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The face of an angel…

…the eyes of the devil.

Sunny Hirsch sighed.

"I know it was all a misunderstanding but still a little…"

"I transferred and then had to come to the funeral," said Luna Hirsch. "I didn't expect him to go to Milan. I swear, Mia!"

"He said he would take responsibility for me," Sunny Hirsch said quietly.

"He should help you while you're there," said Luna Hirsch. "Alessandro is a gentleman. You don't have to worry about him making any inappropriate advances."

Sunny Hirsch remembered Argento's gaze as he was inside Pavla Brina.

"Maybe he's not the one I have to worry about," Sunny Hirsch murmured.

Sunny Hirsch also got mad at Luna for not talking about how things were in Wolf Group. Finally, she gave the phone back to Pavla Brina. And then Sunny opened her bag and looked for the folder Maria had given her.

"Can I ask something?"

"Sure," said Pavla Brina.

"I was looking at Blaze's family file. Who is Thiago Blaze?"

Pavla Brina hesitated.


"He doesn't have a picture there. There's nothing about him. Just his date of birth and mother. Catarina. The family dogs have a longer file than him. They eat too many cookies, by the way."

"It doesn't matter. You're never going to see him anyway."

"Why not?"

"Thiago…" Pavla Brina looked around and then whispered in my ear "He's in the mafia."

"Mafia?!" Sunny Hirsch screamed.

"Shhh! He's kind of taboo in the Blaze clan. Especially around Lady Catarina. The only thing I know about him is that he always wears a mask. No one has ever seen his face. They say Thiago kills everyone who sees his face. He's become a monster in Palermo."

"What is Palermo?" Sunny Hirsch asked.

"It's a town. Gosh... Americans," Pavla Brina grumbled. “But if you see Thiago Blaze, just run. Don't even think about it.”

“How can I know it’s him?”

“They said he has the face of the devil.”

Sunny Hirsch was very worried about her heavy suitcases and wondered if she should be more worried that one of her bosses could kill her. She didn't even hear the roar of the huge motorcycle that nearly ran over her. Sunny screamed and the rolling suitcase went rolling down the slope.

"I'll get that," said Pavla Brina, running away at the speed of light.

Pavla Brina ran after the suitcase, but Sunny Hirsch looked back. She couldn't believe the audacity of that motorcycle freak. Sunny took off running to the opposite side of Pavla Brina and her suitcase.

"Asshole!" Sunny Hirsch yelled. "Pay for my suitcase!"

Sunny Hirsch kept running even though knew she was going to lose the motorcycle. Seeing a detour, she figured she could take it. Sunny entered an alley and came out the other side. Sunny stopped in the middle of the street and spread her arms, ordering him to stop. The black motorcycle was coming at full speed and didn’t stop.

Sunny Hirsch’s heart sped up as she realized he was definitely going to run over her. She swerved at the last second, nearly falling into the street. But Sunny didn't fall right away. A hand grabbed her shirt and threw her back. She did fall, but it was on the black motorcycle. Everything turned upside down. It was as if the world had gone into slow motion. Sunny saw the walls, the motorcyclist's helmet, and then the blue sky.

Sunny tried to get up off the bike and looked at the driver. He was wearing a black helmet. All she saw was her scared reflection. Even though he was completely hidden, Sunny Hirsch could still feel his gaze penetrating her cleavage. An involuntary shiver made her shudder.

"You damaged my suitcase," Sunny Hirsch said, panting. "Pay for it!"

The driver didn't surprise Sunny Hirsch by pushing her on the asphalt. She landed on all fours. He surprised her by throwing several euro bills in the air. Sunny turned quickly, seeing the rain of money.

"Nice Darth," said the driver. He had a deep voice like nothing Sunny Hirsch heard before.

Sunny Hirsch realized that the Darth Vader panties were showing. She closed her legs, dying of embarrassment.

The bike screeched and dragged a little to the side. Sunny Hirsch blinked as the mud was thrown at her. She cursed him but the motorcycle purred as it pulled away.

"What a crazy guy" Sunny Hirsch muttered.

Pavla Brina found Sunny soon after.

Sunny Hirsch had a sore back, but they were both happy picking up euro notes off the floor. Sunny may buy a Louis Vuitton suitcase with that money. Pavla Brina received a call asking her to come back to Moonstone. And Sunny Hirsch followed her because she was all covered in dirt.

"Go take a shower," said Pavla Brina. "Don't let any of the Blaze see you!"

The only problem is that the Moonstone was huge. There were rooms and more rooms. Pavla Brina needed to serve the Argento in private. So she needed to discover the place herself.

"Left, right… left" Sunny Hirsch said, alone. But even following her instructions Sunny Hirsch didn't get the feeling she was in the right direction. At one point, she stopped in the middle of a hallway. The place had a mix of old and modern Italian architecture. Mahogany frames, textured carpet, and beautifully detailed doors. Everything had that classic look.

Sunny Hirsch looked from side to side. Did Pavla say right or left?

A few years later, Sunny Hirsch would still remember that moment in her life. She turned left but Sunny was always going to wonder what would have happened if she had taken the right path.

Sunny Hirsch didn't make it to the maid’s bathroom. When she slowly opened the door, she found a room with furniture covered in sheets. It was obvious that no one had lived there for years.

"He's not going to stay long. I guarantee you" said the male voice.

"You better keep him far away from me" the woman's voice hissed.

The last thing Sunny Hirsch needed was to be alone with a Blaze on that deserted side of the mansion. She needed a shower anyway and that living room had a very clean bathroom. Sunny thought, why not? She went into the bathroom and took off her clothes.

Sunny Hirsch was scared of getting caught so she didn't turn on any of the lights. She started to shower quietly as possible.

Sunny Hirsch knew it was dark but she didn't notice how long the shower stall was. She walked on and on until she found herself in another room. And a man was bathing in a golden bathtub!

Sunny Hirsch gasped.

The man sitting in the tub caught Sunny’s pulse sharply. She was all soapy and fell awkwardly (naked!) into his lap.

"You," said the man coldly.

Sunny Hirsch knew that voice. She would never forget the voice of the man who threw dirt and a pile of money at her.

Sunny Hirsch held my breath. He was not wearing a helmet or mask but she knew who he was.

The face of an angel.

The eyes of the devil.

Thiago Blaze.

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