Rozan did not respond to her at first, as he only stared at her coldly. "I am doing what has to be done; we can't continue to sit around and do nothing." He said to her as he pushed past her and began to make his way up the set of stairs.
Leana followed behind him as she felt panic in her chest. She didn't like the fact that he was simply ignoring the lives of innocent people. "What if you find more than the darkness? What if there are innocent lives there that you will rip apart?" She pleaded.
Once they were back in the throne room, he let out a sigh as he ran a hand over his face. "I assure you that there is nothing there. I wouldn't be so reckless, and just to be certain, I will speak to the generals to make sure of that". He said to her.
His faze softened as he noticed her bite down on her lip. He knew that she was only being cautious and that she was trying to make sure that he didn't get hurt, and he thought it was sweet.
He wrapped his arms around her as he rubbed her stomach. "I assure you, I will bring an end to this, and you and our little girl will be fine. The last thing that I want to do is put you in danger." He said, and he watched as she slumped her shoulders and nodded her head.
He let out a sigh as he kissed her head before leading her back to their room. He tucked her in. "I promise you, we will get out of this insanity." e said to her.
And the one thing about Rozan was that no matter how long it took, he always did his best to keep his promises.
And for the next few days, he made quick work to prepare his generals for the battle to come. He worked closely with Ranar as they made the weapons together.
He felt confident that he would finally be able to put an end to it all. He knew that he had been optimistic this way in the past, and he was able to put an end to it, but there was something he couldn't quite put his finger on. This time, the darkness seemed faster and stronger. He was moving much quicker than he had before.
He knew that they were on a tight schedule, but he was impressed by how much he had been able to accomplish. Lleana was still uncertain about it all, but he had surveyed the area in the southern parts and he had been assured that there were no packs there.
The darkness was moving fast, and it had been quick and able to devour the west. It was at the edge of the western lines, and only a small patch of land was left untouched.
It was the perfect time for them to try to plan their attack. He was in the meeting room as he spread open the large map that was before him. He looked over the areas of the kingdom, as they had marked down the north and east that had fallen and the majority of the west as well, except for a small strip.
"So tell me. Are we certain that we have no packs in the areas that could be affected by it?" He asked, and he watched as the generals murmured amongst themselves before nodding their heads.
He looked over the map as he stared at the blinking light. It was strange how it was so close to danger, yet it was unseated. "Well, then, I assure you, we can move out in the morning." He said to her,
The generals were dismissed, and he couldn't help but feel a triumphant smile come over his features. He was glad that he could finally get it all done and over with.
He went to bed that night with his wife in his arms, and he held onto the hope that everything would be fine when they woke up the next day.
He was surprised when she didn't make any noise through the night and didn't have any episodes. He guessed that it was a sign. They would soon have peace in the kingdom once more and have the chance to go back to their lives.
Once the clock struck five in the morning, he was quick to slip out of bed and make his way out to the courtyard. His men were already dressed up in their attire as they were staying in front of the truck that was filled with the drugs.
"Good morning. Today. We made history and put an end to the enemy that had plagued us. With your help, we will be able to bring peace to the world once more. You are the heroes of this land, and today you make history." He spoke, and the men cheered around him. Everything was perfectly calculated down to the last minute detail, and he would be damned if he allowed anything to change or affect that.
"Your highness." He heard a voice speak up suddenly as he pulled his face away from the men who were making their way into the back of the vehicles.
He turned around to find Serban standing nervously behind him. He gritted his teeth. "What is it general? "We don't have all day, we have to move out." He said to him in irritation.
"Sir, you can't send them out to the western border." He'll speak up eventually. He watched as he stared at him with a raised eyebrow. "And can you explain to me why that is?"
"Sir, I have reason to believe that we have missed something." He said and he watched as he pulled out a large map and waited for the King to give him the go ahead.
With a simple bod he unraveled the map showing him specifically the western border. "Right there at the very edge of the border. We have reason to believe that there are those who are living there. We can't risk sending out the drugs; we could be destroying a whole pack." He said to him firmly.
The king felt his body freeze up at his words. "You mean that there could be people living there?" And you aren't sure?" He asked. Serban looked at him in confusion. "Yes, but that shouldn't be something that we are willing to risk either way."
Rozan was left in a tough spot. On one hand, he could end this all and save the lives of millions; he could risk killing tens of innocents; or he could save the innocents and doom them all. He knew that there would be consequences for his actions, but he would worry about them later.
"Send out the men."