Chapter 4


I was sleeping, and in the middle of my beautiful sleep, I woke up due to my cell ringing.

I ignored it, but it started ringing again and again. At last, I took my cell and answered it without looking at the caller ID.

Suddenly, my eyes widened because it was my best friend speaking stammeringly.

"CALIIIIIII" she shouted my name.

"Oli, sweetheart, where are you right now?" I asked politely.

"I am in a bar with my friend yayyyyyy; it's time to have some fun; come on." She replied.

My eyes widened at her sentence, and suddenly, I jumped from my comfy bed, took out my warm cardigan, and moved out of the apartment.

I was trying some means of transport, and a cab appeared. I settled in the cab and reached the bar where my bestie was enjoying her time with some friends, which I didn't even know until now.

Furthermore, I entered the club with some difficulty, as I am uncomfortable here, so I have no fake identity.

When I entered, I roamed my eyes everywhere, searching for my bestie, but I couldn't find her.

I reached the bar area and stood awkwardly, and suddenly, I felt like someone was watching me intensely, and I became uncomfortable and started to fidget in my place.

I searched everywhere for my friend, and couldn't find her anywhere. Then, likewise, I noticed some movement in the corner of the club and moved towards it. When I got there, I saw her, my bestie. I ran and jumped on her from the back, and after occasionally, I returned to my senses and shouted at her, "Don't you dare to give me such a shock, Olivia; you know I was so scared when I found you calling me at midnight."

I dragged her towards the entrance, and suddenly, she stopped. Furthermore, I looked at her with curiosity and raised my eye, asking her, "Now what."

She asked me to join her on the dance floor. I shook my head, indicating her with a no, and dragged her out of the club.

She whined at me and struggled in my hold to set her free. I made her sit in the cab and told the driver to move quickly.

She was continuously blabbering in her drunken state and kept her head on my shoulder. I stroked her hair for some time, and there she was gone.

I sighed and leaned on the seat's backside. Furthermore, I was sleeping, and now I am in a cab, and that's all because of my best friend.

Likewise, I shut my eyes and remembered the morning incident, and a shiver ran down my spine in horror; that touch had made me uncomfortable.

Furthermore, I just shake my head to clear off my mind. Finally, we reached our apartment and moved out of the cab towards our home, and entered. Holding Oli and, at the same time, opening the door was a task to do.

But I managed to switch on the lights and dragged Oli towards her room. I also dragged myself towards my room, took off my cardigan, and threw my lazy and sleepy body on my comfy bed.


I opened my eyes to look at the source of the sound and found my alarm ringing. I touch the button on top of

The alarm and went off.

I moved towards the shower, quickly took a bath, and changed into something comfortable for my school.

I then headed towards Olivia's room and lightly touched her shoulder to wake her up. But she was a stubborn soul and didn't even stir in her sleep, so I just shook her hard.

She sat straight on her bed and rubbed her eyes tightly to remove the extra sleep.

She looked up at me and asked what through her eye gestures, and I replied to School Missy.

I came out of her room towards the kitchen to prepare a healthy breakfast and a hangover drink.

Oli hugged me tight, saying, "I have a severe headache and am feeling dizzy, Cali, do something, please."

I just nodded and handed her over the drink, which I made to reduce her headache and also make her look fresh to start a new day.

She gulped down the drink and told me how yesterday, after work, when I was not there, she went to a club with one of her friends and got drunk.

I hugged her again and rubbed

Her back to make her comfortable a bit and relax.

We moved out of the apartment and headed towards our school. When we entered our school, it was a typical morning, like the cheerleaders were trying to show off their bodies by pulling their clothes. The jocks were flirting with different girls passing by their way.

We just straight away went towards our first class to start our day. When it was time for our lunch break, we heard some news regarding the trustee of this school, that he was going to visit this school to check upon its progress.

I don't know the trustee, so I just shrugged my shoulder and focused on the lunch I bought during students' whispering.

While on the other hand, Oli can't keep her mouth shut and continuously talks about how the trustee is so handsome and charming, etc., etc.

She even remembered his name, but I didn't hear it, as I was too focused on the food before me.

While we were having lunch, one of the jocks named Ethan came to our table and sat without any permission from us. He set his arm on my shoulder and winked at Olivia in a flirty way, which was uncomfortable. I don't like being touched by any stranger, but primarily not by any male specie.

I shook my shoulder and removed his hand from my shoulder politely.

"Hey sweetheart, just chill, ok, and enjoy. Girls are dying to have me, and I feel ignored. You know I am too hurt" he dramatically places his hand on his chest, where the heart does locate.

We just ignored him and moved towards our lectures. The day went quite smoothly without interruption of Ethan.

After school, when we were going towards our apartment, we stopped to have an ice cream.

Hey everyone!

So, that's it; thank you for your support and reading my story. Give me some suggestions for the next chapter.

I want a lot of comments and votes, please.

Take care, bye-bye…

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