The crying shakes my chest and no matter how hard I try to control it, I can't. It hurts, it hurts like never before. It hurts, it hurts like never before. It hurts when someone you consider a friend, the one you see as your sister's fiancé stabs you in the back and takes advantage of you and then ruins your life.
I always saw Jonas as a friend, we met when he and my sister got engaged on business. They always seemed so in love, the way my sister Anne looked at him.... She loved him so much, but he....
Jonas is a monster, I have no doubt about that.
I don't even have many memories of what happened. I only remember the pain I felt when he lay on my body. The touch of his nasty lips against mine, his desperate hands touching my clothes.... I vaguely murmured to him to stop; but that didn't happen. He went on, and did not stop, not even with my crying.
I seal my lips as the office door opens, in the room I hear my sister's ranting screams.
"Dad "I mumble, my voice shaking. My first instinct is to stand up, tears blurring my vision again as the slap he delivers turns my face upside down and tears out a whimper of pain." Please listen to me. It's not what you think.
"Shut up! "He runs his hands through his hair, I hear his breathing hitching." What were you thinking, messing with your sister's fiancé?! I don't recognize you, you're a slut.
"Give me the benefit of the doubt! Listen to you and what you're saying! Jonas is manipulating you, things weren't the way you think they were. It wasn't my fault. I was drunk, he got me...
“Enough excuses! “He shouts, "Stop shutting up and listening! Your sister is devastated, as is your mother. You are a disgrace to the whole family.
"Jonas took advantage of me and raped me!" I scream.
"That's what happened, now give yourself time to listen to me please!
"That's what they all say after they spread their legs for the wrong man. "Let out a sigh: "From today on I don't want to see you in this house.
"What you heard, you no longer live here nor are you part of this family.
"You can't do this to me! I'm sixteen years old...
He's supposed to trust me, he's supposed to be understanding, but his backward ideas went to his head and he can only think of believing a complete stranger instead of believing his own daughter, whom he always said he loved....
We are silent. The only thing that can be heard is my accelerated breathing and the way I struggle to control the crying that prevents me from speaking normally.
"I'm pregnant "I admit amidst the tense silence that surrounds us.
"What do you say...?
He looks at me, completely bewildered.
"What you just heard. I am pregnant. You can't leave me alone now. I need you.
He raises his hand to slap me, I close my eyes and wait for the impact that comes instantly.
"Get the hell out of here.
"Get the hell out!
With nothing more to say, I start walking towards the exit of the office. I grab the door handle and before I turn it, I hold my place.
"I hope you know that I would never have done anything like that to Anne, because you, better than anyone, are aware of how much I appreciate and love her. If you trusted me and knew me better you would know that Jonas is making it all up. And really, father, I hope that someday you will realize how much you hurt me with your words and regret this.
Seeing that he doesn't say anything, I open the office door and leave the place. As I cross the room, I see my mother comforting my sister, who is crying inconsolably. Anne seems to notice my presence instantly, as she stands up and walks towards me.
"Did you accomplish your goal - to spread my fiancé's legs?
I ignore her and make my way towards the stairs.
"You're such a fucking bitch, Eva!
I go up to my room and take a seat on my bed. I still can't come to terms with the situation.
I make an attempt to wipe away my tears. It's already in vain, I have to go. I'm not even psyched to be a mother.
I stand up and open my drawers, rummage through my clothes and take the only thing I need; money. It's an errand I've long kept hidden from my parents.
I keep the money lying inside the wallet in my jacket pocket and prepare to leave, however, the sound of my phone ringing makes me stop abruptly in my place.
On the screen, I can see Erick's name reflected.
"I wasn't expecting your call.
My voice comes out weaker than usual and, out of inertia, I pass saliva. Erick is my partner. When I told him what Jonas did, I thought he was going to take it the wrong way, but it was the opposite, he supported me and made me feel.... Good. He was the only person who understood me.
"What happened?
