When we got to the company we got out of the car, entered the huge building and took the elevator up to the office.

"Perfect, yesterday we couldn't talk well," he murmured.

"Thanks to your ex-girlfriend," I told him.

“Yes, that, so now I need you to read it carefully and sign at once. The wedding will be this Saturday, I want you to look for the wedding dress, the best there is, the wedding will be broadcast on open television so everything has to be perfect.”

“What? Why on television? I don't understand.”

"No questions, Mariela.”

“Hey, you're not the only one getting married. I am the bride and I have the right to comment.”

"First read the contract and then we decide what you have rights to, Mariela." He played with his pencil.

"You're such a nefarious person," I snapped, Alexander definitely drove me crazy, he always brought out the worst in me. Always. Give me that stupid piece of paper at once.”

"Don't talk to me in that tone, Mariela, or do you want to go back to the punishment room?" he challenged me.

"The paper," I demanded. Alexander pulled a folder from his desk and handed it to me. I quickly pulled out the papers and signed each one without even reading them.

"That's it," I gave it to them.

"You didn't even read them."

“What difference does it make? Yes, I would sign it anyway, whether I agreed or not.”

“Yes, you're right, you should buy clothes and things for the wedding. We're going to Hawaii for our honeymoon, Natasha is coming with us.”

I almost choked on my own saliva hearing that, what did he just say?

"Are you crazy or what's wrong?" I stood up, I had already put myself in a bad mood. "I never accepted that this girl comes to my honeymoon, you're sick," said that, I turned around to leave but Alexander took my arm and turned me around. “Let go.”

“Who understands you, Mariela, you say you despise me but you get jealous that Natasha kisses me and now you don't want her to come to my honeymoon, explain yourself.”

"Why would you take it?"

"Well, I'm not going to spend a whole week in Hawaii doing nothing at all, plus you already made it very clear that I can't touch you."

So that's what it was all about, sex.

“You're so disgusting. On second thought, you can take all the women you want because the closest you can be to me is when we sleep in the same bed.” I jerked out of his grasp and finally left the office. I don't want to stay here, Alexander made me feel very bad, it was true thatI would never let him touch me but, despite the fact that it's an arranged marriage, it doesn't seem fair to me that he takes another woman to do his dirty things.

I hate him, I hate him so much. I left the company and started walking aimlessly, I came to a small square where they sold sweets and ice cream. When I get depressed I like to buy ice cream so I ate one. My cell phone started ringing, I knew it was Alexander so I wouldn't answer him. I kept getting to know more places in the center, thinking that it was a good opportunity to tour the city, I just passed by a store that sold wedding dresses, I got a lump in my throat at that moment. I looked at the time: it's almost four in the afternoon, Alexander must have thought I had run away or something, I found a taxi and left.


Yes, there was chaos here, there were escorts everywhere, as soon as I got out of the taxi all eyes fell on me.

I advanced until entering the house, as soon as Alexander laid eyes on me, he dropped everything he was doing and came to hug me. I was surprised by his gesture, Alexander did not do these things, I noticed that there were more people in the room, security people, were they looking for me? Surely Alexander thought I had run away.

"I thought I'd lose you again," he murmured, making me feel a little bad. What was he referring to when he said that? It's not like I always get lost. I separated from him, I could see his red eyes as if he had been crying.

“What's happening?” I wanted to know, I'm confused.

“Where were you?” Now his tone of voice was cold. “I've been looking for you since you left my office, you don't answer your cell phone and nobody gives me a reason for you.”

“I wanted to go clear my mind a bit, can't I?”

Alexander gave me a cold look.

"Everyone get out of here now!" he ordered his guards. They all left us alone, I felt a little scared at this moment. "Come with me." He grabbed my arm roughly and led me up the stairs. I wanted to stop when I knew where we were going, to the punishment room.

"I won't go there!"

"You don't have a choice" he opened the door and we both entered. "The contract specifically said that you couldn't go anywhere if I'm not aware of it, it said that you have to answer my cell phone every time I call you, it said that if you disobeyed anyone of those rules would punish you.” Alexander is a sadist, he took off his shirt and took a leash.

"What are you going to do to me, Alexander?" This is illegal” I wanted to run but I only managed to land on his chest, on his good work chest. It smelled very good.

"You signed a contract, miss, now take off your clothes. Do not disobey an order from your master.”

There was fury and passion in his eyes, it scared me but at the same time I felt excitement.

"I won't do that."

“Come on, take off your clothes, you have five seconds to do it or the punishment will be severe. Five, four, three, two...”

I took off my shirt once and for all, I felt like crying, screaming and running out of here. Alexander is bad and he scares me, I thought that deep down maybe he was like that because he lost his wife but I was wrong. I realize that I shouldn't be considerate with him, nor that he hurts me. Everything that has happened to him has been for being a scoundrel. When I took off my pants, leaving only my underwear, I gave him a look full of fury.

"Do you think your ex-wife would have liked this?" I questioned. The way he looked at me was cruel, he clenched his jaw and approached me.

"My wife loved being punished," he whispered almost in a small voice. I was taken by surprise by what he told me, unable to believe it. There couldn't be people who liked this. "So if you plan to hurt me like that, you're wasting your time. Now take off your underwear.”



"No," I repeated, "I don't plan to be part of this, Alexander, I thought our contract would only be appearances, but if you'll be planning to hurt me all the time and demanding things from me that are not within my reach, I swear I'll run away one of these days and not even you. Not even my family will hear from me again.”

"You wouldn't leave your family unprotected, would you?" he asked doubtfully.

"For my sake, yes. You don't know what I'm capable of doing to choose my well-being.”


"You wouldn't escape, do you know why?"


"Because you're falling in love with me and no matter how badly I treat you, you'd be unable to abandon me," saying that, he turned around and left the room, leaving me alone and confused.


I put my clothes back on and got out of there, I had a shitty day again, I was wondering when it would end, I went to the garden because I knew I would find Cookie and I sat next to some flowers. It was after six in the afternoon, night was falling, I wanted to cry at that moment, I feel alone, with no one who loves me or respects me, I feel lost, aimless, I feel that my life has no purpose. I let the tears flood my cheeks, Cookie appeared next to me purring, caressing me with his tail. He knew that I was sad and he understood me. I think so far the only one who loves me is him.


Later that night I left the garden with the kitten in my arms, I went to the kitchen, I was grateful that no one was there, I took a can of tuna, I opened it and gave it to Cookie, while he ate dinner I would prepare something quick to eat, I don't have much I'm hungry and all I want is to sleep to forget about how shitty my life is. I made myself a chicken pasta sandwich and some blackberry juice. I sat on the kitchen stool and started to eat dinner, at that moment Alexander entered the kitchen, he was wearing only short shorts and tennis shoes, it seems that he came from exercising. At the least expected moment he came and hugged me.

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