Read with BonusRead with Bonus



I was startled to hear the voice of a girl, I was in the cafeteria, having a coffee to pass the bad drink.

"Sorry, I'm leaving." I made the move to get up but she stopped me.

“No, calm down, it's just that I looked at you a little sad. Are you OK?”

“As far as it fits, yes.”

“I'm sorry. You work here? Because I hadn't seen you.”

The girl was dark and tall, pretty.

"No, I'm... just a friend."

“Perfect, you come with Mr. Alexander I suppose.”

I nodded.

"Now I understand why you're like this," she murmured, taking out coffee. "Don't let his grumpiness get to you, okay? For years Mr. Alexander went through a bad time and that's why he is so rude: with all of us.”

I frowned.

"What would happen to someone to be so mean to anyone without even stopping to think about what the other person might feel?"

“I'm Vanessa, by the way” she introduced herself, sitting next to me “The truth is that I'm surprised that you don't know it, everyone knows it until now.”

"I don't know, what?"

“Mr. Alexander was about to get married several years ago, we did not know his future wife because she was live in Europe and they would come to live here after the marriage but there was an accident on the plane, when the newlyweds were coming here they fell into the sea.”

I covered my mouth with my hands in surprise. It is awful.

“Yes, Mr. Alexander was in very serious condition in the hospital, he lost a lot of blood and swallowed too much water in the sea, but the bride...”

I feared the worst


She nodded.

"They never found her body," she confessed. "That's why Alexander became cold and rude, angry. He never was with anyone else again, he truly loved her.”

I swallowed hard, I didn't know that story and now that I know it I'm understanding Alexander's way of being a little more.

"How long ago?"

“Five years ago.” She sipped her cup of coffee “And during all that time he dedicated himself to looking for her throughout the ocean, giving every penny to find something of hers. He never lost hope. However, he hasn't been known to keep looking for her, hopefully he's over it and he can be happy again with someone else, even if that girl is Natasha Silverstone.”

“Who is it?” I wanted to know because as far as I know he doesn't have a girlfriend.

“A little woman who has always been with him.”

"Thanks for telling me, seriously.”

"You're welcome, I'm telling you so you can understand a little better the nature of our beloved and hated boss," she smiled.

I guess that's why Alexander can't have children, because of that accident and why he got so bad last night. Wow, his friends had been stupid.

"I have to go find him and apologize." I stood up.

"Will I watch you here more often? It's not for nothing but I like you," she smiled.

"Rest assured that I'll come more often," said that, I left the cafeteria and went looking for Alex, I don't know where his office is. I walked and walked until I found the same meeting room as before, this time there was no one there so I just followed the same corridor. At the elevator entrance Alexander was saying goodbye to his guests, when they left he turned and looked at me.

“We can talk?” I wanted to know in a small voice. Alexander didn't say anything to me, he just entered an office and closed the door. But I'm not leaving just like that. I opened the office door and went inside. It was his, I know because it is big, spacious and luxurious.

“I'm working, if you want go home, I arrive at night. Cook something for dinner.”

I closed my eyes for a few seconds because I hate when he orders me, but I didn't say anything this time, because of him. I sat in the chair in front, I'm nervous and somewhat uncomfortable, I'm not one to apologize.

“I’m sorry.”

He look myself.


"For having yelled at you," I cleared my throat, "I'm a little out of my mind. You have to understand me, I'm alone in a place I don't know and with someone I don't love.”

His countenance hardened.

“My question is why are you with someone you don't love too?” I wanted to know.

Alexander leaned back in his chair and snorted, he looked exhausted from this very conversation but I won't stop until I find out the truth.

"One day you will understand."

I bit my tongue to keep from reproaching him.


The door to his office opens and a woman enters, tall, blonde, and slim. She ignored me and went straight to Alexander to plant a kiss on his lips. My jaw dropped at what I was seeing, Alexander immediately removed it and as a self-reflex he looked at me. I had nothing to say.

“My love, I missed you all these days. Did it go well for you in Europe?” The chick sat on his lap. Alexander looked uncomfortable.

So Alexander was in Europe these days...

"Natasha, please..." he demanded, getting to his feet. This Natasha now seemed to notice me and she looked at me.

“Who is she?” she asked him.

"Yes, Alexander, tell him who I am." I stood up. I got upset, I admit it.

"Mariela..." he sentenced.

“My name is Mariela Valdez” I walked around the desk until I was in front of the girl “and I'm Alexander's fiancée.” I smiled. I never thought I would say that out loud and be proud of it. Both Alexander and Natasha were puzzled by my confession. More Alexander.

“What?!” the girl snapped. "What the hell are you saying!" Natasha wanted to throw me on top of her but Alexander held her arms. “Let me go, I'm going to put this upstart in her place!”

"Calm down, Natasha. Mariela tells the truth, she is my future wife and accept it.”

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING!?" The girl was crazy.

“You and I are going to talk in private. Mariela, please wait outside for me.”

I rolled my eyes and walked out of there, “are you supposed to explain yourself to that chick? I can't believe it.” I got on the elevator and went down to the first floor, I don't want to stay another second here. I took a taxi to Alexander's mansion because I have nowhere else to go, the idea of escaping crossed my mind but I didn't dare, I don't want any more problems. Luckily I knew the address because I was careful to learn the streets when I came with Alexander in the morning.

In the evening Alexander arrived, he looked tired but he never looked bad. It was like his gift. I was in the kitchen having a cup of tea while I was stroking the cat that had appeared hours before by the kitchen door. He seemed stray, he was black and white and very cute. I fed him and it seems he liked my company because he stayed with me. The kitten, whom he had named Cookie, had fallen asleep.

“Here you are, can I find out why you came without letting me know?” He looked at me badly.

“I'm not in the mood to fight, Alexander.”

"And what about that animal?" He take it out.

“No!” From of my scream the kitten was suspended and went out the window. "Look what you've done." I stood up and looked out the window. The kitten ran to a thicket and there he got lost, he left.

“I don't allow animals here.”

"You shouldn't be here then," I muttered more to myself but I think Alexander heard me.

“What have you said?” He took me by the waist and turned me around. “More respect, Mariela.”

"I don't respect those who don't respect me," I smiled.

"What was that in the office? Now am I your future husband? You surprise me." His hold of him on my waist made me nervous. We were very close, I don't like it.

"Alexander, move away a bit," I asked, but rather I was getting closer to him.

“Tell me.”

"It's just that it seemed to me that you should respect the commitment we have whether it's true or false.” I looked into his eyes, stopping struggling. "I could have run but I was here."

"I didn't follow you because I knew you wouldn't, Mariela, you can't do it anymore," he boasted.

“Why are you so sure?” I narrowed my eyes.

"What I witnessed in the office today was jealousy. You were jealous”

I laughed.

"You're seriously crazy. You wish I was jealous of you, Alexander Gabardini.” I looked away.

"Look at me," he requested, commanded. I looked at him, raising an eyebrow “You were, even if you don't want to accept it, I know you were.”

“Think what you want.”

“Natasha was just an old friend, she mixed things up and...”

"Don't give me any explanations," I frowned, this man is having false illusions.

"And she misunderstood things..." he continued, "but I've never wanted any other woman than you...”

Who? Why don't you finish the sentence?

“Who?” I wanted to touch on the subject of his wife who died but I didn't dare, more because I knew how he would get.

Alexander was going to say something but he looked at my lips and in the blink of an eye we had our first kiss.

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