"I'm sorry I said that, I'm intrusive," the girl commented.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to him and calm him down," I lied, obviously I won't talk to that madman.

“See you tomorrow, Mariela” Augusto and his girlfriend said goodbye, finally leaving the mansion. I breathed easier when I was left alone. Maybe Alexander feels bad, I'm happy for him. Although deep down it must be sad that you can't have children. I went up the stairs hoping to get to what was going to be my room. I opened the door from where I got dressed an hour ago and to my surprise there was Alexander, standing by the window.

When he heard me he turned around.

"I'm looking for my room," I let him know. “I'm tired from the day and all I want is to try to sleep.”

Alexander looked at me with those intimidating eyes and slowly approached me. I stiffened at that point.

“This is your room” he snapped, he was angry “and mine too.”

I gave him a dirty look when I heard him say that.

"We won't sleep together, Alexander," I snapped.

“I'm not asking you, you sleep here, period.”

"I hate men who think they have the power to do what they want."

“You are mine now, Mariela, accept it.”

"May I ask for how long? The contract” I wanted to know. "And what will I get in return?"

Alexander looked at me curiously.

“The contract is for one year so don't worry about that.”

I sighed with relief, I thought it was my whole life.

"What you will win will be your parents' freedom, it depends on how you behave." He took off his coat, his shirt, leaving his body naked. Well, well, Alexander has his thing.

"At least I know that in a year I'll be out of here." I looked for some clothes to sleep in the closet.

I heard a giggle from him.

“What is so funny?” I looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

“That by then you'll be so crazy about me that you'll do whatever it takes to not leave my side, Mariela.”

Now it was my turn to laugh.

“If you wish, Alex, I could never notice someone as macho and unpleasant as you.”

“If you say so.”

“Of course. Or do you think I have Stockholm syndrome?”

He shrugged. I turned when he took off his pants, I don't want to see anything of that man. I locked myself in the bathroom to put on my pajamas. The mere thought of sharing a bed with him makes me sick, I don't want to and I can't. I put on my pajamas and went out after a while, Alexander was waiting for me.

“Why did you take so long?”

"Can't I relieve myself now?"

"Maybe," he admitted, moving closer.

“Don't come near, I want to sleep, go to your room please.”

Alexander took my hand, his grip strong.

"You don't think I'll sleep anywhere else? You will be my wife and my duty is to be with you, don't make me angry.”

“Or what?” I challenged him. His pupils widened, in some kind of ecstasy or something.

"You've exhausted my patience," he yanked, leading me out of the room, back down the same hallway to the same room. We went in and locked ourselves up.

“What the hell are you doing?” My heart raced with fear.

Alexander began to remove my clothes too brutally.

"No, let me go!" I wanted to run away but I couldn't. In that he took me by the waist and took me to some kind of bed but it was made of leather. There he put me to bed “Alexander, please!” I asked “Let go of me, don't touch me!” He tied my hands and feet, now I can't move. I looked at the anger in his eyes.

“You wanted like that.”

“Please, wait a bit” I relaxed my voice “Okay, we'll sleep together, but please don't punish me.”

“That's how I like it, that you beg me.”

"Please don't punish me," I continued.

He seemed to think so.

“You convince me.” He started to untie me and I sighed in relief. I thought of the worst, this man is crazy. I sat on the bed and looked at him. "I already want you to be my wife so I can make you mine as many times as I want," he whispered, and I don't know why that seemed sexy to me.

We went back to the room again, we lay down. Even though we were there he didn't touch me again and I know he was dying to do it, I can feel it. I went to sleep hours later because my senses were always on alert.

The next morning I woke up and Alexander was not in bed. I took the opportunity to bathe and put on some decent clothes. My stomach growled with hunger so I got out and headed towards the kitchen.

"Whatever she needs get it," I heard Alexander's voice. When I appeared in the kitchen they looked at me. There was a lady with him, I think she was the cook. "Good morning," he greets me, "sit down, let's have breakfast." I sat next to him in the huge glass dining room. A few meters away there was a large transparent window that overlooked the garden. “How did you sleep?” He wanted to know, looking at his cell phone.

"Fine, I guess," I replied doubtfully. I still remember what happened yesterday and what he was about to do to me. The lady began to serve us breakfast, it smelled very tasty.

"I want you to come with me to the office, I want to show you around and for everyone to meet my future wife." He gave me a quick look to start eating breakfast. I did the same, I was very hungry and I don't want to hold meals.

"I'm ready," I replied, so I had decided to shower and dress early.

"Perfect because I don't like to be kept waiting."

I wanted to ask him about what his friend had commented the night before, about his problem of not having children, but something told me that it would be better to keep my mouth shut. Besides, I didn't want to go back to that punishment room.

After breakfast we left home and went to Alexander's company. He didn't say anything the whole way and neither did I, minutes later we arrived. He parked in front of a huge building. He came out and opened my door for me to come out.

“Thank you.”

Alexander took me by the hand so that we could walk together.

“You know what to do, Mariela, we've known each other for a long time and we're more in love than ever.”

"I still don't understand why you're doing this," I commented as we entered the building. People stared at us, they seemed amazed. That made me feel somewhat uncomfortable.

"Someday you'll know."

We enter the elevator.

"You don't seem like the type to go to a bought wife knowing you must have a lot of women after you."

"Believe me there are."

"You see, that's why I don't understand. If it's about helping my father...”

"Don't go around there, Mariela..." he intervened.

"I can't talk either?"

I didn't say anything.

“If it's about helping dad, it seems rather the opposite, that is, why? I can't understand it no matter how much I think about it. Or is it that you really knew me from before?”

“Enough!” He yelled, excited. A scream that made me jump in place. At that the doors opened. I'm scared how he yelled at me and upset too. I walked out without even expecting him, how can he be so unfriendly? Now I understand why he is lonelier than who knows who. “Wait,” he said behind me. “You're going in the wrong direction.”

"Leave me alone, Alexander, go yell at your employees," I snapped, walking aimlessly.

"Mari, stop.”

“Be quiet.” I arrived at some kind of meeting room without knowing it. Worst of all, some people who seemed to be very important were gathered there and now all their attention was on me.

"Are you looking for someone?" a tall, handsome man in the background questioned. I swallowed hard at the way he got up and walked towards me. Apparently there were many handsome men around here.

“No I...”

“I think I know you” he got closer “Are you a friend of...?”

"Here you are." Alexander arrived and when he gave the boy a look it was not pleasant at all.

"Oh, you're with him.”

“Sorry, I got lost, I didn't mean to interrupt.”

"Don't interrupt, I'm Lex.”


"Let's go." Alexander reluctantly led me out of there.

“Stop!” I got away, fed up with his outbursts of anger “Leave me alone, I'm fed up with your ill-treatment, Alexander! Stop treating me like a worthless object! Now I understand why you are alone, on the outside you may be very beautiful but on the inside you are a monster and horrible. You are not the owner of the world, understand!” With that said, I ran off to wherever the corridor took me because I'm sick of this man.

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