"Nobody believes me. Dad refuses to hear me and mom is on my sister's side. They called me a slut and threw me out of the house.
"Eva, I'm so sorry....
"No, it's okay...just....
I wipe away the tears soaking my cheeks.
"I was a fool to think they would believe in me. I had hoped that my sister would at least react...and.... however, she didn't..... I regret so much that I went to that party, that I was stupid enough to trust him. I saw him as a friend, I never believed that he....
"You weren't to blame for what happened. Jonas is a son of a bitch.
"I got pregnant. I'm not even psyched to be a mother, I'm not even....
"Wait for me outside your house, we're going.
"Wait... What?" I mutter.
"I know we're young, but I'm willing to take care of that baby, even if it's not mine. I want a life with you, Eva. Let's get away from everyone, away from your family, away from all this toxic environment, and let's get the hell out of London.
"No... "I refuse to hear what he says." Are you even listening to yourself? You're not ruining your life for me, that would be unfair.
"I'm not ruining my life, I'm protecting you, giving you the place you deserve and the hand your family hasn't given you. I know you're lost and hurting, I just want to make you feel better.
"You don't understand. I'm ruined. He...he raped me.
"I know you're going to need your time and I'm going to give it to you. "He pauses." Don't think about it, Eva, let's get out of here. You're not ruined. I promise you everything will work out.
Maybe I'm right. The best option is to leave and start from scratch. It hurts to accept that I have nothing left in New York, but that's the reality. Nobody believes in me, I've been kicked out of the house, I'm alone, pregnant....
"Okay "I accept". I'll meet you outside my house in ten minutes.
"I'll be there.
I hang up the call, put my phone in my pocket and go downstairs.
When I find myself in front of the exit, I take one last look at the house, which is starting to feel empty, and finally decide to leave. The chill in the atmosphere makes me shiver and shove my hands in my pockets as I make my way towards the exit.
I stand on the sidewalk, waiting for Erick.
In the meantime, I allow myself to look around the mansion where my life has just ended. I don't understand how everything could fall apart so quickly, it was enough for Jonas to open his mouth to end it all.
I still remember his every word. I can't erase them from my head no matter how much I want to and it frustrates me. How could one person ruin my life in the blink of an eye? Damn it. I shouldn't have trusted him, I should have sensed his intentions. It's my fault.
Erick's car catches my attention as he parks in front of me. I watch him get out of the vehicle and advance towards me with hurried steps. His hand intertwines with mine and despite the fact that the contact seems to be friendly, a dark instinct makes me pull my hand away. I'm not entirely comfortable with physical contact after what happened with Jonas.
"I'm sorry.
"It's okay, don't worry "he says. "I understand.
"Are you ready?
"I think so.
"Let's go.
We get into the car waiting for us, Erick instantly starts driving and the nerves are already starting to eat me alive. What are we going to live on? Will I have the baby? I'm not ready to be a mother. Should I have an abortion? I don't know what's worse.
"Do you already have the tickets? "I dare to ask.
"Don't worry, I've got it all worked out.
Silence takes over the car.
"I trust you, believe me "I say. "But the sudden change makes me nervous.
He flashes a faint smile that, to me, gives off a hint of sadness. I don't blame him, I feel sorry for myself too.
"May I? "He gestures at me and I hesitate, but I end up nodding my head. I know he would never hurt me.
His hand rests on my thigh and provides the occasional friendly caress. I look away and decide to intertwine our hands.
"Thank you... For believing in me. I feel so grateful that I don't even know where to start.
"Eva. "He looks at me: "You don't have to thank me. I already told you I'm willing to do this and more for you. I love you.
I open my mouth to respond, however, a car speeding towards us in the wrong lane makes me let out a slight scream of terror.
"Erick, look out!
And suddenly, everything that seemed to be shining, seems to collapse. Erick tries to control the car that loses control, but it's too late. My eyes close, the glass explodes in a distorted harmony as that vehicle crashes on top of us. Everything collapses and my surroundings become completely dark.