Handsome Slave

Swana Pov.

Nancy had gotten information about the Gladiator show and the slaves who used to compete there. I didn't hesitate to take Nancy there. Armed with hooded robes to cover our faces and hair, we headed there.

In the carriage, Nancy tried to stop me from my crazy plan. She was very worried that what I was doing would be discovered by someone. But I couldn't give up on my marriage to Killian. Because the risk of the engagement being canceled or my crazy actions being discovered by others was equally distressing.

"My lady, your plan is very risky. I'm not sure that the great lord would agree with the way you've learned to satisfy men."

"Then no one will know that I bought a slave," I said.

It seemed that Nancy had given up trying to persuade me not to buy a slave. She was now just silent and waiting to see what would happen.

We arrived a short while later. The circular building where there were seats for the audience overlooked a large, circular field as well. There was a section of the building where there were not too many spectators and seats. Of course it was a special section reserved for people with a lot of money. Usually those people are nobles but if they want to come here the nobles hide their identity with robes and masks like I did. Their identity here is just a rich person who has a lot of money.

We initially had a hard time getting a seat. But the money soon solved that problem. The special guards immediately knew that I was royalty so they escorted me to a special place for royalty. Of course I had to give them gold coins in return.

"My lady, I'm so nervous," Nancy whispered.

"Believe me, I feel the same way. "

"I'm not sure if this bloody show is something you can watch," Nancy said again.

To be honest, I wasn't sure I could see this either. But I need a slave and this is the only place I can get one.

The crowd cheered loudly as the gladiatorial slaves were brought to the center of the arena. The slaves looked rough, muscular and cruel. None of them caught my attention so I just closed my eyes during the bloody scene where the slaves were fighting each other. Like I said, I can't bear to watch bloody scenes.

The winner of the Gladiator competition stood in the center of the arena. I saw him covered in wounds and felt sorry for him. But he wasn't the type I wanted. So I stayed in my seat and watched the auction begin.

"Are you going to the auction?" Nancy asked.

I shook my head. What I wanted was a younger and softer-faced man than the Gladiator's slave winner.

"I'm glad to hear that," Nancy said.

When the auction was over, Nancy glared in disbelief at the slave's price.

"Wow, she's really expensive," Nancy said.

"She will definitely be a reliable guard. Her skills are amazing," I said.

After a few pauses to clean up the mess after the first match, the second session of the Gladiator match began. The crowd seemed to be whispering as a group of slaves were brought to the center of the arena.

There was a tall, silver-haired man with red eyes standing with a cold face. I knew immediately that he was the one I wanted.

"He's very handsome," Nancy said.

"Yes, I think he's a fallen nobleman."

This match, I didn't close my eyes. Although there were bloody scenes that made me dizzy, but I tried to keep watching out because I worried about the safety of the silver-haired man.

He was surprisingly strong. He moved quickly to hit his opponent. His attacks were so effective and deadly that in one hit his opponent was knocked unconscious.

"He won!"


The cheers from the crowd signaled that the Gladiator fight was over. I was so mesmerized that I didn't realize it was over. The silver-haired man stood in the center as a spectator to wait for who would buy him in the auction.

And when the auction starts, that's when I have to fight to win it.

"My lady, are you going to bid?" asked Nancy.

"Of course. He's a suitable man."

"One hundred thousand gold coins."

"Two hundred thousand gold coins."

As the spectators were busy competing to offer high prices, I ended them with a large sum.

"Ten million gold coins!" I shouted.

Everyone immediately fell silent. No one dared to bid higher than me.

"Oh my head. " Nancy looked shocked to see me spending so much money just to buy a slave.

I laughed at Nancy. It's like she doesn't know that I'm much richer than my parents who are counts.

"My lady, where will you get that much money from?"

"That's my secret," I said.

Someone came to me along with a silver-haired slave. They seemed ready to exchange the man.

"Did you bring the money, my lady?" Asked the fat man with the rope. The rope tied the hands of the silver-haired slave who won earlier.

"Of course."

I took out a pouch containing gold bars. The men glared because they didn't think that what I gave them were gold bars.

"One gold bar is worth one million gold coins. I have five bars in each bag," I explained.

"Perfect. Our transaction is complete."

They handed over the silver-haired man. Then give me the key to the chain necklace around the slave's neck.

"It is better not to let go of this necklace. Because the necklace is a restraint on this man's strength," the fat man ordered.

I began to wonder who this man really was.

"Don't worry. "

We quickly left the building for the carriage. Of course, I still had my face and hair covered. I'll only take them off after arriving at the seaside house belonging to my maternal grandfather's family.

Finally, everything went smoothly. I opened my robe quickly and inhaled a lot of air.

"Oh God, I'm so relieved to be out of there," I said.

Unexpectedly, the slave who had been silent raised his face. He grinned with eyes that looked at me sharply. My body trembled with fear. Moreover, his hand extended towards me.


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