A few weeks later
Classes were back in session, Kim was acting strange, Alice decided to find out what was going on with her best friend. Inside the classroom.
Alice: How about sleeping at home today? That way we can study together, you help me with history and I'll help you with math.
Kim: - discouraged - okay
Alice: - how cheery of you
Kim - sorry, I'm a bit tired that's all
Alice - Are you sure?
Kim - of course, speaking of which, can we take a nap before we study?
Alice - laughing - can we
Finishing the class Alice and Kim go to Kim's house to get their things and then go to Alice's house.
Alice - Mom, Kimberly will sleep here today, let's go to my room and rest a little bit and then study, okay?
Blanca - Okay daughter, I'll make a special dinner tonight. Kimberly's favorite dish
Kim -. Thank you auntie I missed you and your delicious food.
Blanca - oh my dear you can come whenever you want. Now go upstairs and do your own thing
Alice and Kim go upstairs to Alice's room.
Alice - do you want to take a shower before you get some sleep?
Kim: That's fine, if you want to go first.
Alice - No, you go ahead, in the meantime I will tidy up the room for us to rest.
Kim goes to take a shower, while Alice tidies up the room thinking about how to touch the subject. It didn't take long for Kim to get out of the shower, and Alice took advantage of it and went, and it didn't take long either. When she came out of the bathroom she found her friend crying.
Alice - what happened?
Kim - she tried to disguise it. Nothing, just a speck got in.
Alice: "Friend, since when do you lie to me? Something has been wrong with you for days. Are we going to be best friends or not? Tell me, I want to help you. - She approaches Kim and takes her hands in hers and stares at her tenderly
Kim - nobody can help me, my life is a disaster. It's all over.
Alice - What's over? - asks without understanding
Kim - Crying compulsively - Everything girlfriend, everything, I'm going to have to break up with Tom.
Alice - but why if you love each other so much?
Kim - Mike is threatening if I don't stay with him, if I don't marry him, he will take away my parents' house and deport my parents. My parents are in debt, my friend. We have nothing left, you know that since my father got sick things have been difficult at home. My father couldn't handle a trip.
Alice - He can't do that girlfriend, let's talk to my father, I'm sure he will help
Kim - No way girlfriend, you know how Mike is! He gets everything he wants, he said that if I don't marry him. He will end my family and tom's career that has barely started and you don't know the worst.
Alice - what's the worst?
Kim - I'm pregnant Alice, I'm expecting Tom's child and he can never know.
Alice - girlfriend, but it's his right to know, you can't hide it from him
Kim: I know, but I'm going to have to hide it for his sake, and for the sake of my family and my baby. Alice, promise me you won't tell anyone - only you know that. Not even Tom.
Alice - more
Kim - please Alice.
Alice - okay, I won't tell anyone. Have you talked to Tom yet? You mean, did you break up with him?
Kim - not yet. Mike gave me a month, but I have to do it as soon as possible. Then Alice my life is over. It was going to be the best time of my life, going to college, starting a family with Tom and having our baby.
Alice - Hey girlfriend, don't be like that, it will harm the baby, we have a month, let's try to think of something. Just the two of us OK? You know you can count on me?
Kim - Thank you Alice you are the best person in the world, I don't know how Alex abandoned you. Did he really never call you again? No e-mails, text messages or phone calls?
Alice - no, but forget about him, he doesn't deserve that we waste time talking or thinking about him. Now we have to take care of you and my nephew or niece. Let's rest and then study a little bit, at least to disguise it to my parents - weak laugh
Kim - Maria Alice, you are turning out to be quite the rebel. You had sex with a stranger, got a tattoo and now you want to pretend you're studying. Where is my holy friend? - both laugh
Alice - I think she stayed in Paris - they laugh again.