The Stray Alpha

The Stray Alpha

Zainab Sadiq

31.3k Words / Ongoing


On the eve of her eighteenth birthday, Bella decides to run away from the overprotective life that her pack has forced her to live. She gets thrown into a world that is much bigger than her when she is captured by hunters who use to weaponize her hybrid abilities.
She manages to escape only to fall into the territory of a brooding 1000-year-old exiled alpha who just happens to be her mate. He holds the key to unlocking her hybrid abilities but is reluctant to help her bring an end to the hunters. Despite their connection she decides to return to her pack. But a bond forged by the moon goddess herself can’t be broken so easily.
When war looms around the corner and Bella’s powers begin to consume her, she must turn to her mate who seems to be the only one who can heal her. Will they be able to bring an end to the hunters and maintain the balance or will it be too late?
After all history does have a funny way of repeating itself.

About Author


  • ReaderRicecake

    There are a lot of errors in grammar and word choice that have me mentally editing as I read. The writing style seems a bit rushed because of this; HOWEVER, it's so hard to stop reading. This is a unique and riveting story -- I'm aching to know what's next. It's really sucked me in. A bit more editing and it would, honestly, be ✨️GOLDEN✨️ #winbonus

    09/02/2023 07:59