Chapter 16

The red satin fabric slides out of the car as Rocco opens the door to help Ellis out. She steps firmly in her high-heeled sandals, hoping not to twist her ankle. She couldn't remember the last time she wore heels, but she was certain she had never worn any as high as those sandals.

Noticing the young woman's insecurity, the driver offers his hand for her to hold, which she accepts automatically. Then Amorielle's guest takes a deep breath, looking at the majestic entrance of the mansion with some people who were far from her circle. Am I worthy? Ellis thought as she analyzed the beautiful blonde woman in a golden dress in front of her. The woman seemed to float with her mermaid dress.

Her perfectly white smile with aligned teeth seemed to have come out of a dental magazine cover. Not to mention the posture of the blonde, who stood so upright that Ellis was certain it was the result of years of ballet classes. She tried to fix her own posture, but she couldn't maintain it for long.

"Don't worry, Miss Barker. You look beautiful," Rocco complimented.

"You only say that because it's your job," Ellis said, serious.

"I believe not all of us were paid," Rocco argued, making Ellis notice the men looking at her, admiringly.

"Are you sure you're a mobster?" Ellis asked Rocco as they walked toward the reception.

"Why do you ask?"

"You seem too nice to be that type," Ellis replied, managing to lighten Rocco's serious expression for the first time with a sound that she could consider a laugh. "Seriously... You're actually nice."

"Thank you for the compliment, Miss Barker," Rocco replied, looking at Ellis. Then he closed his face again as he said, "I'm paid for it."

The two continued to walk in silence until they reached the entrance, where she was surprised to see Vittorio with a beautiful lady in a purple dress. Vittorio's image in a tuxedo conveyed power and danger in Ellis's eyes. At that moment, she truly felt that he was important, but she promised herself never to let it show. His ego was already inflated enough to know that he had affected her like that.

Little did she know that as soon as Vittorio saw her in front of him, he had to restrain himself from approaching her. She had become even more beautiful and sexy than the Maison model, which made the mobster even more excited by her presence. Despite his attempts to disguise it, his mother noticed that the woman in the red satin dress who had just arrived had stirred her son.

"Miss Barker," Vittorio said, holding the woman's hand and bringing it to his lips, still enchanted by Ellis's beauty. The touch of his lips on Ellis's skin took him back to the private room at Maison, to the moans, but Ellis's scent was sweeter, more exciting. Just imagining repeating that afternoon with Ellis made his heart race... Then his mother gave a dry cough, grabbing his attention. He practically pushed Ellis's hand away and continued, "Miss Ellis Barker, I would like to introduce you to Antonietta Amorielle, the matriarch of the Amorielle family and my mother. Mom, this is Miss Ellis Barker."

"Welcome, Ellis Barker," Antonietta said, as she analyzed the woman in front of her in search of answers. "I hope you enjoy yourself tonight."

She concluded that the young woman was just another conquest of her son, or that's what she wanted to believe. That woman couldn't be more than that, no way.

"Mom, if you'll excuse us, I'll take Miss Barker to my office," Vittorio informed his mother, who even smiled in relief. It was strictly business.

"Of course, my son. Make yourselves at home. Just don't take too long, as the guests are expecting you," Antonietta replied.

"Rocco, ask Alessio to come to the office," Vittorio ordered, addressing the Capo. He then extended his hand toward Ellis. "Come, Miss Barker, we have matters to discuss."

Ellis accepted the gesture and placed her hand on Vittorio's arm as he led her into the magnificent residence.

They walked silently down the hallway, but their minds were racing. Vittorio admired Ellis, who walked a few steps ahead of him. He couldn't help but imagine himself undoing that perfectly fitting red dress from her slender body. Her neatly arranged hair allowed him a glimpse of the nape of her neck, a spot he imagined kissing with his lips. Meanwhile, Ellis wondered why Vittorio had brought her to a dinner at his house with his mother's presence. "I hope our next meeting won't be at a church!" Barker thought, mustering a smile that didn't go unnoticed by Vittorio.

