Feeling Alexander kiss me was new but also familiar, as if I had done it before. I'm very confused right now because I don't dislike kissing him but I like, I can't like kissing the man who bought me as his wife. I immediately separated from him.

"Alexander, what are you doing?" I faced it.

“I…” he doesn't seem to know what to say “…forget it.” Said that, he left the kitchen quickly, perhaps he also thought it was strange or perhaps he remembered his wife giving me that kiss.

No, that is impossible. If that were the case, it would also happen with Natasha and they kiss normally. I put a hand to my throbbing lips, they were asking for more from Alexander, I feel nervous right now, my heart is beating faster. I sat in the chair next to me to calm down, I have to. Why do I feel this way? The kitten went back into the kitchen meowing, that made me get out of my thoughts and pay attention to it.

“Hi, you're back” I caressed him “are you hungry? I think this time we'll have dinner just you and me” I told the kitten, in response it meowed. I looked for something in the fridge so we could eat the kitten and I… I thought about Alexander and if he will have dinner with me. I took three cans of tuna, a frying pan and turned on the stove, I poured the tuna into the pot to warm them up a bit, as soon as the kitten smelled the tuna it began to meow louder.

I laughed and picked it up, from now on this kitten will be my only comfort in this jail.

Minutes later I was having dinner together with Cookie, I sat down on the floor to eat, Cookie was next to me eating calmly from his plate, just at that moment Alexander entered the kitchen and was confused when he saw the scene.

“What are you doing there?” he asked me, I was wondering what his mood would be right now.

"I'm having dinner with Cookie."

"And is there dinner for me?" He wanted to know.

"I thought you wouldn't have dinner with me." I stood up, I had finished dinner. "But here I had some tuna left over."

"Did you save the leftovers for me? Thank you very much," he responded sarcastically to which I rolled my eyes. I was glad he wasn't in a bad mood. I took a plate and began to serve him.

“Here you go” I put his plate on the table “What do you want to drink? There is orange juice, blackberry.”

"Wine," he replied, standing up and pulling a bottle of wine from the cupboard.

"Isn't it a little late for wine?" I wanted to know, making him see my displeasure.

"Not for me," he replied, took a glass and filled it.

“If you say so, then don't complain when you can't sleep” I sat down again on the floor next to Cookie who hasn't finished his dinner. He is slow to eat.

"Where did you find that cat?" Alexander wanted to know.

“He came to me by himself, he appeared through the window. Do you think it belongs to a neighbor?” I wanted to know, worried. I had already grown fond of Cookie and thinking that he has to go makes me sad.

“I don't think so.”

"Well, if that's the case, I've decided to adopt him."

"Since you named it, you already did," he replies.

“That's right, and since your future wife and owner of this house decided that he stays, from now on, Cookie is also part of the family.”

Alexander thought about that last comment, I remembered that those kinds of words like 'family' were very delicate for him. I better stay quiet so I don't keep saying things I shouldn't.

"Thank you for dinner," he told me later, "it was very tasty."

“Oh really?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Of course.” He stood up and washed the dishes in the sink, including Cookie's.

"See, Cookie?” I whispered to the kitten “he is accepting you little by little.”

Cookie meowed in approval.

Now we had remained silent, it seems that Alexander wanted to tell me something but he didn't dare. I figured out what it was about.

“I… I'm sorry, for having kissed you” he said at once “I don't know what I was thinking.”

“No problem, that's why you bought me, right?” I gave him a quick look.

“I will never do anything if I don't have your consent, Mariela.” He murmured very sure. Tomorrow you can sign the contract.”

"Sure, it will be a very long year," I admitted.

"That's right so… I'll go to sleep." Alexander left the kitchen. I remained pensive for the next hour, debating whether I should stay here or run away, plus I don't want anything bad to happen to my mom or dad. I wouldn't forgive myself, if I had to sacrifice a year of my life I would do it without thinking. I stood up and Cookie woke up, we both went up the stairs until we reached the room where it seemed that Alexander was sleeping. I signaled to Cookie not to meow because if Alexander finds out that the cat is planning to sleep with us, he may throw him out into the street. I quietly put on my pajamas and went to bed, right there the cat climbed up to sleep on the side of my feet.

I stayed for a moment looking at Alexander and trying to find out what his plans were with me until I fell asleep.


The next morning I woke up to a blow.

“What happened?” I wanted to know, Alexander got out of bed.

“What the hell is that?” He pointed to the bed, when the cat was coming out from between the sheets. "Did you really let the cat sleep in my bed? You are unaware, we don't know where it comes from or if it has fleas or if it is vitaminized or injected. I can't believe it.” Alexander was pacing in exasperation.

“Relax” I yawned “You're very alarmist” I took the kitten in my hands and caressed it, the kitten meowed. It seems that he is hungry.

"Put him down, Mariela, put him down or I swear I'll take him out of the house and you'll never see him again." He sentenced me.

"Okay, now." I got out of bed with the kitten in my arms and took it out of the room. “glad? I will take a shower.” I went into the bathroom, took off my clothes and got into the shower. Feeling the warm water run through my body woke me up. Minutes later I came out wrapped in a towel, Alexander was talking on his cell phone and as soon as he saw me he was stunned watching me.

"I'm going to get dressed," I told him to leave the room.

“Okay, Im going.” He raised his hands in the form of peace and left. Something told me that today would be a very long day.


Once I'm ready I don't even know what for, I guess Alexander will take me to the office to sign and review that contract, then I have to be ready. When I went down to the kitchen I found Alexander in the dining room, reading a newspaper, the lady served him his breakfast. I didn't know her well yet but it will be better to start getting along with the people here if I want my year to be more bearable.

"Good morning," I said to the lady, she looked at me and smiled at me, "I think they haven't introduced us yet, I'm Mariela." I held out my hand.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Mariela, it's a pleasure to finally have you here," he smiled at me.

At last? It seems that Alexander has told her a lot about me.

“Thank you.”

"I'll serve you your breakfast the way you like it."

I was confused and at that Alexander cleared his throat.

“How silly, my coffee burns. But sit down, I'll get it for you.”

“Thanks, where is Cookie? I have to give him something to eat.”


I started calling my kitty but it wouldn't show up. It will be gone? I felt sadness inside me because I had become very attached to that kitten. I went back to the kitchen and sat in the dining room.

“What's the matter?” Alexander asks me.

"I can't find Cookie."

The lady served me breakfast. She didn't even tell me her name. I drank coffee and started eating my waffles, they were my favorite for breakfast and I wonder how she knew that. Maybe my parents gave them all the details of how they had to treat me.

"I think I looked at the kitten in the garden a few minutes ago," says the lady. I finished breakfast and quickly went to the garden where there were many flowers, green grass and a water fountain as well. Cookie was playing with some flowers, I felt so relieved at that moment.

"Cookie!" I called him. The kitten suddenly looked at me and quickly came towards me. "Come, let's eat.”


When I entered the kitchen, I was surprised that there was a can of tuna on the floor. As soon as the kitten looked at it, it started to eat.

"We have to go," Alexander tells me, glancing at his wrist watch from time to time.

"I'll take care of the kitten, please," I told the lady. "Anything that happens with him, you can call Alexander, whatever.”

“Of course, yes, go easy.”

“Thank you.”

I followed Alexander outside and we got into his car.

"You shouldn't get attached to that animal," he says as he starts the car.

“Why not?”

“Because when it leaves or its owner appears, who is going to appear, you're going to be very sad and I don't want you to suffer.”

What he told me seemed very sweet of him.

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