Days later Kim is desperate and doesn't know what else to do. Mike has given her a month. But he keeps threatening her all the time. Tom starts to suspect that something is wrong, she's always avoiding him, making excuses and being strange.
Alice is desperate trying to help her friend, her mother can't think of anything, the only thing she does is to try to convince Tom that there is nothing wrong, it's just stress with the exams, besides being the year of the vestibular and everything else.
The three of them are at Taylor's having coffee, talking, when Mike shows up and goes towards them
Mike - Hello beautiful people
Alice - What do you want ?
Mike - Our little redhead, why are you like this? I think you need some sex. Oh I forgot, the guy gave you a puff, ate and disappeared from the map. But let it go you're hot. There must be someone who wants it. I could be with you, but I don't think my girlfriend will want it. Although she's living a double life. She's living a double life, so it won't be a problem if I take you both to bed, will it, my love? - Pulls Kim in, squeezing her face and kissing her hard
Tom - Let go of my girlfriend man
Mike - yours? Oh my love you haven't told him yet? - debauch - i thought i told him that we are together and soon we will get married
Mike - yes we are going to get married, have lots of children and have a beautiful family. Oh and of course you are invited, I hope you will be godparents. I'm counting on you?
Tom - have you been drinking or on drugs? She is my girlfriend not yours - furious - tell him love
Mike - Come on baby tell him the truth, lay your cards on the table
Kim starts crying in despair and says nothing
Tom - Come on my love, tell me, he's crazy, you're not going to marry him, this is a joke isn't it?
Kim cries even more and shakes her head that it's not a joke
Tom - how is this not a joke? I know we love each other, we have plans
Kim - I ... I'm so sorry - crying
Tom - are you sorry? I can't believe you're doing this. How could you? We've been together for years - he takes her by the arm without realizing how hard it is - you can't do this to me and our love? Our dreams? - at this point they were both sobbing. Alice cried even more because she couldn't help her friends.
Tom - don't do this to me my love - hugs crying
Kim - crying - I love you, but I can't, I'm sorry, you deserve someone who makes you happy. Someone better
Tom - If you love me, why are you marrying him? What's going on?
Kim opens and closes her mouth but nothing comes out, then Mike barges in
Mike - How humiliating, you keep begging for love Tom, I thought you had everything you wanted, but by the looks of it you haven't, you've lost the love of your pussycat, aah I know why don't you stay with the redhead, they're both single, she's hot too, you can tell me you've never noticed or never wanted to get her, imagine both of them at the same time .... - Tom flies up to Mike, knocking him to the ground, giving a sequence of punches to Mike, who doesn't even try to stop him, he laughs like a madman
Mike - you can hit, hit all you want but Kim you lost my friend. Now she is mine.
Tom - Shut up you idiot, I'm sure there's something wrong with this story. She loves me
Mike - Don't you know how to lose? Give me a break, there's nothing wrong - Tom punches Mike again, the girls scream desperately for someone to break it up, but nobody tries, because they're all enjoying watching Mike get his ass kicked. This is everyone's dream over there. Mike's face is covered with blood, until the cops arrive to break up the fight.
Policeman - Everyone is under arrest, let's all go to the police station.
Alice - more sir?
Policeman - Everyone, there you'll talk to the sheriff.
Policemen take the 4 of them to the police station and wait for a while. Alice trying to calm down Tom and Kim and Mike with that evil grin all the time.
Marshal - Somebody tell me what happened here
Mike - Well sir, nothing much, just my friend who doesn't know how to lose, just because his girlfriend preferred me, he got all nervous and decided to attack me.
Alice - It wasn't like that, you provoked him until the last minute
Deputy - Mr. Mike Rouseban, great Mike, some people just can't lose, can they? Congratulations beautiful lady. Would you like to make an official report?
Mike - No my friend. Could you let us all go? Actually, I would like you to take my fiancée and me to a hospital, I need to take care of my wounds and my fiancée is pregnant, she must have had a fright like that to see her love all bruised like that.
Tom - Pregnant?
Mike - Yes, I'm going to be a father, I'm so happy, I'm going to marry the woman I love and start a family, isn't it wonderful?
Kim goes into shock how does he know? She hasn't told anyone but Alice. The two of them exchange frightened glances
Tom - gets up and thinks about hitting him again, but Alice holds him and looks at him to make him wake up and remember that he's at the police station - congratulations to the couple, congratulations. - He looks at Kim with a look of disappointment, his heart has been broken into a thousand pieces. Sir, can you release us?
Deputy - Well, since Mike won't make an official report, you can go. Everyone is free. Mike, I will make sure to drop you off at the hospital and ask one of my men to take your car there.