"What made you smile?" the mafioso asked, curious.

"Oh, nothing," Ellis replied, allowing the redness to spread across her face.

"I doubt it was nothing since you're blushing to match your dress," Vittorio argued.

"It was just a silly thought," Ellis reluctantly said, rubbing her arms nervously.

"Tell me, I promise not to judge," Vittorio pleaded, stopping beside Ellis.

"It was just something I mentioned to Rocco..." Ellis began, blushing even more.

"You told my employee, but you won't tell me?" Vittorio asked, slightly irritated.

"Because it's nothing, Mr. Amorielle," Ellis replied, matching Vittorio's irritation.

"Tell me now," Vittorio ordered, becoming more serious.

"No," Ellis said, crossing her arms, serious. "You're neither my boss nor my owner to command me. I'll tell you when I want to."

"Okay, I'm sorry. Now tell me..." Vittorio conceded.

"No, I'll only tell you when you say 'please'," Ellis argued, serious.

"What?" Vittorio questioned, surprised.

"That's how polite and civilized people address each other," Ellis explained. "If you want to know what it is, ask politely..."

"Please..." Vittorio said, rolling his eyes.

"No, not like that. Say, 'Ellis, please tell me what you were thinking'," Ellis demanded.


"Either say that or you'll never know," Ellis said, continuing to walk down the hallway.

"Okay..." Vittorio let out, quickening his pace and stopping in front of the brunette. He took her hands and asked, "Ellis, please tell me what you were thinking."

"Very well," Ellis said, offering a slight smile. "I was just telling Rocco that you had taken me out for lunch and now for dinner. I said our relationship was moving too fast, and at this rate, I would end up meeting your mother. And that's exactly what happened! So now I was thinking, or rather, hoping to God that our next meeting wouldn't be at a church!"

She smiled, expecting an eye roll for her foolish comment or something of the sort, but all Vittorio did was open the door and say, "We better talk, Miss Barker."

Ellis sat in the armchair across from Vittorio's desk, and he helped her settle in

before taking his seat. He opened the desk drawer and retrieved a cigar, quickly lighting it, which deeply displeased his companion. She started coughing and fanning herself.

"For God's sake, put that out. If you want to die, do it alone," Ellis said sternly.

"Someone already told you that you're very annoying, Miss Barker?" Vittorio retorted while reluctantly putting out the cigar.

"Not annoying, but an assassin was the term they used earlier," Ellis revealed. "And that's the only reason I agreed to wear this vulgar dress, this jewelry, and uncomfortable sandals. Not to mention the whole package that felt more like torture."

"Many women would kill for the opportunity you had today," Vittorio commented.

"But I'm not one of them, Mr. Amorielle. I'm a woman who desires peace in my life. I want the police to stop saying that I'm a hired assassin on your behalf. By the way, know that the police are investigating you..."

"Who said that?" Vittorio asked, serious.

"Officer Smith," Ellis revealed. "I don't know what your business with Lucky or the guy who was found dismembered was, but I ask that you remove my name from it. Unless you intentionally did that..."

"Do you believe I would set something up against you?" Vittorio questioned, surprised. "I would never be capable of that, Miss Ellis. Don't worry, after tonight, everything will change for you."

"Have you thought of a proposal then?"

The door to the room opened, allowing Rocco to enter with the notary, who quickly approached the desk.

"Don Vittorio," the man said before kissing Vittorio's ring.

"Alessio, this is Miss Barker," Vittorio introduced, pointing towards Ellis. "Alessio is my notary, and he has brought the confession of debt document for you to sign and become responsible for your brother's debt."

"Here, Miss Barker," Alessio presented the document to Ellis, who began reading it calmly. As they had discussed during lunch, she would be responsible for her brother's debt. It was all there, written transparently.

"Okay," Ellis replied as she signed.

"He will also be the one to formalize our marriage contract..."

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