Two days later..……
I had already packed everything Xavier had instructed me to, so all that remained was to wait for him to arrive.
It was almost midnight when I heard screaming and yelling coming from the door of the room I was currently locked in.
'What now?' I thought as the voices became louder and closer with each passing minute.
The door was then yanked open, revealing Xavier on the other side, covered in splashes of blood and his sword dripping with it too.
He looked quite scary. Standing there covered in blood, staring back at me, the door discarded by his side as if it were nothing.
"Xavier!!" I yelled in dismay, paused for about a minute because I was afraid he might be hurt, then dashed over to him while frantically searching his body for injuries. When I looked up at him, he had a small smile on his face.
"I'm fine, Vee; it's not my blood. I'll explain everything later, but we need to get going! Go get your stuff," he said. I nodded in agreement and immediately obeyed, not wanting to argue with him.
As we ran through the tower's corridor, I couldn't help but notice the dead bodies littering the grounds.
I recognised a few of them; they were the guards Michael had assigned to keep me in check. I felt nothing seeing them dead after everything they'd done to me. This was a less painful punishment than they deserved.
As we got closer to the bottom of the tower, the seal that was restricting my abilities began to wear off as the potency of my powers increased, I felt rejuvenated.
But before we could leave without any problems, we were ambushed by a group of guards.
Before they could attack, I formed balls of fire in my hands and hurled them at them; the fire engulfed them as their screams filled the tower, and it felt good to hear them in pain; you can judge me all you want, but they deserved it and more.
"Let's go, it'll only be a matter of time before the castle guards inform my father and brother of your escape and our involvement," Xavier said.
"Our? Are there other people helping you?" I questioned,
"Yes, like I told you earlier, I will tell you everything, but we must move," Xavier replied as he pushed open the large door behind the tower's staircase, leading to the forest that surrounded the tower.
As we walked out of this cursed tower for the first time in two years, I could feel my eyes well up with tears. It felt great to feel the wind on my skin and gaze up at the night sky without any bars in my way.
"We have to get to the border. We will be safe as soon as we cross it. I'm going to need you to run and keep up with me, okay?" Xavier said as he gently squeezed my hand.
"Lead the way, and I'll follow," I replied, using magic to make my injuries bearable so I could keep up with him. Although, because he is a werewolf, keeping up with him would be quite difficult but I will try my best.
Xavier took off running, and I followed close behind. We got further and further away from the tower, but just as I thought we were out of danger, a howl in the distance sent a chill down my spine.
I recognised that howl anywhere; it was Micheal, and he knew that I've escaped and was now on the hunt for us!
"I want you to listen to me, Vee. Whatever happens, I want you to keep going. And when you get to the border and cross it, I want you to find a man named Sebastian and tell him Yona sent you. He will understand and keep you safe," Xavier yelled while running, but as we got closer to the border, he abruptly stopped and faced the incoming howls.
"Xavie, come on, what are you doing?" I stopped and yelled.
"Go, Vee! I will keep them back. You need to run now!" Xavier yelled as he transformed into a wolf to fight off the soldiers coming after us.
"What the fuck, Xavier?! I'm not going to abandon you! I'd rather die at his hands than leave you to fight those monsters on your own!" I yelled at him, but he growled back, attempting to scare me away, but that wasn't going to work
"Run Vee." Xavier snapped
"I'm not going to let you play the hero when we can both escape, so get your butt over here because I'm not leaving!"
"It's not a request, Vee! You must run right now!" He mindlinked with me as his threatening growls grew louder.
He has fully transformed into a large, black wolf. He had a large scar down its back, and his fur was full and beautiful. Under the moonlight, his green eyes glowed menacingly.
"I'm not afraid of you, Xavier. I'm not leaving you!"
"Vee--" he tried to say something, but he was cut off by a loud growl as another large wolf emerged from the woods, stalking the two of us.
This one wasn't as tall as Xavier, but it was just as big, and its fur was brown. His fucking black eyes, like something from hell, gave him away. I'd recognise those eyes anywhere. It was Michael. We have no choice but to fight the bastard now that he has tracked us down.
"You thought you could run away from me, Venus? How dare you!" Michael yelled through the mindlink, followed by a loud, threatening growl.
