

Luther groaned as he tossed around on his bed. He knew that quirky voice anywhere. He managed to pry his eyes open as his gaze fell on his alarm clock, and to his dismay, it was 3 a.m.

Not again. He thought to himself.

"Come on, Luthy opens up... It's me, Raven, your best friend." She called out.

He huffed as he slowly pulled back his covers and stood up. He knew that if he didn't open up for her, she would wake up the whole castle soon enough.

He took steady steps towards the door with a scowl on his face as he remained fully intent on giving her a piece of his mind, but the moment he pulled it open, all his previous anger vanished.

She was beautiful as always, with her luscious raven hair and bright green eyes. His face hardened when he noticed the tears that streamed down her face.

"Hi." She said shyly as she shuffled in fear. She was tiny for a ten-year-old, but he didn't mind; he loved her in every way.

He didn't say anything to her as he took a hold of her small hand in his and pulled her into the room. He smirked at the sparks that erupted on his skin when they touched. He didn't know what they meant, but he wasn't complaining.

He pulled her towards the bed and sat down, tugging on her arm for her to do the same. She was wearing her favorite pink nightgown that he got her for her last birthday.

"Come on, let's get some sleep." He said to her gruffly. Her face seemed to light up as he scooted backwards on the bed, making room for her to lie down against his chest. Once she was settled in, he pulled the covers over the both of them.

There was a long stretch of silence before he finally spoke up. "Do you want to talk about your nightmare?" He asked her.

He felt her tense slightly in his arms as her breathing picked up slightly before she answered. "It was nothing. Just a silly dream." She whispered.

"Don't give me that. Did someone say something mean to you? You know you can tell me." He said to her pleadingly.

She didn’t want to say anything at first, but hiding things from him was almost impossible. "It was just... I made this flower bouquet for Alpha Rozan, and he threw it on the floor and called me a filthy omega." She whimpered.

She heard his chest rumble in outrage, but the last thing she wanted was to stir trouble between him and his father. "Please don't be mad. It was my fault. But just... when he yelled, I got scared." She admitted.

"It isn’t nothing. You had a nightmare. I am going to talk to him tomorrow. Now try and get some sleep." He mumbled as he kissed her hair.

She hummed, closing her eyes, before saying, "Why does it feel like that?"

"Like what?" he asked.

"Every time we touch, it is like a symphony of stars against my skin. Why is that?" She asked.

"I am not sure, but I don't want it to stop." He admitted.

"Me either. So that means you have to stay with me forever. You can never leave." She said firmly.

"You can't get rid of me even if you try." We are bound to each other like the moon and the tides." He promised.

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