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Drunken mistake

Three weeks later

Aurora POV

Getting to know Rhea has been a game-changer. I'll admit, I had her all wrong in the beginning—thought she was a bit of a brat. But she's the exact opposite: sweet, warm, and just a joy to be around.

Today's a big day at the castle—it's Princess Rhea's thirteenth birthday, and the alpha has pulled out all the stops for a blowout bash. The maids are in a flurry of activity, dressing the princess in her birthday best, while I've been her steadfast shadow, offering moral support and the occasional joke to lighten the mood. She's bubbling with happiness, and who wouldn't be, living this sweet, charmed life? It makes me wonder about my own childhood—was it filled with this same kind of warmth? Did I bask in the glow of my family's love, or was I left in the shadows? My past is a jigsaw with missing pieces, and the faces of my parents are the most elusive ones. I wish I could remember, but it's like grasping at smoke.

"Auro, you okay?" Rhea's voice, light as a feather, snaps me back to the present. I didn't even notice her calling me, lost as I was in my own thoughts.

"Yeah, princess, all good," I say, flashing her a reassuring smile as she hops off her dressing stool. The maids have cleared out, leaving just the two of us in the calm before the storm of celebration.

She turns this way and that in front of the mirror, a frown creasing her forehead. "Do I look okay? I feel like I'm not... dazzling enough," she confides, her eyes searching mine for honesty.

I can't help but smile—Rhea's got a thing for the finer things, and who could blame her? If my dad showered me with luxuries like the alpha does, I'd probably have the same taste for glam.

"You're more than dazzling—you're radiant," I tell her. But she's not quite convinced, worrying the fabric of her dress between her fingers.

"Really? Will dad think so? What if he doesn't like it? What if Ares outshines me?" The words tumble out, and I'm struck by the depth of her need for her father's approval. It gets me thinking about my own father. Did he dote on me? Did we have an unbreakable bond, like Rhea does with the alpha?

"He's going to love it. Trust me," I say, crouching down to her level and giving her cheeks a playful pinch. Her smile blooms, and she's all youthful grace and beauty.

With a nod, she's reassured, and I stand, brushing off my knees. "Now, let's go show them how a princess really shines," I say, and she takes my hand, her confidence restored. Together, we'll face the party—not just as princess and companion, but as two girls on the brink of something unforgettable.

"Come on, you're the star tonight! Let's dazzle them," I urge, taking her hand, but she's shaking her head with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"What's up, princess?" I'm puzzled by her hesitation.

"You're not ready yet. I've got the perfect thing for you," she declares with a sly grin, flitting over to her wardrobe and flinging the doors wide. She pulls out a gown—a twin to her own—in a rich shade of purple that seems to drink in the light.

"I picked this out just for you. You like it?" she asks, draping it across the bed with a flourish. I'm speechless. Surely, she can't be serious.

"Get dressed, we can't keep them waiting!" She thrusts the fabric into my hands.

"But... I'm just a maid. It's your big day," I protest weakly, but she laughs—a sound like tinkling bells.

"As your princess, I'm officially ordering you to wear it and escort me," she says, her smile sweet but her eyes daring me to defy her.

With a resigned sigh, I retreat to the dressing room. Slipping into the gown feels like stepping into another world—one where I'm not just a maid, but someone... spectacular.

"You look stunning," Rhea beams as I emerge, and for a moment, we're not princess and servant, but two girls sharing a secret splendor.

"Thanks," I manage, my voice tight with a mix of nerves and awe. The gown feels like a dream, but the weight of the occasion—and the alpha's potential disapproval—presses heavily on me.

"Let's not keep them waiting any longer," Rhea says, her excitement pulling me along as we head for the grand hall.

We pause before the towering doors, my heart a drumbeat in my ears. Then, with a nod from the guards, the doors swing open, revealing a sea of faces. The hall is a galaxy of glittering eyes and expectant smiles—all for Rhea.

I keep my eyes down, convinced every gaze is boring into me, wondering why a maid is masquerading in princess's silk. We glide to the center of the hall, and I dare a glance at Rhea. Her joy is my anchor in the storm of stares, her wide smile a silent promise that everything will be alright.

"See how Father is watching you," Rhea murmurs, nudging me gently. I hesitantly lift my eyes, and what I see steals my breath. Alpha Ren is always a vision of power and poise, but tonight, he's transcendent. Clad in a black royal robe, his raven hair cascades over his shoulders, ending in two neat braids. His gaze, intense and enigmatic, lingers on me, stirring a warmth in my chest. Why is he looking at me with such intensity?

"Father..." Ares's voice cuts through the moment, and Alpha Ren's attention shifts, but I feel the weight of his gaze still tethered to me from the corner of his eye.

"Happy birthday, my princess," he says with a smile that could chase away the shadows of the darkest night.

"Thank you, Father," Rhea responds, her smile a reflection of his own.

"Happy birthday, Rhea. You're not moping this year—must be Auro's magic touch," Ares calls out, provoking a ripple of chuckles. I'm puzzled by his words, but before I can ponder further, Alpha Ren stands, his presence commanding the room.

"Rhea's joy today is unmatched. I owe you my thanks for bringing such a smile to my daughter's face," he says, turning to me, his smile warm and appreciative.

"And you," he leans in, his voice a whisper meant only for me, "look stunning in that dress." My heart stumbles over its rhythm, and I feel a blush flooding my cheeks. Not here, not now, with all these eyes upon us.

"Thank you," I manage, my voice barely above a whisper. He nods, then takes Rhea's hand, leading her to the throne.

Hours later...

The festivities have wound down, and the guests have vanished into the night. The party was a whirlwind of laughter and dancing, and the wine flowed like a river of stars. My head is heavy, the world tilting ever so slightly as I make my way out.

Rhea and Ares have retired, and I'm left to navigate the quiet corridors alone. I'm tipsy, yes, but my feet know the path to my room. I stumble through the door and collapse onto my bed, the world spinning just a bit slower now.

'You look beautiful in that outfit,' Alpha Ren's words echo in my mind, and a foolish grin spreads across my face. He was so handsome, so...

"What are you doing here?" The voice I will never forget even in my deep sleep, speaks up beside me. Snapping my head in the direction of the voice, my mouth drops open in shock at the sight that welcomes me. There is alpha Ren standing with just a black towel hanging dangerously around his waist. What the hell!

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