"Fuck you, Michael!" I yelled, watching as other wolves surrounded us and prepared to attack. I got behind Xavier, preparing my magic to protect us.
"I knew you were a traitor all along, Xavier, but running away with my wife is just pathetic. Michael said as he took steps towards us
"So I'm your wife now? But when you were fucking that blonde bimbo, who was I?" I scoffed. "A sidekick?"
"Don't talk about my mate like that, bitch!" Michael growled, his eyes darkening with rage as he stared down at us.
"You are the pitiful one here, Michael. You consider yourself to be a man? But you still beat your wife like a coward?" Xavier said, and I believe that pushed Michael over the edge, because he lunged forward to attack Xavier but Xavier dodged his attack, then the men that followed Michael surrounded us blocking any means of escape.
"I was going to enjoy killing you, but father wants you alive" Michael said getting ready to attack, "However, he wasn't against me leaving you crippled,"
"I'd like to see you try," Xavier taunted as the two wolves began to circle each other, watching each other's every move and growling ferociously.
"If you two do escape, you would be fugitives, how do you expect to live happily?" Michael asked as his lips curled up, displaying his incisors.
"I don't think it's any of your business and I think vee and I can both agree that we're better off being fugitives than staying here," Xavier growled, adding, "So you can go fuck yourself"
The wolves around us growled in response to Xavier's last remark, and Michael went on to say, "Just say you are jealous of me and everything I have, especially Venus, I always knew you had a thing for her,"
"I was and never would be jealous of a coward like you Michael, you are nothing but trash that needs to be taught a lesson." Xavier said as he drew his lip back in a smile.
"Silence, brother! She is mine and you can't have her!" Michael yelled as he let out a ferocious growl.
"She is not yours, brother! She belongs to no one!" Without another word Michael launched at Xavier.
The wolves surrounding us wanted to attack Xavier at the same time, but I stepped forward to block their way.
"If you want to get to him, you have to go through me first," I said, drawing a ring of fire around the two princes, just enough for them to fight.
"You can't do shit, you're just a pathetic little witch," one of the soldiers said, and a smile spread across my face.
"I'm going to enjoy this," I said as I formed a fireball in my hands and hurled it at some soldiers, the fire engulfing them and I enjoyed watching as they burned, their screams echoing through the forest, and the sight of their comrades burning made the remaining wolves hesitate to attack.
When Xavier and Michael collided, I turned to see how he was doing. Michael swiped at Xavier's face, but Xavier dodged him expertly putting distance between them.
Michael then lunged at Xavier again, but this time he couldn't avoid the attack because a wolf got in the way, allowing Michael to bite on Xavier's unprotected shoulder.
Xavier howled and fought to get rid of his brother's wolf on his shoulder. Michael tried to hang on, but Xavier shook him off, tossing him across the forest floor, then Michael got back to his feet and growled at Xavier.
"I'm disappointed, brother; is that all you got? It will take more than a shoulder wound to bring me down!" Xavier said as he braced himself for another of Michael's attacks.
"Give up now, brother; what makes you think a pup like you can take me down?" Michael snapped, launching himself at Xavier.
Xavier smiled as he leapt over Michael's body, grabbing him by the tail and biting him hard, causing Michael to howl in pain.
Xavier yanked Michael backwards and threw him into the nearest tree, and I swear I heard his ribs crack as He landed on the ground with a thud.
"Come on, Vee. Let's go," Xavier said as he turned to face me. I looked up at the large black wolf with pride in my eyes because he was able to take down Michael, but our celebration was cut short when a loud growl echoed through the forest. We both turned back to face Michael, who was struggling to get to his feet.
"I'm not done yet, brother; the fight continues!" Michael yelled as he rose to his feet.
"Not for long, Michael," I said, forming small balls of fire with my magic and launching them at Michael, who wasn't quick enough to dodge the attack, and the balls of fire hit him, knocking him to the ground.
"Come on, Xavier, let's move while he's down," I said as I approached Xavier in his wolf form.
The remaining wolves I hadn't burned wanted to attack, but Xavier used his power as alpha to stop them.
I thought it was over. We could finally escape, but it was not to be, because soon after I was on Xavier's back, I felt a sharp pain in my head, and Xavier's whimpers were the last thing I heard before passing out.