My first day of work has been chaotic. It was not what I imagined. I am happy with the site. People are polite, although, there are some of them who don't give me good looks, it can be said that half of the people are nice.
The receptionists have treated me well, I talked a little with them when I went for a coffee and I also caught a couple of glances with other people who are part of the top floor. Some looked at me a little confused, but I managed to hear that they nicknamed me as the new secretary of Hills. The truth doesn't bother me, I don't know everyone and I don't care.
It's a little dark by the time I leave the building and head to the parking lot, where I get into my car. I rub both hands from the cold and turn on the heating. I drive to my apartment and as soon as I get there, I fall sound asleep on the couch in the living room.
The next day, an hour before I leave for work, I stop by the hospital to say hello to Louis. Once I enter the hospital room, I am met by Harmony, who immediately stands up and goes to greet me.
“Hey,” she mutters. “How are you doing? Carol told me you got a job, congratulations.”
"So, it is, thanks.” I shift my gaze to Louis, who is fast asleep. “How is he?”
“Yesterday he was a bit weak, but don't worry, I'm sure he will improve.”
“I hope so.” I reach over to him and caress his cheek. "If you're still here when he wakes up, could you tell him that I stopped by to visit him?"
"Of course.”
I place a kiss on his cheek and move closer to Harmony.
"Thank you for supporting me," I say.
“You don't have anything to be thankful for, Eva.”
“I have to, you and Carol have been very supportive and I appreciate it, believe me.”
She smiles at me
“You will always count on us.”
"Thank you.” I move my gaze to my watch. "Excuse me, I have to go now.”
"Don't worry, go easy. I'll stay a little longer to tell Louis you were here.”
"Thank you. Bye, bye.”
"Bye take care.”
And finally, I start my journey to Hills Corporation. I arrive at the building at eight o'clock, but I lose a couple of minutes until I reach the top floor, but I arrive on time. Julia greets me from the reception with a gesture that I also return before locking myself in my office.
I lock myself in my office and catch up on my work. Unlike my first day, this time I have a little more work to do, not just answering calls or just looking through Mr. Hills' schedule, but also answering a couple of emails and making phone calls. To certain people who have written down. Sounds easy, but it can get a bit stressful as the hours go by.
I don't know exactly how much time elapses when I decide to go for a coffee from the machine Julia told me about yesterday. As I leave my office and head there, I am surprised to find Julia talking to another black-haired woman. According to the little gold card on her chest, her name is Ashley.
“Eva” she calls me “Do you feel comfortable if I call you by your name?”
"Yes do not worry.”
She gives me a kind smile.
“This is my colleague, Jenna.” she introduces me to the black-haired woman who is next to her. “Jenna, this is Eva, Mr. Hills' new secretary.”
The woman examines me with her eyes.
"A pleasure.” I shake her hand, which I accept.
"I'm wondering the same.”
A small silence settles and Julia is the first to break it.
“What do you think of the company? Do you feel comfortable?” she asks me.
"For now yes.”
“You were lucky Mr. Hills wasn't around your first day,” she tells me, sharing a look with Jenna.
"Why?” I dare to ask.
“Mr. Hills has been in a bad mood these past few weeks,” Jenna says. "It's common in him, his attitude is very temperamental. Now the top floor of the building is a little calmer due to his absence, because when he returns, everything is revolutionized.”
"Don't scare her" Julia scolds her and shifts her gaze to me. “Eva, Mr. Hills is a bit moody, but you'll be able to deal with him as you adjust, don't worry.”
“Is it so bad…?” I ask her.
They both share a look again.
“Maybe. They say that the bad always attracts and he...” Jenna bites her lip. “Looking at it is already considered visual pleasure. I don't think I've ever seen such an attractive and magnetic man.”
"Jenna..." Julia scolds her and she laughs.
"What? I only tell the truth. The man wets her panties halfway through the building.”
