4. In the Depths of the Castle
Lily's POV
The elegant woman approached me, extending her hand for me to shake in greeting, which I did promptly, but still a little disoriented by her sudden speech. I truly didn't know what to make of my boss finding me attractive. It wasn't really necessary to say that, after all, it wasn't my appearance that made me a good caregiver. Him calling me beautiful didn't necessarily mean the same as saying 'she does a good job', so I really didn't know what to think upon hearing my boss compliment me.
"My name is Magdalena, I am the housekeeper of this castle, and I'm also Mr. Ward's mother," I widened my eyes slightly, quite surprised to learn that she was my boss's mother. "Actually, I'm like a foster mother." She explained further upon seeing my surprised face. "A mother who gives her heart to the child she didn't bear, just like you do for little Arthur."
"I am honored to have been given this privilege, ma'am..." I ended up speaking because her words were kind. She smiled, still looking at me.
"You silly girl, you don't have to thank me. It was the baby who chose you because of the love you gave him." I smiled, deeply flattered by her words. My relationship with this baby was mutual. "I want to show you the castle, will you come with me?" Mrs. Magdalena invited me, and I looked towards the crib where Arthur was sleeping, feeling hesitant. What if the baby woke up while I wasn't present? This castle was too big, and it was likely that I wouldn't hear his cries when I was away on this tour of the castle. The woman in front of me noticed my hesitation and smiled, taking out two small devices from the pocket of her dress. They looked more like walkie-talkies, and she handed one to me, leaving the other one on the dresser near the crib.
"This is a baby monitor. If your baby wakes up and cries, you will hear it through your device." She pointed to the device in my hands. "And that way, you can know that Arthur needs you from anywhere you are." I nodded gratefully for that and followed the woman in her task of showing me the castle.
She showed me the dozens of rooms in that place, also telling me a little about the Wards' history in that castle. She told me that besides a great-uncle who lived in Ireland, Garret Ward had no more living relatives. He was a busy man now, spending most of his time in London taking care of business. He and his late wife had decided to return to York to have the baby and raise him peacefully in this lovely and quiet city. Unfortunately, Felicity had tragically died while giving birth to Arthur. Magdalena also told me that Garrett had been so devastated by everything that he had left York, determined never to return to that place. However, he had to come back because of Arthur and intended to continue living in that peaceful citadel to raise his son away from the hustle and bustle of London.
"So Mr. Ward was born and raised here in York, ma'am?" I asked at one point, very curious to learn more about my boss's life and history.
"Oh yes, born and raised in York, indeed!" She confirmed, quite enthusiastic. "Garrett used to run around this castle all the time. He loved riding horses when he was younger, but lately, it's hard to see him do that. Since the death of his parents, his flame has been gradually extinguishing, even more so now that his wife has passed away. What keeps him going is our little hero, Arthur." While listening to the woman speak, I began to understand my boss's coldness better. Life hadn't been fair to him, but thinking about my own side, life had never been fair to me either, and here I was. "But everyone faces their pains differently, Lily..." I thought to myself somberly.
At this point, Mrs. Magdalena and I descended the stone stairs to the castle's basement, which was a dark and somewhat sinister place. There were clearly some cages in that place; it was clearly the dungeon. But fortunately, there was no one imprisoned there, captive of the castle's master. On the contrary, instead of prisoners, there were crates of preserved wine, more crates of supplies, family relics, and unused old furniture.
"Every good castle needs a dungeon," Magdalena said with a playful air. "But this castle's dungeon serves as a storage for drinks." I covered my mouth with my hand and laughed at what she said, and she joined in laughing too.
"Much better," I commented, and she nodded.
"Yeah, indeed." At that moment, her cellphone rang, and she quickly answered it. She turned to me and spoke, "Wait for me here. I'll solve a little problem in the kitchen and be right back." She spoke briefly and hurriedly went up the stairs. I audibly sighed; maintaining this entire place must indeed be difficult.
I shrugged and looked around the dungeon that had turned into a storage for alcoholic beverages. Had there been real prisoners in these cages before? I knew that in past centuries, there were always conflicts between powerful local families, such as the War of the Roses. Perhaps the Wards had also been involved in one of these conflicts, so it was likely that in the past, people had been imprisoned in this dungeon, which now harmlessly served as a storage.
Looking at the whole place, I wondered why the Wards hadn't turned this castle into a museum, considering there were so many historical items. After all, people nowadays prefer to live in more modernized places, and living in castles wasn't really in fashion. If Mr. Ward truly wanted to, he would have already sold or donated this place to the King of England so that it could become a museum for tourists and lovers of European culture. But perhaps my boss was truly attached to this place since he was born and raised here. I smiled, finding my thought cute. It was cute that he still lived in a castle because he felt at home.
"What are you doing here?" I heard my boss's sharp voice behind me, and I turned around, startled. He had taken off his overcoat and was wearing a formal white long-sleeved shirt that he had rolled up to his elbows. He was still wearing his black pants and black boots, and he had a furious look on his face, showing how displeased he was with me. "Shouldn't you be taking care of my son?" He descended the stairs, approaching me with anger in his gaze. "How do you explain leaving my son alone, crying, so you can go on an adventure here? Tell me!" He grabbed my elbow and pulled me forcefully towards him.
"No, sir... I..." I was trembling like a leaf, my eyes wide open. His face was inches away from mine, and I could perfectly feel his warm and fresh breath hitting my face. His deep blue eyes were like two blue flames directed at me.
"Do you want me to throw you into one of these cages and lock you up here forever?"