter and what she’s doing every five hours. Now, Troye had this idea of treating the unica hija to some fast food to fill her stomach, so he could at least report to her mother that she’s eating her meals.

As he was done telling his orders, he instantly looked for the presence of his boss. There he found her in a corner with her arms crossed and fire gazes glaring at some random folks.

She could at least look for a table. Troye sighed at the thought, what can he expect from a spoiled brat like her who came from a rich family?

“You’ve exceeded the boundary, Mr. Gomez.” Hailey told him.* Seems like she didn’t know about the report thing. *

Troye didn’t respond and just stood there together with her to wait for their orders. “You go first to the seventh table, ma’am, while I wait here for our orders.” He told her as he gazed at the crews preparing for their meals.

“Have you realized that you’re giving me orders, Mr. Gomez?” Hailey fired, with her brows almost drew in one line. Troye turned his head to her direction and muttered.

“Then, shall I go first, ma’am, and you’ll get the orders instead?”

Hailey rolled her eyes, still in rage. “You’re losing your mind, Mr. Gomez.” She murmured with emphasis each word as if it carries sharp blades in hopes to get him stabbed. Still, she did what she was told, and went toward the seventh table.

A few minutes later, their foods have now well-prepared. Troye fetch them up and brought them toward the table where his boss is. She’s still having the look of disagreement, contradiction, and fiery.

Hailey was looking at the food served in front of her with full of disgust written all over her face.

“Are these… really what you want me to eat?” Hailey stared at the food, then passed her gazes to the man in front of her.

“Ma’am,” Troye called in his stern voice and sat properly. “From this day onwards, whether you like it or not, you are my responsibility. I’m not forcing you to eat this food, either. However, you should not indicate that I’m not giving you proper treatments, because I am, with all I could.”

“What? Did you just say…” with disbelief plastered on her face, she replied. “Me?” she pointed herself using her thumbs. “Your responsibility?” and pointed Troye with her index finger.

“You’re beginning to spit nonsense, Mr. Gomez—”

Troye cut his gazes to her instantly when she’s about to throw barbs. Instead, he started to eat the food in front of him.

“If you couldn’t eat something like this, then provide yourself with a luxurious one. I already told you, ma’am, I’m not forcing you. As your bodyguard, I just did what I could.”

“Bodyguard, you say? Is there even a bodyguard who eats with their boss?” Hailey fired. She is not really going to back down.

Troye lifted up his head and looked at her. “I used my money… ma’am.” And went back to eating right away.

Hailey let out a deep breath. Though, it’s clear that she’s still hesitating to eat the food, she still did. And that mere action of hers had Troye thought that she’s beginning to dance in his palms. One of the clauses of the contract indicated that might as well tame her.

Sounds impossible, but he’s going to tame and change this woman… for his own sake. He couldn’t stand working with such attitude.

After all, both parties could benefit from it.

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