“Mr. Hills has his moments,” Julia explains, turning to me. “Well, if you'll excuse us, we should head back downtown. Have a good day, Eve.”
They both turn around, leaving me alone.
«I hope this man doesn't bring me too much trouble...». I put my thoughts aside, pour myself a coffee and return to my office to finish all the work I have left.
I finish all the work almost at the same time as yesterday, but with a couple of minutes difference and once everything is done, I gather my things and leave.
I stop by the hospital to check that Louis is with Harmony and once I check I go to my apartment. A few minutes ago, I spoke with Carol and she is here, she told me that she is waiting for me there. Once I reach my destination, I open the door of the apartment, leave my blazer on the hanger in the corridor and move towards the kitchen when I perceive a satisfying smell of food in process.
I meet Carol in the kitchen, who is preparing some spaghetti along with the white sauce.
"Good evening" she greets me and I go over to give her a kiss on the cheek by way of greeting. “Your cheeks are a little rosy, did you take cold?”
"Yes, a bit.”
While she prepares dinner, I take care of putting the dishes on the table.
“Aren't you going to tell me about your new job?” I deserve to have details.
"For now, everything is fine" I say. “But the things I hear from Mr. Hills come to mortify me. I don't want that man to complicate my life...”
"Evie, don't worry. They must be exaggerating for sure, I don't think it's a big deal, maybe it's just a little intimidating, that's all. Haven't seen it in person yet?”
"No. The receptionists have told me that he is not in New York.”
“And do you feel satisfied with the work?”
“Yes, it is as I imagined. Although it's a bit monotonous because it's only my second day at work...”
I help her plate the spaghetti and we sit down.
“Do you get along with your coworkers?”
“I guess...I only met two of them.”
I look down at my plate when I notice the presence of tears that accumulate in my eyes.
I bring my hands to my face.
“I need the money, I only have three weeks to get it.”
"Be Peaceful...”
“I can't be calm knowing that I have limited time. I have to work hard to get it, with hospital visits and...”
"Harmony and I can take care of Louis at the hospital...”
“Louis needs my presence, I am his mother. I promised her that I was going to visit him as much as I could and that I was going to get him out of there. I must keep my promise.”
“And you will.”
"At this rate I don't even know if...”
"You should rest" she interrupts me.
"Yes" I wipe my tears, “tomorrow I have to go to the hospital and go to the company again.”
“Then you must rest and eat. Nothing better than a good dinner to recharge your batteries, don't you think?”
We proceed to eat, we talk about things without too much importance. Carol tells me about her relationship with Josh, with whom she has been dating for a long time. Then I help her wash the dishes and go to sleep. The next day, I barely have time to eat breakfast, I just leave my apartment and head to the hospital. This time, when I open the door to Louis's room, I'm surprised to see him awake.
“Mommy” he exclaims, making me smile.
I walk towards him and wrap my arms around him.
"Hello darling. I'm very sorry I couldn't come to visit you, it's just... I was very tired and I have a lot of work. I will try to be here for you as much as possible, don't doubt it.”
“Tonight, will you come to see me?”
"Of course.” I kiss him temple. “How do you feel?”
“I am very glad to hear that.”
We chat some more and, as much as I want to stay longer, it's my turn to go.
“I'll be back tonight,” I say.
“Rest and be good.” I kiss him cheek. “See you.”
"See you, mom.”
After leaving the hospital, I make it to the Hills Corporation just in time and make my way to the top floor of the building. However, I am surprised to perceive the slightly more different atmosphere at the reception. People move from one place to another, receptionists are in the middle of phone calls, there are people who run with papers and pens in their hands and others who walk in a hurry.
"Eva, good morning.” Julia approaches me. She looks exhausted.
“Good morning... Is something wrong? Everything is very...”
“Rusted, I know.”
She puts a hand to her temple.
“Mr. Hills has just returned.”
"I see," I muttered.
“And requires your presence in his office.”