Chapter 4 - one evening stand


Ashley's POV

For the very first time, I realise how ugly men can be.

I've been on the outlook for a handsome man, someone I'd give my virginity to and never see again, but here I am stuck on nothing.

Here is another perk of not keeping the contacts of your college friends.

I shouldn't have ended things with Charles when we graduated last year, maybe I'd have called him to hook up now.

But whose fault is it that he didn't like me back even though I liked him for the four years we spent together as departmental mates.

How am I even sure that he'll want to hook up with me now. With a sigh I make my way to the changing room, my aunt wants me to cover for one of her waitresses.

She's always short-staffed but would rather I take the jobs than hire someone else all in the name of trust issues.

"You'll be covering for Cin, right?" Gloria, the one who prides herself as the queen of of my aunt's workers. And since Aunt Nancy insisted that my identity be kept secret to avoid any form of blackmail, but I think she's doing it to avoid spending money.

Her circle of friends is filled with people who aren't who she is, so she puts in extra effort to fit into them.

The smirk on Gloria's face tells me that something unpleasant is about to happen but of course, there's nothing I can do other than to wait for it to happen.

As soon as I walk out of the changing room and walk towards the bar to start serving the drinks, I sight him.

The 6'3 foot tall man with full eyebrows and carefree style, brown eyes and steps full of gracefulness and elegance, the man I'll make love to this night.

He came in alone and that's a good sign. He most likely belongs to the circle of up and coming business owners and that's a good sign too as they usually regard this phase as on that'll pass soon enough after a night of passion.

We will never meet again, he is probably on a business trip because I've never seen him around before.

I get a whiff of his cologne. It has a scent I can't figure out. Some mint and…

I lean forward and almost topple over with the drinks in my tray just to get the scent he is carrying as he passed by. It takes me some forty three seconds to come back to my senses.

He looks so neat and even as the bachelor that he is, I can tell that he takes good care of himself, unlike Paul who could spend two days on the couch without taking a shower or brushing his teeth.

I look to the side and realise that even though he came alone, he come for someone, Chloe Amagi our only lesbian customer.

She comes here often with her girlfriend to make use of our spa and sometimes our VIP mini strip rooms.

Are they here on a business meeting or did Chloe become straight?

Even though Chloe and Lola didn't end things well the last time they were here, I don't think they would have gotten over eachother enough to start fucking around, so I can make my move on him.

And even if they were together, it won't hurt anyone since it's just gonna be sex. I'll be the one losing too, since I'm a virgin.

I make sure to serve around where they are sitting so I can follow their conversation or maybe get him, but they seem so busy talking about business.

Who brings business to a strip club?

This goes on for twenty minutes straight until Gloria joins the scene.

As if making me serve almost everyone is not enough, she goes on to force me to down the contents of a glass cup and before I know it, I'm drunk.

Never have I ever had alcohol to the extent of getting drunk and..

I feel horny too, but I am and I don't even know what I drank. Everyone seems to have the same face as Chloe's date.

Simon's POV

After confessing that she was a lesbian and is doing this to get even with her girlfriend who I happened to have fucked as well, we get into random talks about business and I know you would expect that I will be very interested and focused, given that I am affilwith over four hundred companies around the globe, but I am bored out of my wits.

So I let my eyes roam about the club till they get tired and settle on one of the waitresses. I'd say the main reason is her D sized breasts which seem to be her most outstanding feature.

I have been ordering wine glasses just to take a look at her up close and now I'm drunk.

She seems to realise this and wiggles her breast in front of me as she placed my order on the table, Chloe notices this and clears her throat. I do the same and the waitress straightens her back and turns around, but not before sharing eye contact with me.

She continues until the devil fountain and my eyes are focused on each step that she takes because of how well her butts bounce. They look so juicy and like they'll be fun to play with and I mentally search my head for someone who had the same physic as her, but I turn out empty.

They either had a flatter chest or it looked like it was about to spill out of their clothes or it looked like it could burst any minute, or they had none at all and were flat chested.

But she seems to have everything in the right proportion.

My virtual assistant has counted over nine hundred women whom I've climbed the bed with since I turned fifteen and started travelling around the world.

Mom said I was scared of heights so I couldn't travel, but after teenage hit,I started travelling like it was the only thing I could do, one because I found more motivation and inspiration on air and two, because of the new races of ladies I got to meet either on plane or in my destination.

Just like now, even though Chloe turned out to be a lesbian, I got someone else who is willing.

The innocence which she tries to mask is also one of the things I find alluring. I take a picture and send it to my virtual assistant to do a background check on her.

I like to know who I'll be spending the night with, so I don't end up with a big regret.

It usually takes him a while to get things ready, so I relax into my seat and take a glass of wine.

Chloe seems to be occupied in a conversation with me, but I'm more in my head than with her. My thoughts are focused on the nameless beauty.

All of my senses follow her as she rounds a corner which fortunately for me is not a dark one. Just then, I hear a loud crash.

What's going on?

I excuse myself due to my curiosity. Chloe doesn't seem to suspect a thing, or maybe she does and is just a good masker.

The lights aren't bright, so it's pretty much easy for me to blend in with the darkness and remain inconspicuous but the angel seems to notice me either way.

She keeps looking behind her shoulder as she bends to pick the broken glass.

I just want to watch as her backside jiggles and I get just what I want without being noticed or at least called out.

I know I'm probably looking like a pervert now, but she called me out first even if she didn't use her words.

Actions speak louder than words they say.

Everything is going so well and smooth until she pricks her finger with the glass.

Ashley's POV

"Ahh." I can't believe I was so careless.

I'm only like this when my thoughts are divided and right now, my thoughts are in a thousand dimensions.

The guy from earlier who was with Chloe Amagi, how do I seduce him?

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