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Chapter five: A Lycan Princess

Valeria's POV

I didn't want to expose my vulnerability. Keeping the truth of my human identity hidden was paramount. But the reality of who I truly was tugged at my emotions. Throughout my life, I've yearned to embody the strength of a powerful wolf, to command the respect of all who crossed my path.

Bravery, power, the spirit of a warrior—these qualities defined my parents and brother. My aspirations aligned with theirs, forging a connection that seemed unbreakable. That's why it came as a shock when, during training, I found myself lagging behind. Despite the fact that our wolf forms hadn't yet manifested, my fellow trainees displayed an innate vigor surpassing that of humans.

At first, everyone thought I would adapt slowly to the training. My parents shared this hope, believing in my potential. But as training sessions continued to witness my collapse, it became clear that I wasn't a true werewolf. Still, my pack stood by me during raids, a protective wall against harm.

It was a cruel twist that Killian, the one person I'd trusted to stand by me through thick and thin, shattered my hopes. His words crushed my spirit, convincing me of my worthlessness. I felt suffocated by his pronouncements. When my foster parents confirmed my human heritage and non-biological status in their family, I reached a breaking point.

What purpose remained in persevering if it only led to humiliation and suffering?

"Let it all out, my princess. You're safe from any insecurities. I'll shield you from every harm," my mother consoled me, enfolding me in her embrace.

I wept, allowing my pent-up emotions to flow freely until, eventually, the sobs subsided. It was time to share what had transpired.

"I... I was rejected by my mate," I stuttered, tears tracing fresh trails down my cheeks.

"Who dares reject my daughter!"

My father's voice thundered, a fierce resonance that sent shivers rippling through the room, leaving everyone but my mother in its wake. His eyes blazed red like molten lava, igniting the space with intense heat. A power surged forth that seemed to surpass even our alpha's dominion. Yes, alphas commanded authority through their tones, but this was a magnitude beyond. The very walls trembled in response, an effect I suspected extended far beyond the confines of that celestial palace.

"You're frightening her, my Lord," my mother intervened, drawing me closer to her as if to shield me from his wrath.

Gradually, his rage receded, his fangs retracting, and his eyes reclaiming their silvery hue. A detail I'd forgotten to mention: my parents possessed unique silver eyes that radiated an otherworldly gleam.

"Sweetheart, there's no need for sorrow. Unlike werewolves, lycans possess the right to choose their own mates, much like humans. It's unlikely for a lycan to be fated to a werewolf. You needn't concern yourself with some insignificant wolf; you have the freedom to select any partner you desire," my mother clarified.

Could that truly be the case? Yet, I loved him.

"Don't worry. I'll find the perfect match for you. For now, focus on your training," my father advised.


"Yes. You must train to become a genuine lycan, my successor. Once you're stronger, I'll personally guide you alongside my most trusted confidant," my father smiled.

Though I desired strength, doubts plagued me. What if I faltered? What if my identity was a lie, and I wasn't truly their daughter or a Lycan?

"You are my daughter, our cherished little baby," my mother interjected as if catching my thoughts.

"Can you... hear me?" I asked, startled.

"Yes, because we're family. You'll learn to unlock your inner thoughts as well, granting you access to everyone in our kingdom. But remember, they can't intrude unless you permit it. Only the royal bloodline can share such a connection," she explained.

Ah, so I must safeguard my musings.

"Don't fret; we won't invade your privacy. Your father will teach you to shield your thoughts soon enough," she assured me.

Well, that's a downer.

"Yeah, it is," she chuckled.

"Amelia, stop eavesdropping on her mind. You're making her uncomfortable," my father reprimanded my mother, who grinned unabashedly.

I couldn't help but smile. The love between my parents was evident—a union I wished to emulate. Could the moon goddess fulfill that wish?

Yet, one question lingered, an inquiry burning for release.

"How did I become lost?" I inquired, gaze fixed on my parents. My mother's expression shifted to one of sadness and guilt.

Tears welled, her voice trembling as she began to speak. "It's my fault. I should have prioritized being your mother over my ambitions of becoming a powerful Luna. I should've set aside my warrior aspirations."

I was puzzled. Could this delicate woman truly have been a warrior?

"I was a promising warrior when your father chose me as his mate. We'd planned for me to continue training before starting a family. But plans changed when I conceived on our first night together. Still, I was determined to resume my training after giving birth," she recounted, a bittersweet smile on her lips.

My father's touch comforted her. "It wasn't your fault, Amelia."

"No, it was my fault. How could I leave a two-year-old child with a maid? I should've been there for you. On that fateful day, the maid left you in the garden to meet her mate. A clever child, you ventured beyond the garden, disappearing into the nearby bushes. That was the last time we saw you," she wept, overcome by her confession.

So, that's the truth.

"Had we known you'd wandered into the werewolf pack, we would've come for you. But despite searching every nearby pack, we couldn't locate you. What's the name of the pack?" she queried, her brows furrowing.

"Blue Moon Pack," I answered.

"That's quite a distance. How did you manage to traverse that on your own? It's unthinkable for a child to journey such miles," my father pondered.

"Where am I? Is it really that far from my pack?" I questioned, perplexed.

"Yes, it's approximately six borders away. The river likely carried you to our side, but a baby covering all that ground on foot is implausible," he analyzed.

Could it be that I wasn't truly their daughter?

As we grappled with our thoughts, another set of footsteps heralded a white-bearded young man, his smile captivating.

"Your majesty, the DNA test results are ready. Here they are," he announced, bowing.

"What's the verdict?" my father inquired, his anxiety palpable.

"Positive, with a 99.99% certainty. She is indeed the lost princess," he confirmed, his gaze fixed on mine, his smile faint.

My heart skipped a beat, but I brushed the feeling aside, fixated on the outcome. I was truly their daughter, destined to inherit the Lycan throne.

Me, a weakling. Could I measure up to the leader they envisioned? That question lingered as I gazed at my jubilant parents.

Could I become like them?

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