
Chapter Four;


Egad's POV

"Daphne is not going to like this, she hasn't spent a night with you this week." Megan said as she sat astride my back and kneaded out the kinks in my shoulder.

" I don't care," I said. " When I found out she was my other mate, I told her what to expect, she had the chance to reject me."

" Really Egad, sometimes you amaze me," Megan said with a tsk. " What did you expect her to do, reject her chosen mate, and end up spending the rest of her life alone, besides who would want to reject a Lycan prince." She said. I scoffed. " I seem to remember a certain young wolf, who not only rejected a Lycan prince, she also slapped him and told him she never wanted to see him again." I said sarcastically. " I was young, and you were behaving like an asshole," she retorted, hitting my back.

" Ouch, I didn't know punching was a part of the massage."

" careful, or I might decide to add biting."

" Hmmm, now that's an idea," I said, rolling over, so she was striding my chest."

" Nice try Egad."

" Can't blame a man for trying," I said, wriggling my eyebrows at her.

She laughed as she slid off my chest to sit beside me on the bed.

" Seriously Egad, you need to spend tomorrow night with Daphne, it's not proper to spend all your time with one mate, when you have two of them," she said.

This was one of the things I loved about Megan - her called consideration for others, it was also one of the reasons why she would always be his favorite mate. I couldn't wish for a better Kate than Megan, as far as I was concerned she was the perfect mate. Megan and I had been childhood best friends. I had always loved her, I couldn't think of a point in my life where I wasn't in love with the fiesty brown haired and green eyed wolf that was Megan.

At eighteen,heady with the thrill of being bamed the next Lycan king, I had asked her to be my mistress, she had responded by promptly giving me a slap. It had taken me sometime, but I eventually wormed my way back into her good books. At twenty, when I found out she was my mate, my joy had been out of bounds. Megan and I had been very happy together for three years, then I found out I had another mate. That was the thing with us members of the royal family, we could have as many mates as the goddess deemed fit, unlike other wolves who had only one chosen mate. I had however made it clear to Daphne as soon as I found out she was my mate, that even though she was the youngest and most beautiful mate, Megan would always be my favorite.

" Don't you dare go to sleep!" Megan's voice jolted me back to the present.

" Fine," I sighed, " I'll spend tomorrow night with Daphne."

" And the night after," she insisted.

" Come on, Megan…….."

" Don't Megan me…., You know it's the right thing to do."

" Fine I'll spend the next two nights with Daphne, are you happy now."

" Very happy," she said sliding down to rest her he head on my chest.

"Egad," she called softly after a pause.

" Yes."

" You know you can tell me anything right?" She said tracing slow circles on my chest.

" Yes."

" So why are you keeping me in the dark."

" What do you mean? Keeping you in the dark about what?"

" Egad, I've known you too long for that to work on me, you've clearly had something on your mind for the past two weeks."

" You're mistaken Megan, there's nothing on my mind."

" I've known you all my life, I can tell when you're lying to me."

" I would never lie to you Megan."

" Normally you wouldn't, but for the last two weeks, you've not been my Egad, you've been acting like some one else, some one I don't know."

" What do you mean acting like some one else?"

She sat up and help one of my hands in both of her's. " I'm your mate Egad, whatever is wrong, I deserve to know.

I sighed and ran a shaky hand through my hair. She did deserve to know, and knowing Megan, she wouldn't rest till she had wormed it out of me.

" I'm your best friend Egad, you can tell me anything?"

I turned away from her, not wanting to see her hazel green eyes, the same color of eyes as the girl I violated.

" Talk to me Egad, please," she pleaded,trailing her other hand down my arm.

" I raped her, I freaking RAPED HER,she was crying and I slung her over my shoulder like some psycho and raped her," I blurred out.

" What are you talking about, raped who."

" Remember the ascension ceremony we attended last week."

" She nodded."

" Someone spiked my drink."

" What? Who? Why?"

" I don't know who it was, but whoever it was, they couldn't have had good intentions, when I found out, I decided to go in and lie down, so I wouldn't do anything stupid. I met her on the stairs, she was crying and she looked at me with bewitching hazel eyes and I didn't know came over, I forced myself on her. I left her sleeping. She looked so innocent, I couldn't bear to see her wakeup and look into the eyes of her rapist." All this was said in one outburst. " I think she was an Omega, and I feel so guilty." I finished.

Megan took a deep breath. " Look, you couldn't have kept this from me, forever. I'm not going to pretend and say I am not disappointed in you, but what's done is done. You violated her, you have to find her and make amends, compensate her, however she wants. The fact that she's an Omega doesn't mean she doesn't have feelings."

" But my coronation is in a few weeks, how will people feel if they hear I raped an innocent woman," I say.

" Have you given any thought to the possibility that she might be pregnant."

I scoffed.

" I've been trying to get you and Daphne pregnant for years without success, what are the odds?" The healer had told us that there was nothing wrong with me or either of my mates, and we should just wait for the goddess to bless us with cubs in her own time. It was quite a frustrating condition, to think that the successor to the Lycan throne does not have an heir.

" Well, the chances are slim, but you know it's a possibility."

My heart beat a little faster at the thought. I never thought Megan would think this way, considering the fact that I just told her I cheated on her.

" I know you Egad and I know you'll do the right thing, good night." Megan said and got under the covers.

My mind was in turmoil, could the omega girl really be pregnant

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