"What are you doing here, professor?", I asked, trying to disguise my nervousness.

"I've scheduled a meeting with Professor Keaton about an interdisciplinary project for the second year," he smiled, looking very excited and making me even angrier. And don't forget to bring me that documentary tomorrow, Cassano."

"You got it, Suan," I heard Professor Cassano say, no emotion in his voice, and just then the door closed, leaving me alone with him. I thought about pushing some button and stopping at some floor to escape from the dangerous environment, but as soon as my hand reached toward the panel, he grabbed my arm tightly and pulled me in an abrupt movement.

"What's that?", I almost screamed, as he grabbed my other wrist and pressed me against the wall "Let go of me!"

"Shut up," he muttered, and without warning, kissed me. I tried to pull away from him and not let him deepen the kiss, but the pressure he was putting on my lips was so strong that it made my mouth throb. Even though I tried my best not to let it be anything more than an unwanted kiss, I felt my muscles give in to the pressure he was exerting and open up for his tongue.

I struggled desperately, trying to kneecap his parts or bite his lip, but he was so glued to me that I could barely move any muscles. I tried to scream, but opening my mouth to make any sound only made my situation worse. I looked at the elevator panel and saw that we were still on the fourth floor. With no chance of defense, the only way was to keep struggling until I either hurt him in some way or made him give up.

Slowly, he slipped his hands away, bringing my wrists with him, until he had my arms at my sides. He continued holding me tight, and kissing me intensely. His muscles, evidenced by the tight blouse he was wearing, contracted very close to my torso, and as bad as the situation was, it was undeniable that he was in excellent physical shape. When I looked at the dashboard and saw that we were on the second floor, he opened his eyes and stared into mine, still kissing me. A strange feeling went through my body when our eyes met so closely, which only made me more trembling.

He broke the kiss, pulling my lower lip slowly, and pulled away, still staring intensely into mine. The elevator door opened, reaching the crowded first floor, and without saying a word, he wiped his mouth with the back of one hand and walked away as if nothing had happened. Unable to move for some unknown reason, I remained leaning against the elevator wall, trembling from head to toe and my heart racing. Of fright and indignation, of course, after all it's not every day that the teacher you hate the most kisses you in the elevator.

"Lil?", I heard Anne's voice calling me, I don't know how much later, and when I looked towards the door, I saw her standing there with a worried look on her face "You look pale, what happened?"

"N-nothing, just a dizzy spell," I stammered, my voice failing me, and hoping that my wobbly legs would hold me up, I stepped out of the elevator "Let's go, my mother should be waiting for me by now."

Anne didn't ask any more questions, although she didn't completely believe my answer, and walked me to the exit. During the whole day, the memory of that kiss and that strange feeling haunted me, and at night sleep was slow to come. I rolled over in bed, trying to keep my eyes off Professor Cassano, until I finally fell asleep.

"Do you have class with Suan today?", Anne asked, as we walked up the stairs to our classes.

"I do, why?", I asked, distracted by listening to music, or at least trying to. Just remembering the classes I would have today made my stomach turn. It had been exactly six days since I had seen the shadow of Cassano, and today I would have my last class with him. A shiver ran down my spine, but I pretended that nothing had happened and continued humming the song playing on my iPod.

"Why don't you talk to him again about Professor Cassano?" she suggested sympathetically, "I don't know, maybe he'll help you this time.

"How is he going to help me by telling Cassano that I went there to ask him for help?", I retorted, shaking my head negatively "I'm not going to say anything, I don't want to bring anyone else into this. If Cassano makes up some bullshit about me, even Suan will start giving me a C average.

"Well, it's up to you" Anne closed, defeated "I would talk to Suan again after getting that recovery exam with a giant, unfair C, but it's your decision."

"I'll think about what I'll do," I sighed, walking into the class as Anne walked into the class next door. Until last year, she was in my class, but this year the principal had made a mess of the re-enrollment and she ended up in a separate class. We were trying to get her to change classes, but that stupid principal was somehow picking on us. It may sound like an exaggeration, but the world seems to conspire against me sometimes.

Since in the first three classes the teachers decided to pass a lot of material, I didn't have much time to think about anything. During the break, Anne and I didn't even talk properly, because while I was listening to music at maximum volume, she was studying chemistry. Lost in thought, I soon came back to reality when I again saw Mr. Suan talking with Professor Cassano at the door of the teachers' lounge. They were both laughing and gesticulating, and Mr. Suan was laughing so hard that I wanted to laugh along with him.

But although I felt my heart race at the sight of Professor Suan, looking at Cassano for the first time after the incident in the elevator made my chest tighten. He was wearing a plain dark purple dress shirt, tight black jeans, and an All Star of the same color. As he walked slowly towards the cafeteria, still chatting, a question crossed my mind. How had I never noticed how handsome he was? Considerably tall, well-defined body, hair in an attractive messy way... Yeah, maybe I was too busy copying reports or hating his way of being to pay attention to his appearance. But even though he was handsome, nothing could make me feel good for him. Nothing at all.

I felt Anne nudge me, and I took the headphones off my iPod, waking up to life.

"Come on, the bell's rung and I have a test now," she said, making a bored face.

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