Chapter 5

I couldn’t scale the wall couldn’t risk being caught in such an obvious position, when the warriors were called - and they probably already were. I ran the last few steps to the door that I never planned on using and reminded myself to shut it behind me quietly.

Thankfully, this one led to the stairs, the winding staircase where my room was just three floors above.

I started walking, too slowly my brain was shouting, but I couldn’t risk going faster while still staying quiet.

I reached the first landing of the ancient spiral staircase and paused for a moment. I knew it would probably be quiet as these were guest rooms, and it was.

I repeated my movements until I got to the next one. Just one more flight and a hallway separated me from my room.

This time I heard the rustling of feet, a lot of feet. I wasn't surprised; some of the head warriors stayed on this floor, and they would be the first to be alerted.

I pinned myself against the wall out of sight, unless anyone decided to use this stairway. This wasn't the staircase that would be the quickest for them, but if they were smart, they would cover all their bases and not rush to the already dead body.

A few last feet shouting orders ran past the landing. Thankfully, no one turned down this way. Idiots.

I rushed up the stairs quicker, this time to my floor that I shared with some of the omega's that didn't have their own cottages.

Their hushed voices sounded louder until I could make them out. Some walked past, and some just seemed to cluster in the hallway. The last thing I needed. A flicker of rage shot through me, but I wasn’t sure why. I clenched my fist, willing them to go back to their rooms. Of course, they didn't.

“We have to go down to support the ranked members.”

“What happened?”

“I’m scared, I don’t want to go.”

They didn't seem to be in any rush to actually go assist their ranked members. Move move move, I pleaded silently to them, but they didn't listen.

I had no other option, I was already behind on time, and I knew it was mere moments before one of them would come knocking on my door.

I turned around and walked re-traced my steps as fast as I could to the only window I could squeeze out of between the two floors.

The window groaned and creaked as I forced it open. I hauled myself up and through it after ensuring the outside was clear. Most of the warriors were hopefully distracted with the body for a few minutes more.

That's all I needed, a few minutes.

I closed the window behind me, hanging from the ledge, my muscles burning with the effort. I reached my foot out until I found the purchase of stones that jutted out around the spiraling tower that held the stairs.

I could see my window, my salvation. I grabbed onto ivy, but I didn’t trust it. I found some crevices in the old stone, and slowly made my way across. One foot found a space, one hand grabbed onto a cracked, solid stone.

Just a few feet up and then a few feet to the left, I was almost there. I paused every few seconds to listen if anyone was coming beneath, not that it would be any use. If I were caught out here, I would be worse than dead.

I finally made it to my small balcony. I laid my cheek against the freezing stone for a split second, cooling down the heat that coursed through me. A second was all I could spare for a moment of relief.

I mustered the last of my remaining strength to pull myself from the ledge through my window. If I lingered any longer and lost any ounce of adrenaline, I wouldn't have the strength.

I landed with a thud, and I froze on the floor, letting my eyes adjust to this new kind of darkness. It was quiet.

I pushed myself off the floor, wasting no time peeling off my clothes that were drenched with sweat.

They smelled awful, a mix of blood and sweat, but I wouldn't have time for a shower. I threw them in the dying fire, it shot to life at the ammunition. The fire warmed my back as I unwillingly stashed the bloodied knives. I had no time to get rid of them tonight or even clean them.

I splashed my face with water, not daring to even look in the mirror as I went to work scrubbing my hands and face multiple times.

I was stupid to get this much blood on me, it was already dried from the extra time it took me to get back here. I scrubbed my hands raw with anger at myself.

I finally looked in the mirror to make sure there weren't any lingering drops that I missed.

Something about my appearance made me pause. The forgotten glimmer in my eye flickered back to life. I smiled at myself as I pulled my hair from its braid and let it fall around me, checking for any debris stuck in it.

As I pulled on the nightgown I was wearing earlier, I glanced at the fire; thankful that my clothes were already turned to ash, I put another log on top of it. Scanning the room again for anything, I missed anything out of place.

The window, I bounded towards it to close it against the cold before unlocking the door.

The adrenaline and anxiety of tonight mixed with my excitement and relief that it was over. It felt like lightning was coursing through my veins.

I rushed to the bed and tucked myself in, rumpling the sheets. I turned to face the door.

I couldn't help it.

I couldn't not remember the last time I came here, to this very bed, covered in blood. Last time, I didn’t bother to wash it off for days.

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